I don't think even the most creative of screenwriters could have come up with this. fair warning - video apparently has cursing in Spanish <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3ZL0E1J7wOg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
From the Top Rated Comments: Rough translation courtesy freetranslation.com Just to keep things in perspective. This message doesn't likely seem to be from the "real" Anonymous and what the "real" Anonymous is is pretty nebulous to begin with.
Awesome. Don't stop there hackers, get what you want then release all the information anyway. Blackmail them to hell.
Agreed maybe expose all their money launderers. You put a KyBosh on the money and these syndicates will fold like origami Rocket River
for real. They should start a website baiting the zetas, and then playing jokes on them, scamming them etc. Sorta like the nigerian email scam baiters, but in this case the zetas. i'm not sure what kind of fun we could have with the name of a taxi driver that works for the zetas.. maybe crank calling him or ordering a hundred pastor tacos delivered to his pad
You guys seem to think that the Zetas are all a bunch of low-IQ thugs. There is some serious smarts at the top. Anon may be biting off more than they can chew...I have no doubt that the Zetas have the resources to go to war with them.