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[COD BOMB] Rockets have a backup plan for BIG 6 if signing Lebron fails in the summer

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by hakeem94, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    C'mon, we will miss you, dun resort to drastic measures, I know we need to grow thiccer skin in here.

    Better times will come. I dun even care about Lebron James.

    But his decision will keep other guys' decisions on hold.
    #581 daywalker02, Jun 24, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018
    da_juice, saleem and hakeem94 like this.
  2. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Much respect for you D-rock. Yes we can all dream of LeBron trying it short term. Some
    close to LeBron make it seem like he feels Houston is some sort of “slummin.” Not me, I love
    the city of Houston. Sad to think someone coming from Cleveland looks down on Houston.

    Maybe he is afraid of Hurricanes? In L.A. you have earthquakes and wild fires. To each their own.
    You can go to Austin and try to make it in country western music, but the place to be is in Nashville.
    If you want to be in movies, documentaries, commercials or make and produce the same....you can
    be in Houston, but the place to be is in Hollywood. Easier to do retakes on movie scenes....yr round.

    Have you seen his L.A. home? They claim that just the work permits have added up to nearly $70 thou.


    I believe he is ready for a 4 or 5 yr (SnT) with L.A.

    How does the Creedence Clearwater Revival song go:
    I ain’t no senators son
    It ain’t me
    It ain’t me
    We ain’t the fortunate ones
    D-rock likes this.
  3. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    interior of lbj's house is gauche to the max. but aside from this, the property itself is nothing great as far as elite LA homes go. the view, landscaping, etc are certainly not fitting of a 'king'. in h-town he could really be the king james he believes he is. in LA he's just another star
    slothy420, jch1911 and hakeem94 like this.
  4. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    This quote from HP right there is worth reading again. You could also apply that to more than just being on an internet message board.

    People pounding their chest about "being right?" Who the F cares? People need to think big picture and less "me, me, ego."
  5. Angkor Wat

    Angkor Wat Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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  6. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Apache warrior manages to sneak in a salary cap error in every post lol
  7. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    hes a warrior after all not a GM
    Bobsputin likes this.
  8. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I'm not attacking you at all , haven't called you any kind of idiot or anything of the sort … I just posted a differing opinion and asked specific questions (which you didn't answer) based off of information we currently have.

    As for your bet - any of us leaving CF permanently , that's just silly.
  9. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Fair enough. I’ve felt like I’ve been attacked unfairly over the last 2 weeks, possibly because I’ve been busting my
    tail end working non stop. Normally I like to do my research on my iPad in the luxury of my house. Recently
    I’ve resorted to posting from my phone. I admit my eyes are finally failing me and I need cheater reading glasses.

    I engined searched from my phone, “who have the Lakers amnestied?” I got back, “Lakers hoping to have amnesty
    clause in new CBA....so they could use it to amnesty Brook Lopez.” I misread it and didn’t click on it because I was
    rushed back to work. So I apologize to @DonKnock. I lashed out at you because I didn’t appreciate being called
    a “Smug F”

    I had this gorilla dude come out of no where entering the post attacking me by kicking in the room with both guns a
    blazing and cussing me out. Those posting may have given me the feeling that I’m being attacked and many
    saw me retaliate. People always see the second guy retaliate, which had others take pop shots at me.
    Sorry for dragging others into that @justtxyank to those involved.

    The other mistake I made was passing by the TV while they were talking about LeBron and the Lakers.
    They went on to mention L.A. hav8ng two lottery picks. After I posted I questioned myself because I studied
    both the Lakers and Suns picks this draft like two days later. I didn’t remember the Lakers having that favorable
    of picks. Plus OKC doesn’t have bird rights on Paul George (I believe) so no SnT needed there.

    Again I’ve said LeBron was coming to Houston in Dec and Jan on possibly a 2-yr deal with a player option on the
    2nd year. But since the trade deadline I’ve been saying that the Cavs have opened up another option that might
    be more desirable for LeBron.

