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[ClutchFans] Houston Rockets Salary Cap Update (3/26/2012)

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by BimaThug, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. cod

    cod Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    If they allow him to become a restricted free agent and can lock him into 2-3M/yr contract. Besides being a good contract to have on the roster. I think he'd be more valuable as a trade piece as well.
  2. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
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    Feb 13, 1999
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    Good instincts, I'd say.

    Sacramento is an interesting choice. Teams get to a point where they no longer need a top lottery pick and they need some stability. Sacramento could qualify there, and they could use a top point guard. It's not like Lowry is old either, but he's not an immature rookie (assuming the referees are male).

    Those who say, "But what if we can't sign Dragic?" That would suck, but I don't care. Doesn't matter to me if we don't have a point guard at all after the draft. If you can use Lowry or any player to get a top notch, high ceiling player -- do it. Don't hesitate because it creates a hole or two in the roster... filling the lineup with solid role players isn't going to be an issue... Daryl Morey is king at that.
  3. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    Even if this is a stacked draft, I think it will be stacked more in terms of good players, not potential stars. I think there will be a couple potential "star" players from this draft. Andre Drummond is one of them. If we could trade up in position to pick him, I'd be willing to give up whatever it took.

    If its Harrison Barnes, Brad Beal or Jared Sullinger, I'll pass.
  4. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    I think you may be right on the draft overall, though I really like Beal and think he could be a player. I don't mean to turn this into a draft analysis thread, but my early take is:

    Anthony Davis - possible franchise player.
    Michael Kidd-Gilchrist - would definitely trade up for this guy.
    Andre Drummond - scary... for the team that drafts him.

    The need for size though could make it so the Rockets would want to take a risk on a player like Drummond. So much will depend on who wins the lotto, getting into the top 3 picks.

    Agree with the thought, written by Fawkward and others, that if the Rockets get 3 first rounders (big "if" at this point), they won't keep them all. They'll try to trade up. Maybe this year they'll actually succeed.
  5. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    Reminds me of Jefferson + Armstrong + Collins for Eddie Griffin.

    Too bad Rudy kept trying to make him shoot 3s. He was like a Josh Smith type.

    Drummond is a bit of a risk, but I see more Cousins/D.Jordan than Olowokandi.
  6. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    This. Although I'm not even sure I'd bet the farm on Drummond. Outside of Anthony Davis and his unibrow, I am very underwhelmed with the true "star potential" of this draft class. Like moes says, lots of quality starters in this draft; just not enough stars.

    People underestimate how good so many of our players are compared to mid- and late lottery talents. Heck, if Marcus Morris had stayed for his senior season at Kansas, he'd likely still be picked in the 10-15 range this year, if not higher.

    CAN guys like Drummond, Barnes, MKD and Beal become true stars in the NBA? Sure, they can. But they're far from sure things and will more likely be above-average starters to fringe All-Star caliber players.

    Kyle Lowry for the #6 pick??? No, thanks.

    #14, #15, and #22 for the #6 pick? Sure, why not?
  7. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I agree what Morey would likely prefer using the cap space to facilitate a bigger transaction than signing Budinger to a favorable extension.

    However, check out questions ##52 and 53 in Larry Coon's FAQ. They are based on the last CBA but I haven't heard it changed.


    It seems that teams with cap room and a player in the applicable contractual situation can execute the Nick Collison Maneuver until March 1 of each year, which would be after the trade deadline in a normal season. This means that the Rockets would have plenty of time to explore the "better options" next season would know whether they still have some cap room left over past the trade deadline in 2013 to do what I suggest.
  8. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    last I remember Drummond was leaning towards heading back to school. has any additional word come out?
    If thats the case, there is one less player with "star potential" on the board
  9. houstunnin

    houstunnin Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I am going to take Bud spot.
  10. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    Hard to see him going back to school when he'll be a guaranteed Top 10 pick, but if he does it may answer some of the questions about his work ethic.
  11. Rockets Jones

    Rockets Jones Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    Same story, different year. Thanks for the update!
  12. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Have restrictions on sign and trades been added to the new CBA?

    I recall around the time they made the agreement it had been mentioned, but can't find any confirmation in perusing the interweb.

    We should really have you head a CBA tutorial as a CF get together one of these days...I would gladly buy you a beer for your troubles :p
  13. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Giving up a young All-star calliber PG for a "potential" All-star calliber player... yeah. I dont get it unless its a top 5 pick that will materialize into a transformative player Ala Kevin Durant/Derrick Rose.

    The only player I see in this draft that is definitely transformative is Anthony Davis. Does that mean Lowry is off the table on draft day???.. absolutely not if the right pick/prospect is in play, but I would temper expectations that any trade involving Lowry would be to move down in the draft just a couple of spots to take a "prospect."

    From what I can take out of all of this is that the Rockets are setup perfectly with the "cap space" to absorb a large bad contract in trade more than anything to aquire that building block piece. Secondly, the cap flexibility is there to protect themselves from becoming a team that stabilizes on players that only get you to the first round of the playoffs.

    Look at the Baron Davis/Clipper trade as an example of what you might be able to accomplish if you put yourself in a position to absorb a bad contract in trade. You might get lucky and be awarded with Kyrie Irving, or you might get a proven All-star player as well in the deal. The later is pretty unlikely. Guys that become available are always guys like Monta Ellis, Kevin Martin, etc. Borderline all-stars who have some sort of flaws. Another "Gasol-type" deal probably will be hard to accomplish again.

