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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Jazz 11/2/2013

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Kerdaboy

    Kerdaboy Member

    Oct 12, 2008
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    Some thoughts from the first three games i've seen:

    1. We are not a very good team at executing in the half court. It almost always turns into some type of iso by harden/lin/parsons turning into an end of shotclock rushed shot. Every time we run to bring the ball up the court (even after the other team scores) good things happen. Think we really benefit when the defense isn't 100% set. Being a young and deep team we should never just walk the ball up.

    2. Is there any reason we don't run more pick and rolls(One of the few plays we can actually do well in the half court)? The few times we have done it this season it always leads to a good lane to the hoop or a foul. Even last year when we had only asik this was true (granted asik had a terrible time converting layups). If howard wants some easy dunks he should really be demanding more pnrs.

    3. Francisco Garcia. What a great pickup from the kings. His toughness and veteran status I think is great for this young team. Quite a few times already where he has no problem taking control of a huddle and letting everyone including the stars what we need to do. Not to mention is timely 3 pt shooting and very good defense. I had no idea who he was on the Kings lol.

    4. Lin. He definitely has worked on his jumper. I think the key for him is to always be in attack mode, it seems every game he switches between "Ok I gotta hand it off to so and so" and "Damn time to take this to the hoop". He probably consider investing in some more padding though. Gets absolutely no love from the refs(although with harden and howard on the time i guess the refs can only blow the whistle so much for other rockets).

    5. Been very disappointed with DMo and T Jones. Both basketball IQs don't seem to be very high, constantly out of position and not aware of situations in the few minutes they have been given.

    6. Love harden's defensive effort. SOOOO much better than last year.
  2. LoLin

    LoLin Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    To be fair, some of those posters were equally critical of Harden and Howard in yesterday's game as well, when both players committed mistakes.

    As I said, you have to distinguish troll post and legitimate criticisms, and just ignore the troll ones.
  3. LoLin

    LoLin Member

    Jan 16, 2013
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    Lin's mid-range is good when he played for the Knicks. He just didn't take enough of those last season because of the Rockets lived and die by 3s and at the rim.
  4. Jeffey

    Jeffey Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Nice analysis. We play better when the ball gets moved around. Garcia has been key in every game so far. Agree about DMo and TJones, this is why Casspi is going to be so important for us, what a great pickup btw at minimum salary.
  5. Jeffey

    Jeffey Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    As a Lin fan, not an "Lin Only Fan", I know that these setbacks do bother him. Before the first game, he made another Bible reference on FB as he usually does when he has to fight through adversity. He did this a bunch of times last year right after struggling through poor performances. The difference this year is he is stronger both physical and mentally.

    The point I was trying to make they didn't need to cause this cloud of uncertainty if they knew who they would inevitably start. The media was also lead to believe that Lin lost his starting role through the preseason battle.
  6. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    While I don`t belong to either group let me explain where some of the negative comments may come from. During the game some LOFs constantly critizice other players (especially Harden) and the coach. ISO ball, McFail, heroball and so on. And a lot of that is not warranted and a lot of that angers the fanbase. When Lin does something good a lot of LOFs are like "see, I told you so, McFail needs to go to him more, ISO-ball ruins chemistry" and if he does something bad it is "McFail puts him in a position to fail, Harden takes away all his talent".

    That`s why several Rockets fans on here see a need to reply and point out some bad stuff, that is Lins fault and put Lins good stuff in a perspective. Of course a lot of LOHs are way out of line and just stirring the pot. But for neutral fans it is really aggrevating to read the bashing of other players and the coach and the putting Lin above everybody else.
    1 person likes this.
  7. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I'm still trying to understand Coaches motive behind this pimpn.
  8. webattorney

    webattorney Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Agree. Good post. When Rockets run, they win. They either get easy points or get fouled. The best D is to attack. Rockets is not a good half court team.

  9. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    This is pretty much on target to me.

    I would add, the obsessive speculating on one player's feelings and psychology (rather than actual play) gets tiring.
  10. webattorney

    webattorney Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    I saw the post practice interview given by him, and this is what he said, or something along this line. The interviewer asked him whether he minded coming off the bench, and Lin said something along this line: "I don't mind per se, because everything depends on context. For example, last year, I started but I wouldn't say I really played as a starter, so it depends on the context." Basically, what he said was that even though he started last year, he wasn't allowed to finish the games, so even if he comes off the bench, if you are allowed to finish close games, then that's what counts, so everything depends on the context. In other words, he doesn't care too much about being a starter or coming off the bench, as long as he is allowed to play his game and doesn't get pulled out of the game because he makes few mistakes. That's the impression I got.

  11. Jeffey

    Jeffey Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Point taken. Agreed, Lin is not God's savior to this team. His play has improved but he still makes a lot of careless mistakes resulting in TOs which makes you wish someone safer like Beverley was there instead.

    What Lin fans need to realize is that Harden is still the go-to guy for this team. Harden had to play hero ball a lot last year because nobody else was stepping up including Lin. Notice that the first game against the Bobcats the ball was sticky and McHale gave the team crap for that and ever since they've (noticeably Harden) been playing a lot better by trusting their teammates more.

    But I agree about the unnecessary back and forth bickering amongst fans of the same team.
  12. AggNRox

    AggNRox Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    you do realize there are LOHs way out of line. do you think lin fans or neutral fans have no right to point out other players also make same mistakes to defend lin?

    your statement can be very well used to against those posters who consistently point out lin's weakness. this is really a chicken and egg issue.
  13. Angkor Wat

    Angkor Wat Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Let's be fair, if your placed Beverley in your post with Lin, it would make sense as well. I've seen it go both ways.
  14. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Oh, good lord... yes! I get so sick of it. If a psychiatrist's couch sat parked by the Rockets bench during a game to provide up to the minute treatment for the perceived mental angst of some players on the Rockets, there are those here who would be delighted. LA fans trolling the GARM would say the shrink was for Dwight, because he's crazy to leave LA for Houston, those who believe Omer is livid about us getting Howard would say it's for him, because the idea that he's a professional who will put out 100% regardless of his own feelings is a concept foreign to them, and some who are here only because Jeremy is would say he's been driven damn near mad because of, well, the list would be too long.

    Those players don't need a psychiatrist, but a hell of a lot of members here do.
  15. Rip Van Rocket

    Rip Van Rocket Contributing Member

    May 20, 2002
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    We won!!! All Rocket fans are happy!!!
  16. AggNRox

    AggNRox Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    another point i would like to make. nowadays, many posters and media are making bev a first team defense player. they use superior. please, bev is playing solid defense but definitely not superior. ball pressure defense is just one part of defense. you have to do good at every thing to be superior.
  17. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Dwight took a team with players way scrubbier than Tyson Chandler to the finals
  18. Jeffey

    Jeffey Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Yep, and that's what I meant by his confidence getting rattled, nobody is immuned to this, especially a young player. Lin was clearly affected by his benchings last year so this year although he seems to be stronger physically and mentally he doesn't need the shenanigans.
  19. asianballa23

    asianballa23 Member

    May 24, 2003
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    beverly ever scored 20+ pt a game before?
  20. CJLarson

    CJLarson Member

    Jul 6, 2009
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    Does that really matter?

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