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[Chron] Rockets do just enough to beat Clippers

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by GRENDEL, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Kindger

    Kindger Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    That wasn't a shot. To be considered as a shot, the ball has to be above his shoulders before the foul.
  2. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    not if he was in the motion of going towards the basket to shoot. that's how a lot of And 1's happen when there's a driver to the basket.

    as for last night's call. it was clearly a foul on Rafer in the act of shooting. Refs made the wrong call. it should have been 3 foul shots. if this happened to the Rockets, all of you would be crying conspiracy.
  3. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    Cat was in the act of shooting, it should have been 3 shots.

    that said, he still woulda had to hit 3 FTs, and when he missed the first one, it was a moot point.
  4. doublehh03

    doublehh03 Member

    Feb 8, 2007
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    should be 3fts. but it also meant he had to make 3s.

    w/ this week every call not going our way, this one went ours. move on. clips wouldn't have won anyway.
  5. Nolen

    Nolen Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    It was a bad call, period. Cat should have gotten three free throws. I don't like bad game-affecting calls at the end of the game for anybody- it takes away from the game as a whole.

    Cat was behind the 3pt line when he took off for the shot. Where he lands doesn't matter. If somebody jumped from behind the 3pt line, shot, and landed at the free throw line it would still be a 3.
    He was in the motion of shooting the ball, no matter how sloppy. He was jumping up between a Yao/Rafer sandwich and Rafer swatted his left arm as he was raising it up for the shot. Those of y'all who think that raising up for a bad shot doesn't get you free throws don't want Mac or Yao to ever get free throws again, because they'll often get slapped on the way up, elevating into the shot. You have to at least attempt to finish your shot and show the ref that you were attempting one, no matter how sloppy.

    The ref either thought Cat stepped on the line, or was fouled before the shot. Either way, he was wrong. Cat should have had the opportunity to tie the game at the FT line. Would have have? Maybe, maybe no.

    We all lose when bad/blown game-affecting calls are made in the last minute, 10 seconds, 5 seconds. It makes you lose faith in the game overall. It should be decided by the players.
  6. Dreamshake

    Dreamshake Member

    Mar 2, 1999
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    Then you were blind as hell. LOL. Even during the game at game speed, I saw the contact. Much less on the replay that was shown immediately after.

    And it doesnt matter where you land from a shot, its where the shot is originated from.
  7. magnetik

    magnetik Member

    Aug 2, 2005
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    Cat was fouled.. but it wasn't by Yao.. it was by Rafer before the shot.
  8. ShadyMcGrady

    ShadyMcGrady Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I would just like to take time out of this 3 pt/2 pt argument and say this:

    Chuck Hayes: You're a warrior.

    Thanks for playing with that injury last night, without you we would have lost for sure. You did a great job on Brand.

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