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ClutchFans Game Thread: Jazz @ Rockets 5/5/2007 (Playoffs Round 1, Game 7)

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, May 3, 2007.

  1. pryuen

    pryuen Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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  2. jlwee

    jlwee Member

    Apr 25, 2003
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    Tough loss but this loss is on the whole team not single player but i agree the star players, yao and t-mac, should get all the blame.

    T-mac - You cant really fault him this one. Without T-mac it will be a blowout loss. But, why, t-mac, why? Why you only show up in Game 7? Where have you been during game 3 & 4?

    Yao - It took an injury to wake him up. Too little too late. I m so disappointed at yao's performance the whole series. To be honest, I think the loss is all on him.

    Shane - finally show up in game 7. Only positive player.

    Hayes - Disappeared! TWO rebounds in 28 minutes???

    Rafer - Horrid shootings but without his steals, the rockets wont be in the game.

    The Bench - On paper, we have solid bench in the early season. Bonzi, Synder, Juwan, Deke, Head, Vspan. But JVG never develop them and doghoused Bonzi and Synder.

    JVG - Since game 2, he should know Yao cant guard Boozer, yet no adjustment. Yes we dont have personnel to guard Boozer but as a coach you must draw a plan to at least slow Boozer and that's what he was paid for. No adjustment the wholes series!

    Sad day!
  3. doublebogey

    doublebogey Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    Chuck Hayes- 27 mins 2 rebounds. great stats.
  4. zhao1109

    zhao1109 Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    I really dont understand either. TMAC two jumpers kill the momentum and YAO also took a bad bad mid-jumper.

    Okur isa clutch 3 pointers,
  5. LakersPride

    LakersPride Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    This must be pretty painful for you guys. anyways you guys deserved to win i thought for sure you guys had it when you guys lead by 5 points.

    am not gonna point to Jeff as the problem. cause obviously he has no control who gets the offensive rebounds the players do and they failed to get any down the stretch.
  6. MLittle577

    MLittle577 Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    T-Mac just walked off the podium......man dude is hurt.
  7. dividend

    dividend Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Okay, now that we lost, I can be FKN NEGATIVE about our team. I didn't wait 2 years since game 7 of the 2005 playoffs for this crap. Bye JVG. You should have subbed in Snyder for Head on the last possession of the 1st quarter for defensive purposes. Instead Sloan exploits Head again and Giricek knocks down a 3. And Why did you sub in Yao when we were going on our run with him on the bench? Just freaking let him rest more if things are going well on the court. And I don't know whose fault it was for not fouling at the end, but looks like the blame is going to you.

    T-mac. I've loved him since his Orlando days, but you waited too late to "impose your will" on the game. This loss is on you. If you played every possession like your life depended on it like Golden State did versus Dallas, there would be no questions like "What if..." Keep your mouth shut and let your game do the speaking. You get blame on the last possession as well. If you take that long to take a 2 pointer, you should know to foul right away.

    Yao. The nicest guy in the world. Not enough. Seriously, Yao gets hammered inside on basically every play with no call. Players will continue to foul, attack with reckless abandon because refs never call anything, and will most likely get Yao injured in the future. On the flip-side, all of our supposed "fouls" on Boozer are touch fouls. He's not a fkn perimeter player to be getting those calls. I think I figured out why Boozer can lower his shoulder when Yao can't. Boozer lowers his shoulder and it's always in a guy's chest. Yao does it and it will be closer to the opponent's head. Add that with Okur's flops and Jazz get away with murder. With the way the game is called, Yao will never be respected. Maybe its time to move on and get rid of Yao for the most talent we can get. Don't get me wrong, if Yao was officiated fairly, then I wouldn't even be considering this.........................

    Sorry, I love Yao and T-Mac, but I'm a ROCKETS FAN FIRST. Changes need to be made. Too much of a drop off in talent after 111.