    -The goal for this front office has been, and will continue to stay the same going into next year. Continue to draft smart, and develop young players who will take those "next steps" to make the Rockets a playoff team. When those players get the team to that point, they will have much more value to make bigger, bolder moves in trade.

    The cap flexibility they have will be key going forward to make sure they dont stabilize on a roster that they cannot make moves with.(See Atlanta Hawks) All the while stay open to mega trades, or current All-stars that come available randomly in trade talks like the Gasol deal. In the meantime, the hope will be that some young player on their roster will work hard enough to take their game to the next level and make themselves into the All-Star building block the Rockets desperately covet.(best case scenario)
  14. CheezeyBoy22

    CheezeyBoy22 Member
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    May 20, 2005
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    Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I find it really hard not to think Morey will either trade Martin or Scola along with those draft picks for this upcoming draft. I know this only works if we don't make the playoffs and if Dallas gets a better overall record before the season ends. I think this year Morey will finally be able to make a trade that will pay off for this team because he will finally have assets like three draft picks in this upcoming draft that can have value in this league. I think the bigger question is do they want to unload Scola, Martin, and Lowry this offseason. I think one of them will have to go at draft night if they plan on making any dramatic improvements to this team. I would rather see them keep Lowry, but if it makes this team better, you have to do it IMO.

    Maybe I'm wrong.
  15. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    To me, it seems that an "established player for draft pick" trade would be more likely involve Kevin Martin rather than Kyle Lowry.

    First, I think that, absence the acquisition of a superstar, the best guard rotation going forward for the team would be Lowry, Lee and Dragic each playing 25-30+ minutes. The current coach staff seem to favor these more well-rounded players than specialist Kevin Martin and Lee, Lowry and Dragic have performed well.

    Second, in order to keep Dragic, an unrestricted FA, an important part of the offer will have to be a promise for playing time (not an issue with Courtney Lee, who is restricted, so the only issue is willingness to pay). I think Dragic's comfort with the team's staff and teammates gives the Rockets an advantage in signing him (if their $ offer is at least competitive), but I doubt he's going to sign up for playing 20 mpg.

    Third, Kevin Martin is probably not as valuable a player as Kyle Lowry, but he's got a easy 1-year contract to swallow and provides a skill set that several NBA teams can really use. So, I can see his deal as being easily fit into a trade.

    For example, Minny has 2 non/minimally-guaranteed deals in Martell Webster and Brad Miller. I am thinking something like Martin for these two plus a 1st round pick (Minny does not have its own pick in 2012, but has Utah's 2012 lotto protected pick and Memphis' 2013 lotto protected pick). Minny does need an SG and Martin has done well with Adelman.
    #55 Carl Herrera, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  16. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    with Davis being the consensus #1 this year, ego might come into play as well...

    I would say he is a lock top 4 if he were to come out this year.
  17. CheezeyBoy22

    CheezeyBoy22 Member
    Supporting Member

    May 20, 2005
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    Trading Martin to Minny is one option that will be out there. I think other teams will also be looking to trade Martin as well. There are a few teams out there that will be looking for SG's. I guess the bigger question is what is Morey's view on how much Martin is worth on the market?
  18. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    The right price could be alot of different situations for a Martin trade. Martin will be going into the final year of his deal so look for instance at the Rockets for Camby deal.

    -Most likely trade scenario - Camby had a similar sized contract in the final year of his deal, and his production was probably valued similar if slightly less than Martins would be for a contending team. Portland got 2 expiring contracts, and a decent 2nd round pick. Maybe the Rockets could get expirings and a late 1st round pick at best.

    -So the flip side is the Rockets keep him on their roster for at least the first half of the 2013. If they can keep Lee then let the coaches decide who should start and who should come off the bench based on production. The Rockets still have good depth, and a top notch scorer in Martin next year whether it be on the bench or starting.

    They can trade him at the deadline in a Camby type deal, have his large contract there as a major asset in trade for another large contract All-Star type of player in a mega deal, or simply allow him to walk at the end of the year in free agency.

    Trading Martin for a late first rounder, and/or bad contracts this summer would be a mistake in my opinion. That is unless he's being shipped out for a quality All-Star.
  19. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    Yes, restrictions have been added, most notably:

    --Sign and trade deals can be for no more than the same four years with 4.5% annual raises that any other team can offer (actually reducing a player's former team's leverage to get anything in a S&T deal unless to a team without cap room)

    --Starting in 2013-14, tax paying teams CANNOT acquire a player via sign and trade

    I'll take the free beer, but no need. Happy to help. ;)

    I've been saying this all season long, although this lingering shoulder injury is really hurting Martin's trade value. I seriously hope he can come back soon and that he plays/shoots really well. If he can prove that he's "back to his former self", he could potentially fetch a lottery pick. I'm thinking about something along the lines of the trade a few years back where Golden State traded Jason Richardson to Charlotte for the #8 pick. We'll just see if Martin can get healthy and move that trade value back in the right direction.
  20. Almu

    Almu Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Nice to read this breakdown but we been clearing cap space and positioning for draft picks and this and that for what seems like 15 years.

    Sooo...forgive me for not having faith in the Moury system right now.

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