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[Chron] Vince Young to Enter NFL Draft

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by hoang17, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. WizzyWig

    WizzyWig Member

    Oct 10, 1999
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    Now I wish Texans did not have the #1 pick...no way they pass on Bush.
  2. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Hey, I don't even like the Horns, and I've lived in Austin for 25 years. Go Coogs! I've got to say this, however... that Vince Young and Texas, in the Rose Bowl, got me pumped for football again. I lost that lovin' feeling when the Oilers moved, and UH's program had gone south. It was the Oilers moving, more than anything. If Vince Young gets drafted by Houston, I can guarantee I won't be the only person with a sudden interest in the Texans. (god, what an awful name!)

    I like Clutch's fantasy scenario!
  3. Xenon

    Xenon Member

    May 28, 2002
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    Lets trade down to number 2 or 3, get ourselves an extra pick and let the chips fall where they may. I think best case scenario here is to draft Young with the number 3 and have ourselves an extra pick from the Titans.

    We can keep Carr and let Young sit for the first season like McNair.

    If its Leinhart at 3 then we trade him for even more picks.
  4. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    titans will trade down not up. That would be stupid.
  5. Xenon

    Xenon Member

    May 28, 2002
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    So, you're saying that if Bush falls to number 3 that the Titans will trade him?
  6. Xenon

    Xenon Member

    May 28, 2002
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    still waiting for your answer.
  7. mogrod

    mogrod Member

    Oct 24, 2003
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    Well, Mel Kiper was just asked on SportsCenter about Vince Young and the Texans' pick, and he still said they are going to draft Bush, Leinart goes #2 and then Young to the Titans.

    Said the gap between Leinart and Young lessened quite a bit after the Rose Bowl, but Leinart is rated above him still.

    Talked about Young being the best scrambling QB since Vick but not as good a scrambler as Vick. Said both QBs will excel in the NFL.
  8. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    Great post. That's pretty much the same argument that I would have used. :D
  9. RunninRaven

    RunninRaven Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 16, 2000
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    See, it's this attitude that I don't understand. I can understand if you want Bush because you think he has the potential to be great and will help us much sooner. I can understand if someone wants Vince because he has the potential to be a one-of-a-kind special player that might lead this team to the promise land.

    Hell, I can even understand if you think Matt Leinart would be the best option and we should draft him and let him show Texans fans what it's like to have a QB that makes read progressions.

    But I can't understand getting horribly upset that we DON'T make any one of these choices, because they are all great choices! We happened to get the #1 pick in a year when there are THREE legit #1 pick type players. This as opposed to our inception year when we had the #1 pick and there weren't any true #1 pick type players (save for maybe Julius Peppers, but many teams were not quite sold on him either). Having this much talent at the top will do wonders for our trade position as well. It should be win/win, and no matter what the Texans do, I will most likely be happy about it (unless we trade down for a bunch of picks that Casserly blows...which I guess is very possible).
  10. hoang17

    hoang17 Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    Sorry, i didn't really want to nit and pick with this but in 2002, everybody was sold on Julius Peppers. Most draft boards had him as the #1 prospect in the nation but guess why we didn't draft him? Because we were playing a 3-4 scheme and he doesn't fit this scheme.

    I'm tired of hearing this godforsaken reasoning. Because of this reasoning, we have passed up on Peppers, Derrick Johnson, basically playmakers. Casserly and Capers never understood that with playmakers, all you need to do is get them on the field and get to work. Instead of drafting on talent and skill the last 4 years, they have been drafting on need. And the one time that they drafted with the best player available (Dave Ragone - 3rd Round 2003), he is still riding the bench as the 3rd string QB :rolleyes:
  11. RunninRaven

    RunninRaven Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 16, 2000
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    Okay, well, that's great. It doesn't really have a lot to do with my point, though. Even to concede that Peppers was the consensus #1 pick amongst all teams NOT the Texans, he was still just one player. The case this draft is that there will be 3 players that many teams believe will have Peppers' impact. That's a great position to be in.
  12. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    I still can't believe that Casserly will up and come out and just basically say that "We're drafting Reggie Bush!" when: a.)The majority of the fans aren't for it, and b.)The draft is so far away.

    Settle down, big man, your job's on the line. Take some time and actually do some evaluations, and for once in your life, listen to the fans. Sure, your job depends on it, but this team isn't going to the playoffs on one pick alone, so unless you have better plans to beef up our team and make us contenders (which, judging from your past history, you don't), make the pick. Besides, it's becoming more of an entertainment industry anyways...
  13. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I've been wrong plenty of times, and history says that drafting any qb early isn't that smart of move, since you can get a qb like Brady in later rounds.

    I know people say that VY won't be able to run against NFL defenses, and that he doesn't pass well enough etc.

    But VY's college career has been proving the nay-sayers wrong time and time again. First, he supposedly couldn't really pass at all, then he could pass ok, but his throwing motion was bad, finally they left him alone and he became one of college's top rated passers.

    Now the NFL "experts", and the Texans are saying he isn't worth the first pick, that Leinart is somehow better, and all that. I can't help but think they haven't learned their lesson about VY. I used to believe what I heard about Young, but then I started believing what my eyes showed me every time I watched him play.

    It isn't all about throwing motion, changes in defense, and playbooks etc. There are intangibles. VY's heart, leadership, and smarts, winner's mentality, are huge factors that lead me to believe he will excell no matter what changes there are.

    The intangibles are often overlooked in sports. The thing the Rockets miss most about Sura was his toughness, heart and they he could lead the role players and fire them up. It isn't his passing, defense, shooting, etc. All of those things are good, but that isn't what would really turn the Rockets season around.

    I can't help but think that VY is someone who will succeed. He would succeed if he were a CEO, he would succeed at whatever he set his mind to. He's setting his mind toward playing in the NFL.
  14. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    i think that's right. and it's a very rare quality. when you match it with this sort of athletecism, it's a super-rare quality.
  15. ROCKSS

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    As a Dolphin fan I would love to have Carr.
  16. rrj_gamz

    rrj_gamz Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    Let the debate begin...IMO, VY has more potential and upside than Carr...For one thing, his legs can get him out of the trouble Carr has and with the right QB coach, we can blossom...

    It would be a huge mistake not to take him #1 as I think we'll see VY develop into a great player...Besides, its great PR and we need that...
  17. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    and..if the titans get him and he kicks our ass twice a year, this city will never get over it. that's the absolute worst case scenario.
  18. thegary

    thegary Member

    Jul 22, 2002
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    damn max, i am in total agreement with you on this issue. is this a first?
  19. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    it just might be.

    see, i'm not so bad after all!!!! :D
  20. ROCKSS

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    What a tough choice, Bush is awesome and VY has alot of upside. It seems like the hyberbole has shifted from the Bush camp to the Young camp on the BBS ;)

    I would prefer Bush since we already have a QB but if you can swing a deal to get a top RB (ie:Ricky Williams) AND VY then I think you have to pull the trigger. The one thing that would scare me about Ricky is that he is one positive drug test from being suspended for a year although he seems to have been a model season this year.

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