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[ClutchFans] Life after Bosh: Why matching Parsons and focusing on 2014-15 should remain a priority

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by The Cat, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Shark44

    Shark44 71er
    Supporting Member

    Sep 21, 1999
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    I agree with Cat, this isn't devastating, even though it may feel that way.

    Bringing back Chandler I believe is the right thing to do. It's what magic Morey can manage in 36 hours to help build our bench that will make the difference for next season.

    Whether its an Ariza (not my choice) or Birdman (Dwight back-up) building our bench has to be our top priority.

    I think GARM really under values DMo's potential and that he could really step up as a 4/5 role player this year. I also believe that between last years (3) and this years rookies (1-3) we should have at least one rotation contributor. Finally, we do have some overseas talent that we could tap into that could be rotation folks.

    If we improve the bench, the likelihood that Howard, Harden, Parsons, Bev and Jones improve their games/teamwork this overseason will make us a better team.

    Just getting Casspi and Garcia out of the 4/3 rotation has to make us better.
  2. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    If we go the complimentary route, I hope we trade for Mirotic's right and sign as many of our euros as possible.
  3. MrButtocks

    MrButtocks Member

    May 29, 2005
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    Match Parsons' offer. Hope that TJones can be more reliable and build his value next year. Pray that New Orleans is somehow bad next year and gets us a 5-6 pick. Trade assets midseason for a disgruntled star. Contend for championship.
  4. Amiga

    Amiga Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Always mix up those 15/16. Parson signed 3 yrs, so same situation.
  5. Texanswin2013

    Texanswin2013 Member

    May 15, 2013
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    The 2015 FA class is absolute garbage. Stockpile talent these next 36 hhours. Hopefully we'll have enough pieces to land a star.
  6. rabblerabble

    rabblerabble Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    I don't think that's Morey's play here. The way Parsons got his contract structured he is 100% leaving after Year 2 barring catastrophic injury. With his RFA status Morey won't be able to trade him at all during Year 1 without Parsons approval. He'd have from summer of 2015 to trade deadline 2016 to flip a player making $15 million with a player opt out for the following year. He'd be in Kevin Love's position right now, with Parsons choosing his highest combination of winning % chance and $$$. I think if Parsons is still on the roster after the trade deadline he's gone in free agency, wildly guessing Orlando, Miami, Dallas, LA, LA, Golden State as places he'd go. At that point all the Rockets could get for him would be a sign and trade for an asset neither Parsons nor his new team would care about.

    I think what Morey is going to do is decline, pass on Ariza and Deng, and fill out the roster on team option players to use as trade assets/cap flexibility for trade deadline 2015, summer 2015, trade deadling 2016, and possibly even summer 2016. If that happens McHale probably gets fired in the next 18 months as he tries to integrate new faces.
  7. Amiga

    Amiga Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Very tough job for DM. We aren't talking about improving on last year team. He gutted the team... lost 3 rotational players for good reasons that all fall apart. On top of that, Parson max contract put him in not just a time bind to make decision, but would have long term consequences.

    So yea, with the current constraint, I'm not as optimistic as before when he have the time and space to do what he does so well.
  8. da_juice

    da_juice Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Nice piece. Its nice to see a level headed take, even though Im not as optimistic as you are. I think we're at a critical junction now. This offseason and the upcoming deadline will be crucial if we're going to actually accomplish anything within the 2-3 year window we have. I dont think we're building a big 3. What we need to do now, is bolster the PF positions and the bench- especially with regards to a 2nd rim protector and another guy who can create his own shot.

    And I'll say this; if this team goes a
    anywhere, we need a lucky break (for once). An bad series from KD, CP3, or one of those guys. A fluke in matchups (ala the Sonics during Hakeems title run). A tremendous leap forward from Jones or DMO. Or a few diamond in the rough findings.
  9. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    You only improve if you're young. OKC's bench might not be better next year than it was the past two. They lost Sefolosha, a starter, and whatever improvements they get from Lamb and Adams will be negated by the devolution of Perkins and Collison. Jackson is a wild card, but he played really well last year so it's not like an equal performance next year would represent much of an improvement.

    The Clippers, Spurs, Blazers, and Mavs are all older than us. Golden State is capped out thanks to Bogut David Lee and Iguodala who will keep that team anchored in their current not-good-enough status.

    Time is on our side.
  10. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    great article, Cat. Agreed.

    I'd love to see us grab parsons back and then figure out a way to strengthen the 4 spot
  11. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    You sure about this? The main guy that's guarded Harden over the years is Sefalosha, and he's gone. As for Ibaka's presence, the main issue there is the lack of range at the 4 spot, which allows him to help on Howard. Bring in the stretch 4 that this team is obviously looking for and you can significantly reduce the Ibaka factor.

    Why should they be even better -- who have they brought in? It's pretty much the same roster. And yes, Griffin can improve based on his age... so can Harden, Parsons, Jones, Beverley, etc. The Clippers, honestly, are fairly maxed out. Team has had a ton of continuity and they are what they are. The Rockets in 2013-14 were essentially brand new, so to a neutral observer, there's a lot more upward mobility.

    And don't tell me about the Clippers' 4-0 record against the Rockets if you're going to turn around and dismiss the reverse as being relevant against San Antonio.
  12. arno_ed

    arno_ed Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Great article. Agree 100%.
  13. HouTXmetro

    HouTXmetro Member

    Apr 25, 2014
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    Isn't Lemarcus Aldridge a restricted free agent next year?
  14. burnshroom

    burnshroom Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Good read. And good points. Gives me hope when looking at the big picture.

    But all this is contingent on us matching Parsons.
  15. burnshroom

    burnshroom Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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  16. MarkItZero

    MarkItZero Member

    Jul 23, 2012
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    Great article. We need to sign as much talent as we can before Sunday night.

    Then we absolutely have to match Parsons.
  17. okierock

    okierock Member

    Oct 3, 2001
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    My problem is this, is a team with just Parsons better than a team with Parsons, Asik and Lin? Parsons salary ballooned enough that we have to cut Asik and Lin to keep him. There is about $3M difference so we will see if we can replace the production of Lin and Asik with that $3M.

    I don't think we can. I don't have a better answer though, DM is in a tough spot.
  18. HouTXmetro

    HouTXmetro Member

    Apr 25, 2014
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    I understand that's what he said... but he is waiting meaning that it's possible he won't. Unlike the Bosh situation, Portland is not Miami. I definitely do think he would be open to coming back home to Texas.
  19. Hakeemtheking

    Hakeemtheking Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Love your article. It is something that depressed Rockets fans need to read.

    After the addition of our own two superstars, I have always been conflicted about either to add a third one or to use the money to shore up the bench with better role players. It is clear now what we should go: match Parsons and get players in positions of need.

    No time to lament Rockets fans, we will be better than next year.
  20. recadna

    recadna Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    If we match parson's contract, we are done. The reason? His contract effectively kills our cap space for the next three years. Our current core rotation is not good enough for a deep playoff run. DH has two more years in the contract and he will be gone if we do not have a huge playoff success or have one more star adding on.

    We need to keep the cap flexibility in the next two years to attract another all-star player by FA or S and T. Heck, I would trade Aisk or Lin back for their expiring contracts.

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