OMFG!! Mayweather just spent a million or so on a diamond in crusted ipod and your gonna give Kaman crap for entertaining a whole neighborhood of people on national independence day. I could smack you...
I'm sure the fireworks vendors appreciated his business. He helped feed their families on a day we celebrate freedom. Good for him.
Get off your high horse. If you really feel that way go give your laptop to a homeless person who can sell it for food. It's his money that he earned and he can do whatever he pleases with it. Did you even think about the guy he paid, who pays the vendor, who pays the manufacturer, who all use that money to buy food?
I wouldn't spend that much on fireworks... how about having $10,000 in cash in front of you and just light in on fire and laugh and be amazed.
This guy is my new favorite player <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> get er done Morey.
same here. That's pretty awesome though. I'm sure Brad Miller has some good red neck videos somewhere
The song is by a band called Sleigh Bells. I don't know the name of the song but its the first song on their most recent album.
It's all relative to how much money you make. To you $10K is a lot of money. Not put that in perspective with Kaman's salary. Kaman made $10,400,000 last year in just salary alone. The 10K comes out to 0.09615% of his salary that he spent. So to understand the comparison lets say someone is making 50K a year, if you put that percentage into it you are looking at spending all of $48.07 of your total salary on something. I'm sure you and other people around this great nation spend 50 bucks on a tank of gas or anything else on a whim and don't even think twice. The bottom line is, the amount of money that an athlete spends on things has to be put in perspective compared to the salary they make.