    And I’ve fought with the ball scientist for months (Feb thru May) about the cap space. I was telling her that the
    Rockets have bird rights on Ariza, CP3, Capela and can sign them after approaching the luxury tax level.
    What I kept to myself is.......How is Tillman going to pay for it? It’s easy for a rookie owner to say I’m going to
    spend like crazy and I’m willing to but the world and the sun......but when you set the contracts of Harden (no trade c)
    and CP3 (5-yr & no trade c) & LeBron ($35 mil & no trade c) plus Capela (possibly poison pill $25 mil w/no trade c w/trade kicker on the first yr) plus Ariza ($8 to $12 mil who may ask the world and demand no trade). Give everyone a raise
    like GG and Luc MaM. It all looks good on paper (not really) but not feasible. LeBron has dealt with an experienced
    ownership in Miami that balked after the players said no more discount. Cavs owner is saying no mas. Why am
    I paying $140 mil and still not beating the Warriors.....and getting practically swept two straight years. LeBron
    is smart enough to be weary of the rookie owner. Not his first go-around with this stuff.

    As in “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” : “if you ain’t first......your last!”—Ricky Bobby.

    Spurs should trade with the Lakers. Avoid legal issues on Kawhi bypassing his obligations to play.
    But Kawhi can do a Kyrie and threaten to have surgery to clean out his knee(s).....then shoulder surgery to
    clean out the shoulder. A team in the East will give less in value because they will say they are renting him.
    But then turn around and trading a Kawhi to the Lakers by trading deadline and reap all the rewards of
    young players and draft picks. Spurs might as well reap the rewards. Kawhi is going to force himself there,
    one way or another.....because he is an unrestricted FA in summer ‘19.

    Now I’m getting some time off from work. P.S. I think the Lakers/LeBron/Paul George/ Magic Johnson are worried
    that this arrangement of joining together may be toppled by tampering accusations. The Gary Payton leak may
    stem from a Laker personnel telling a family member......who told another family member.........who told a friend
    who told Gary Payton....type of thing. Made some people nervous and LeBron mad. This is why you get comments
    like Paul George talking like he might stay in OKC. LeBron saying that there are too many moving parts to say he has
    decided where he is going. Magic Johnson telling Laker personnel to “zip it.” All giving some misdirection stuff.
    Just my opinion.

    Again, I’m not perfect......but I am passionate about the Rockets!!
  10. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    haha, I count at least three more in his most recent...plus a Tilman misspelling

    Harden doesn't have a no trade clause

    Paul can't get a no-trade from Rockets,, requires at least 4 yrs with the team

    You can't Poison Pill a player with Full Bird Rights.
    Capela can't get a no-trade clause until he has 8yrs in the league.
  11. DonKnock

    DonKnock Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    No need to apologize, but it is acknowledged.

    I thought you were trolling about using an amnesty anyway lol.
    ApacheWarrior likes this.
  12. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Misspelling names here on Clutchfans is common. I still see Capela spelt as Capella.

    So Harden can be traded while in this current contract? Technically right? But would an owner do that? Like trading
    the face of the franchise Olajuwon at the age of around, what 32? Not happening.

    CP3 opted in before trade to Houston.....transferring bird rights which allows for 5th year contract. If you are correct, what makes the Houston situation attractive to CP3? Possibly no 5th year as reports are
    claiming Tillman worries that CP3 might not be able to stay healthy, especially at the tail end of the
    deal. And can be traded at any time. You just made it more attractive to join LeBron in L.A. to me.

