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ClutchFans Game Thread: Celtics @ Rockets 12/14/2012

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Rockets12

    Rockets12 Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    What about Le$?
  2. yohimbe505

    yohimbe505 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Let me throw a bone out there for LOF's or the KLOF's... Lin had a better +/- than Douglas.. lol.
  3. RockingRox

    RockingRox Member

    Mar 10, 2007
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    You are funny buddy. Lin had 7 assists and TD zero.
  4. Ynnis888

    Ynnis888 Member

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Lin loves his big guys. He hardly find Harden for an assist...maybe the coaching staff doesn't like that...I don't know.

    But Lin played very well.
  5. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Wouldn't you rather see a Lowry and Lin trade instead? Raptors are still bad and Toronto loves Lin since they crowd was cheering for him to beat them during Linsanity. Also he would have free reign to do whatever he wants on the team of young players.
  6. wokdwok

    wokdwok Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Fan voting = whomever they want to see play, won't be the first time nor the last that someone makes the allstar team based solely on merit. Grin and bear it!
  7. Xfinity

    Xfinity Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Seriously, but then again maybe the guy doesn't watch or read the news.
  8. jbasket

    jbasket Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    No sympathy here bro.
  9. roxxy

    roxxy Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    I avoided this whole debate but I have to respond to this. After games where the Rockets win it is normal for people to critisce what could have been better. In the previous wins we commented on Pattersons soft play after all. Or before we were upset that the coaches didn't play Asik in the 4th even though we just barely scrapped the win.

    Feeling that Lin should have played in the 2nd quarter doesn't mean that people are upset the Rockets lost does it? If the Rockets win & people blast on stuff in relation to parsons, or Delfino or Harden nobody cares. But if it is people being upset about how Lin is being used it is stupid LOF.

    I think both sides need to accept that they play a role in the hot mess that has become the GARM. They are to extreme on both sides. The fans are overly passionate & the people who are annoyed by the fans are overly passionate.

    Frankly this entire debate is trivial to me. Life is way to short for all this nonsense.
  10. Alex L.

    Alex L. Contributing Member

    Jul 23, 2012
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    Lin's stella play-making and defense in the first half got the team going and kept the team in the game. His first FG of the game ended a 13-0 Celtics run. He made his teammates better, a group of young players who are developing.

    Nothing wrong with McHale wanting to play Toney if he really thought Toney is better, but he should have awarded Lin playing time for having played well. There was no indication that putting Lin back into the game would cause them to lose. It's not like Lin was playing badly and it was not like the Celtics were on fire.

    Not only that McHale doesn't know how to use Lin, what he is doing is not in line with the Rockets long term plan, which I understand is to rebuild. McHale has short vision.

    I really see no future for Lin with this team. He is dying slowly inside. Trade talks start tomorrow. Let's see what happens.
  11. Roxnostalgia

    Roxnostalgia Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Riiiight. All the dinosaurs on the Rockets must be holding him back.
  12. Falcao

    Falcao Rookie

    Nov 29, 2012
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    A good Rox win against a good opponent. The team as a whole played well. Lin also played well -- that's factual. Even LOF should not complain too much if the decisions made were correct to get the win. However, I also don't understand the LOH continuing to denigrate Lin for this game -- he played well against a tough PG. WTF is wrong with you guys -- Lin did well and you're saying to trade or that he should have stayed in NY and other BS and that's supposed to be good for the Rox?

    So, propping Lin to the point of the detriment of the team = bad. OK.

    Saying to trade Lin mainly because you don't like him or saying Lin should have stayed in NY (when obvious he does bring value to the team -- how much is debatable, but that he does is not) = ???

    Answer, it's also bad and to the detriment of the team. Don't claim the mantle of "being for the team" unless you TRULY are.


