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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Jazz 11/2/2013

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Yeah, it's all I've been hearing and it isn't true. I think Beverly will go back to the bench once he is healthy. Lin in the starting lineup just gives the offense a better flow than when Bev is in there.
  2. Sydeffect

    Sydeffect Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    The Jazz commentators were horrid entire game.

    "You can't win with Howard being one of your top 2 scorers"
    "You can't win with Parsons leading you in points"
  3. 34to11

    34to11 Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    Lol, I see you didn't follow the conversation.
    The original comment WAS for Lin and I inserted Beverley's name to demonstrate the very point you made.
  4. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Anyone have highlights from the Jazz feed?
  5. disguyman

    disguyman Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    1. Both Asik and Howard have weak post up games, hopefully that'll change by playoffs.
    2. I don't know why they don't run more pick and rolls, Howard would greatly benefit from this as the pnr or the offensive rebounder
    3. I followed Cisco when he was with the Kings, he does the same thing over there, just never got the pt behind kmart, tyreke and salmons. He always get pulled out of the game even when he gets on a roll, kinda sad.
    5. DMO, Jones, Asik for LA
  6. disguyman

    disguyman Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    They don't know that it's Parsons breakout year
  7. raskol

    raskol Contributing Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    He will this year. I'd bet you on that.
  8. Nawad70

    Nawad70 Member

    Jun 5, 2013
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    And that's why Harden and Howard along with other players on other teams like Chris Paul for example are paid the big bucks. They are the " go to guys".
  9. Omron

    Omron Member

    Dec 16, 2011
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    I thought Bev did outplay Lin or at least it was a wash... starting from last year when Bev got here all the way into preseason. There was that one game in Taiwan where Bev barely played and McHale purposely drew up plays for Lin and gave him all the minutes.

    Couple of things Bev brings to the table is his ball hawking defense and energy are always going to be there. The way he embarrassed Jrue is epic. Even when your shot ain't falling, that speed and athleticism will always be there. He's also a better catch and shoot 3 point shooter. As most have pointed out, with Harden playing the point most of the time anyway, he seems to be a better fit in the whole scheme of things.

    Lin is like a hot or cold type of player who's extremely inconsistent. You just don't know which Lin will show up. He's shot a couple of 3 for 9s in the preseason after the Asia trip but the last 3 games, he's been shooting at a good percentage which is nice to see. I just don't know how long it will last.
  10. 34to11

    34to11 Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    So being a fan gives you special insight into his mental state?

    Exactly. How often do you see this in sports elsewhere?
    Especially to the point where it is suggested (if not demanded) that the team make concessions to avoid hurt a players feelings.

    This is another case where you guys conceive an idea or draw a conclusion disregarding the lack of tangible evidence to support it,
    then repeat it frequently to each other as though it were factual
    and then eventually accept it as truth because of that repetition.

    If Jeremy had been named starter you would have gladly accepted the premise that he had beaten Beverley and proven himself starter worthy.
    But since the opposite happened, there had to be a conspiracy and Jeremy never had a chance?
    I know you likely won't see it but there are strong hints of craziness in that thinking.
  11. Sydeffect

    Sydeffect Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I want Bev to start out games. He sets the tone with his hustle
  12. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    You are indeed correct Mr. LikeMike. Iv'e witness that on here as well as other forums.

    Especially on the Chronicle's sports forum.
  13. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Not yet. They will be much better in the half court when they completely embrace PnR as their primary half court offense.
  14. bball_lifer

    bball_lifer Member

    Mar 27, 2013
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    + 1

    Homerism is to be suspected, but the color commentator was absolutely ripping the Rockets all game.
  15. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    If this were posted about someone else, there would have been a collective meltdown of epic proportions. But this is cool. Okay.
  16. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    You're the same person who labeled me a Jeremy hater in another thread, then conveniently ignored my requests for you to support your accusation. :)
  17. Ultimate6thMan

    Nov 10, 2009
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    No it's not cool. No one claiming to be a Rockets fan or even a LOF should say something like this about Bev. We need him to win a CHAMPIONSHIP.

    But I disagree that there would have been a collective meltdown. Everyone that is a fan of Lin is not a teenage mutant ninja turtle. :rolleyes:
  18. Jeffey

    Jeffey Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Being a Lin fan, meaning we've been following his situation closer than most. Did you watch his confessions speech where he admitted to crying and losing sleep over getting benched last year? He was worried sick about losing his starting role back then. Not that I am his mother and am worried about his mental state but obviously these things could affect his play and inherently affect the team's overall success as well.

    I've also followed him on FB where he tends to post scriptures from the bible following a setback. In fact he did so after the 4th quarter benchings and he did as well coincidently right after being anointed a bench player. Let me ask you something do you think a young player, essentially a true rookie last year would be impervious to these dealings?

    The reason why many of think that Lin never had a chance this year is because

    1) he never played poorly in the preseason if you look closely at the numbers, they were all very close except for points where Lin was a few points higher per game.

    2) After the Bobcats game, Kevin McHale finally said that they believed that Beverley would be the better fit as starter but will now have to reassess the situation. Note that this was before Bev was announced out for 2 weeks.

    I've been following this situation closely as any, my opinion is that McHale and Sampson had the mindset of making Beverley the starter even before preseason but wanted to give Lin a "fair shake" or at least give that impression.

    Despite all of this, I don't think that Kevin McHale hates Lin there's no reason for him to hate him. In fact I believe that Lin is slowly growing on him. Because of the history of how Lin was cut and re-acquired despite McHale's preference to keep Dragic, I think that McHale never held a high opinion of Lin which carried over to this season.

    Note that McHale has been praising Lin repeatedly for his improved play this preseason including in practice. What I think is happening is that Lin's improved play is creating some doubts about his decision, because of this the jury is still out on what is truly the best fit for the team.
  19. KlutchQT

    KlutchQT Member

    Jun 2, 2013
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    Yes. I posted this in another thread... he seems like a really great locker room presence. I think Jalen Rose recently referred to him as "the consummate locker room guy" that everybody loves. Such a good pick up.
  20. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Why would Dwight be unhappy if McHale said "I have two starting centers".

    People are just making things up for the sake of argument.

    There is nothing offensive about McHale saying "I have two starting PGs", unless of course insecure Lin fans take that as a slight to Jeremy Lin.

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