    Capela 8 yrs? Parsons was 4 yrs. They changed the rule then. So be it. Hawks are clearing room supposedly to
    go after Capela. Buckle up.
  13. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    CodGod drops gems in another thread .. let's get this one back on track!
    Crutch City, DonKnock and Zboy like this.
  14. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Parsons got a trade-kicker/trade bonus. I was just pointing out the rules of no-trade clauses. Those are different things.
    • Capela can't get a no-trade clause because it requires 8yrs tenure in the NBA.
    • Paul can't get a no-trade clause *with the Rockets*, because it requires 4yrs previous tenure with the team. (fwiw: Doesn't have to be most recent four yrs.)
    This brings up another point, Lebron's no-trade clause will expire if he opts-out, or in 1 yr if he opts-in. Only CLE and MIA can give him a new one. He cannot continue the No-Trade with an extension, because his current contract is not eligible for an extension (not long enough).

    That said: I'm not 100% sure if he can get a new NTC via a SnT to a team he doesn't have 4yrs tenure with. That loophole might be closed. Neither the CBA articles on SnTs nor Coon's FAQ address SnTs allowing Lebron to get a new one via signing with CLE then immediately traded via SnT. The spirit of the loophole-closing, new SnT rules is that the free agent and new team no longer get benefits put into the contract that only a contract with the incumbent team would allow...such as, length, %-raises, DVPE status for SuperMax.
    DonKnock, s3ts and hakeem94 like this.
  15. Rox11

    Rox11 Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    So who is the big 6?
  16. FLASH21

    FLASH21 Heart O' Champs

    Jun 21, 2008
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    I wanna see who agrees to the deal....
    DonKnock, Sean Dr34ms, s3ts and 3 others like this.
  17. s3ts

    s3ts Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    kay, LBJ isn't off the table yet, and he might not even be off the table until free agency officially starts.

    but we got like no speculation here about who the big-6 is? Harden, CP3, ... who else?
  18. Bobsputin

    Bobsputin Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    My brothers (2) and I are kinda big. Harden, CP3, and the Bobsputin brothers make 5. Who else wants some?!?!
  19. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Interesting points.

    I’ve just been saying it’s hard to give Harden/CP3/LeBron/Capela (w/big money) enough pie to keep them all happy.
    Each takes chances by losing control of their future faith.

    But no LeBron allows for less need to move someone in the near future. Enough pie for Harden/CP3/Capela to not worry.

    Since I’m a believer LeBron’s new home in Brentwood is an indicator that LeBrons wife and kids will be in L.A......and
    since some say family is out ranking winning immediately.......means LeBron will be in L.A.. CP3 can ink the deal with Houston and relax more.

    LeBron schedule may look like this:
    6:00 a.m. workout
    9:00 a.m. shoot-around/practice (Lakers)
    11:30 a.m. lite workout
    12:00 p.m. lunch
    1:00 p.m. movie set shooting
    5:00 p.m. Bronny finishes homework/basketball practice after school
    6:00 p.m. dinner
    7:00 p.m. Bronny teammates arrive to practice in new basketball court at Bron’s home. Pippen/K-Mart/LeBron give their suggestions and coach up the kids on technique with their plays.
    9:00 p.m. LeBron has Bronny shot 100 FT’s.....200 (3-pt) shots.....some layups. LeBron workout.

    Next day the same......only instead of movie filming, possibly filming commercial or business meetings.

    Now that’s not to say LeBron couldn’t take a two yr contract with (Rockets) player option on 2nd yr.....but winning a ring
    in Houston first yr pretty much obligate LeBron to continue another year. Which may lead to a year after that.
    Not sure LeBron wants to be away from his family for that long. Season goes Oct to June for LeBron. 9 months.
    Pippen or K Martin could guide the kids with their basketball @ LeBrons house.
    LeBron would want to get Bronny off to a solid start going into high school ball.

    There I’m done on the topic @hakeem94 .......no more.
    hakeem94 likes this.
  20. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    When you first started posting here I thought, this guy's pretty thoughtful and has some interesting takes on sports. But geez, you got some thin skin. Have you not seen what goes on in any online forum? Get over it...and yourself.
    HakeemOnlyFan and Corrosion like this.

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