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ClutchFans Game Thread: Shanghai Sharks @ Rockets 10/5/2017 (Preseason)

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by heypartner, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Well the question is if they can take away the 3 pt shot why can't they take away the mid range shot? The mid range shot is already harder to make than 3 pt shots so if they can cover 3 pt shots why can't they cover mid range shots when like I said the mid range shot is a lot easier for the defender to get to than the corner 3? Also how does the mid range shot make the 3s deadlier when I just said the defender of a mid range shot is closer to the 3 pt shot than a defender in the paint, so it would actually make 3 pt shots harder because the defender would be closer.

    IMHO the Spurs weren't able to take away the 3, its just that our players couldn't make their 3s especially Anderson who shot in the 20s overall and a garbage % at home.
  2. tonyt8605

    tonyt8605 Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Extensive highlights for those wanting to recap the game.

    Tha_Dude, DonKnock, D-rock and 2 others like this.
  3. illwil29

    illwil29 Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    When the Spurs took away the 3 point line it was almost like a zone. The perimeter players were probably instructed not to get drawn in past 20 or 19 feet. They switched everything around the 3 point line and basically had their big guy for post and drives the other one was for elbow shots this is not college but Popovich is good at putting out a variance of a zone. So a mid range flash will set that zone off balance causing the defense to break their principle. It's called overloading one side of the floor. The sweet spot of that zone is 15 to 19 feet. It's like defense in the NFL they run zones all the time, but there is always a sweet spot in that zone. In the series last year it was the midrange flash or shot. After game 1
    #223 illwil29, Oct 6, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2017
    DonKnock, cheke64, hakeem94 and 2 others like this.
  4. MystikArkitect

    Jul 18, 2006
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    This team is straight up silly. If Ryan Anderson can have confidence in his shot this team will trounce every team not named the Warriors.

    We’re miles away from those teams that needed Pablo Prigioni to make 3s.
  5. SirIvyLeague

    SirIvyLeague Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Did you watch the games? They sat on or above the line.

    They were daring us to shoot the mid range jumper.

    It was hover the line, congested paint. Challenge mid range 2s
    saleem and cheke64 like this.
  6. cheatpnz

    cheatpnz Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    im trying to watch the game, but its not on leauge pass?
  7. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    the game is over
    heypartner likes this.
  8. JaceMan da SpaceMan

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Thanks you
  9. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Its not on league pass, at least on my region it isnt. It says not available for viewing on mine which is weird.
  10. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    If all it takes to beat the Rockets is "sit on or above the line" how come the rest of the league wasn't able to do it for 1 whole season? Are the rest of the 28 teams with nba personnel who have spent decades of coaching analysis so dumb they cant think of something nba fans can pull out of their ass in 10 secs?

    FYI the MDA offense is designed to get either a wide open 3 pter or have Harden and Capela pnr in a wide open paint. So in your scenario where the Spurs were hovering or w/e Harden2Capela would have been free to so their thing, this is the main reason why the 3 pt shooters shoot at a triangle formation, where defenders need to run the entire length of the court to cover shooters and get back to the paint.

    Secondly, where is the Ryan Anderson brigade? Weren't these posters bragging about how deep Anderson's 3 pt range is? How can the Spurs defenders then hover in the 3 pt line when Anderson is taking 3 pt shots far from the line?

    Finally, the Spurs gameplan was to make the Rox take mid range shots...even if they did it the mid range shot is still the worst shot in bball. Is it a winning plan to have most of your shots be the worst shot in tje game? And is it a good idea to do what your opponent wants you to do?

    How many of you do this in real life? If you are competing for a promotion and your rival wants you to submit a joke presentation thats what you do? If you are always early yet your boss doesn't notice it you start turning up late every day to try something different? Life isn't a multiple choice test, just because taking 3s isn't working doesn't mean taking mid range shots would work, esp. when the Rox specifically didn't get mid range shooters and the Spurs are doing everything they can for the Rox to take mid range shots.

    Its just dumb logic, the only reason you want mid range shots is because you've been watching bball since the 90s and have been fed a steady diet of Jordan, Kobe and Iverson iso-ing and taking mid range shots.
    xtruroyaltyx likes this.
  11. SirIvyLeague

    SirIvyLeague Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Ffs, didn't read all that.

    Answer your main question. You realize teams don't game plan too much per opponent in the regular season right?

    Add that fact with the fact the Spurs have a DPOY and are incredibly disciplined. And at the same time, can score to keep up with us. Warriors don't need to game plan, they'd kick our ass. Thunder aren't smart enough, nor if they did their offense was too shitty.

    Go watch the games after game 1, see the Spurs changes.

    Not reading all that ****. If you didn't see the monumental change in the Spurs D after the game 1 massacre, you didn't watch the series.
    illwil29 likes this.
  12. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Qi looks almost anorexic but he provides a skill that most of the bigs do not, shot block threat on every lay up attempt. He is a more instinctive shot blocker than Capela, heck Harden seems to be more natural shot blocker than Capela and he's a guard.

    And he has 3 range and decent ball handler. I really like Qi's upside and fit on this team. Can't say same for some of the other new rooks on the team. Taylor, Williams and Jackson really have not impressed me at all.
  13. DonKnock

    DonKnock Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    The mid range shot isn't the worst, it's the post up. Mid range is next. But when they're talking about that it is mostly long 2 as in barely a step inside the 3 line. The elbow/FT line is not a horrible shot because players practice so much from that distance already.
  14. JaceMan da SpaceMan

    Sep 26, 2017
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    We will win next one too be 3 to 0?

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