    Drunk and Angered ROX fan

    PS. my game changing moment of the game: AK47 gets an offensive rebound between 3 ROX players, throws it out of bounds and refs say someone on the ROX tipped it.
  8. huynhct

    huynhct Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    tmac crying in the postgame conference. i feel bad for him :(
  9. Rollazn

    Rollazn Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    In the playoff interview -

    TMAC said I can't take this... and left.

    Ahhh end of our season.
  10. DribbleHooper

    DribbleHooper Member

    May 29, 2005
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    Agreed. The only thing I can think of, is that maybe they were hoping to get a steal so they could gain possession without having to give up a 1-2 points.

    Hope in one hand, evacuate in the other... see which one fills up first. Lesson learned for the Rockets; hopefully they won't make the same mistake again. And again. And again...
  11. email2003

    email2003 Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    Anyone see T-Mac's post interview!? He answered some questions but walk off on the last question and looked like he wanted to break down.

    IT'S ALL ON YOU T-MAC!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
  12. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    And you also need to take a look at the Spurs and the Mavs (Suns haven't even made it to the Finals yet)...both teams had to suffer a number of painful early playoff exits before they finally made it over the hump. Keep this roster relatively intact...add that 3rd scoring option and maybe another key role player (or develop the ones you have) and the Rockets could be in a better position next year and could very well get that monkey off their backs.
  13. zong

    zong Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    TMac and Yao both have 29 points, then the Rox shall win the game. It is about the role players. JVG never develop a good role player.
  14. kanggang

    kanggang Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    McGrady just walked out of the press conf -_-
  15. TheGM

    TheGM Member

    May 1, 2006
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    T-Mac walked away from the press conf...and some guy started singing "whose crying now." I want to laugh , but I can't.
  16. morpheus133

    morpheus133 Member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    The problem personel wise is Rafer and Hayes should be our back ups, not our starters. We need a consistent 3rd scorer who can create his own shot.

    As far as this game though, the Rockets just have poor basketball IQ in critical points. I mean T-Mac was getting a layup, assist, foul or at least creating a wide open shot every time he drove to the basket. The question is why didn't he do it EVERY play? I mean I was screaming at the TV when they started settling for jumpers down the stretch after closing the gap and even taking the lead. That and no rebounding down the stretch killed us. No foul until there was less than 2 seconds was big too.

    Can't say I was too impressed with Yao settling for fade away jumpers most of the series either.
  17. aussie rocket

    aussie rocket Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    DAMN man??

    you always have turn up at the worst times.
  18. email2003

    email2003 Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    No, no and no! Our biggest problems are these:

    Offenseive Rebounds
    Bench depth

    Rockets need more talnet in the freakin' bench!!! Luther Head and Juwan ain't gonna cut it! We need 5 more guys that can score off the bench damn it. :mad:
  19. rocketsmetalspd

    Jul 1, 2002
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    The Dream talking to T-Mac in the locker(shown on TNT). I wonder what the Dream told the team. I hope it was his famous comment "We go from here"

    Next Years Rockets: Will have new athletic players and a new Coach. Thanks for the memories JVG but your time it up. I will guarantee that the Rockets will have a better bench.
  20. Pwnocchio

    Pwnocchio Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Good lord, I don't want to put this game solely on JVG's shoulders (when you can't get an rebound in the 4th quarter to save your life, that's hardly his fault, and that really cost us the game)... I have to wonder...

    When T-Mac is HOT in the 4th, and the Jazz are officially in the penalty, and there is 3 minutes left to go- why would you put the ball in the hands of Yao, who has struggled all game?? I just don't understand that decision. T-Mac is right up there with guys like Kobe and D-Wade on the list of "dudes who should FINISH EVERY GAME", and we just use him to pound the ball down to Yao?? I don't understand it. Maybe to slow the game down, sure, but still... Also, why weren't we ready to foul after that timeout?

    The one positive I can see is that there will probably be a coaching change. I have been a JVG defender for years, but we haven't seen ONE adjustment from him in this series- I'm ready for something new and fresh. Rick Carlisle, anyone?

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