    Jun 26, 2008
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    Lowry wanted out & the feeling was mutual by the very end. Doubtful he'll EVER wear a Rox uni again.
  14. Allegro

    Allegro Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    A lot of people (not you) know that we could have blown the Celtics away with proper usage of Lin and Harden. Against a really strong opponent, TD+Harden will crack, whereas a properly balanced Lin and Harden backcourt will win. Heck, Lin by himself took the Spurs to overtime.
  15. instar

    instar Member

    Nov 9, 2012
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    i'm glad TD got his 3 back, after that horrid nix days finally getting his confidence back and with that maybe he can be a reliable 12, 3 , 5 kind of player.
  16. Roxnostalgia

    Roxnostalgia Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Yet seemingly every post I see of yours has you defending Lin. So HOW trivial is it?
  17. torocan

    torocan Member

    Oct 15, 2012
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    The Qualifying Offer is the minimum amount required by the CBA to allow a player to become a Restricted Free Agent.

    It's $900k per year.

    IF Lin does NOT sign the Houston Offer sheet, then he either has to start shopping himself to other teams (who may or may not extend an offer as large as Houston's), or he defaults to the $900K salary. There is NO option to renegotiate once Lin enters free agency.

    Teams often offer their RFA/FA's the QO as a minimal starting position just to get the FA process underway when they have Bird or Early bird rights. Essentially, due to Lin's status as a RFA under Gilbert Arena's, the MOST the Knicks could offer Lin without going through the RFA process was 4 years/$26M.

    Essentially part of the logic in offering the QO instead of the 4 years/$26M was that the Knicks would need to lock up their Mid-Level Exception in order to extend that offer (not allowing them to acquire additional talent with that money until Lin was re-signed).

    By instead offering Lin the QO (Qualifying offer), it put the Knicks in the position to instead Match offers on Lin using their Early Bird exception. The Early Bird exception allowed the Knicks to pay Lin but without burning their Mid-Level Exception which can then be used to acquire additional players. This was vital as the Knicks were already over the salary cap before resigning Lin.

    The risk of course is that Lin would receive an offer larger than the Mid-Level Exception (and cost the Knicks more), however the Knicks were betting that by telling the Media that they would match ANY offer on the table (up to $1billion dollars according to one source), that they could deter some bidders from bidding Lin's contract up too high.

    There were rumors that the Knicks had set an internal ceiling of $9-$10M/year, however, they did not anticipate that Morey would create such a back loaded 3rd year.

    In other words, 5/5/10/10 was about as high as they were willing to go given that they were facing very steep repeater luxury taxes. Since the Knicks were over the Luxury Tax threshold in year 3 of ANY contract BEFORE signing Lin, every dollar paid to Lin is actually equal to $3 or MORE depending on which thresholds they exceed.

    Also, another real hazard is the Apron. Above $70M, the team loses all cap flexibility. They lose the ability to Sign and Trade, as well as lose not only their full Mid-Level exception, but the mini-mid-level ($2.5M) and their bi-annual.

    So, $5/5/9/9 would have kept the Knicks under the Apron, $5/5/15M pushes them over the apron and paralyzes their ability to add talent over the 3 year time period.

    In other words, once Lin had the contract in hand from Houston, he had NO options. Either walk away from $15M in year 3 (the maximum for year 3) and go shopping, or accept $900K per year from the Knicks.
  18. roxxy

    roxxy Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    Everything with the news & seeing McHale get so emotional. I hate things like this. Don't mind me I am way to soft. :p
  19. Rockets12

    Rockets12 Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    You mean the thing that happens a lot all over the world but doesn't get attention? Don't get me wrong, it's sad seeing that happen (apparently there was shots fired near a high school an hour ago in cinninati as well), but it only gets attention when it happens to here.

    I realize I will get a lot of hate for being realistic so I will not reply to any replies just to not start any arguments, just pray for everyone in situations like this all over the world.
  20. pistol111847

    pistol111847 Member

    Nov 18, 2012
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    TD made a couple of shots at the end of the game but he did not deserve to be playing because of his earlier poor shooting, poor defense and 0 assists. Didn't Jeremy contribute to the win by having 7 assists by halftime and playing arguably the best point guard in the league too a standoff in the first half? He also played well in the 3rd quarter. Lin contributed MUCH MORE to the win with his playmaking and defense than TD who hit a couple of shots at the end of the game. Those shots didn't win the game.

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