I thought this was kind of funny, considering I just watched him and Stephen A. on first take arguing about a return to the NFL (Stephen A. thinks he should go to the CFL and earn his way back, Chad replied with "I should jump over this table for disrespecting me like that"). http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...ium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial&hpt=hp_t2
In before people start clamoring for the Texans to sign him on the cheap. Seriously though, Stephen A. Smith's suggestion was correct. The problem with guys like Johnson is that their ego is so big, it clouds their judgement, and they lose perception of themselves. The CFL is hardly insulting for someone like him, and I'd say there might not be a Canadian team that even wants him.
Does anyone else think this was an overreaction by the judge? Seems like if it's inappropriate enough for the courtroom for consequences, then it should be a contempt charge or something, not invalidating the plea agreement that had already been approved, put back on probation etc. for that. Guess I'd have to see it to better understand, maybe it was worse than it sounds. Just weird more than anything.
Back in the day... I was in court to dispute a ticket. The case in front of me was a guy who was involved in an accident and was explaining to the woman judge his side of the story. The guy spoke in a logical and articulate manner. I thought he was going to win. Judge went the other way and the guy was dismissed. In a low voice, he mutters to himself a single word "Unbelievable" and turns around and starts walking out of the courtroom. The Judge starts screaming "COME BACK HERE" "COME BACK HERE" "COME BACK HERE, RIGHT NOW". When the guy gets back in front of her. She starts screaming again. "DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE" "DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE" "DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE". The guys says "Yes". Then the judge screams at him "THE ONLY WAY THAT YOU DON'T LEAVE HERE IN HANDCUFFS IS IF YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND GET OUT OF MY COURTROOM". Then as he leaves, she says NEXT with a big sour puss look on her face. I just said... "Where do I go to pay this?" Most Judges have a huge ego. They can control someone's life and they know it.
Complete overreaction by the judge, but on the other hand, you don't act like an idiot in the courtroom. And slapping your attorney on the rear end in the courtroom qualifies.
Not an overreaction. People know they're not supposed to mess around in a courtroom. Slapping the butt of your lawyer? Seriously? How can ANYBODY think that's ok, in any way, shape or form? But hey...he's a football (former) star who thinks that he walks on water and therefore anything he does is golden. Ridiculous.
CJ didn't even have an argument for why he should be allowed back in the NFL. He didn't really claim he still had the physical tools, he just kept stating he had done so much and was so good, he should be able to finish on his own terms.
I agree. This is an athlete. He isn't a businessman. He has spent his whole life slapping butts and saying "good play." What is the big deal??? I think the judge overreacted.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Love me through the good and the bad because I'm gone love you regardless... See you in 30... </p>— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) <a href="https://twitter.com/ochocinco/status/344127329712357377">June 10, 2013</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
If it was a wind up, "WAY TO GO! Wahooo! Ya (Slap)" that's obnoxious, but what is the difference in slapping his butt for doing a good job and someone shouting and screaming in joy when they are acquitted? Complete over reaction, we don't send people to jail for slapping butts. This should not have made any impact on the plea deal that was already approved.
Rule #1 in all courtrooms: Take it seriously! Reminds me of that girl in the court room that flicked off the judge and then got sentenced to jail...best bet he spends a couple of nights in jail, and the judge reprimands him, and he gets off jail. But seriously...what an idiot...
Screamin A is a little pissed off at Chad Johnson <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SORNpXtVn6A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Very true. I never rise for a judge. I got into a shouting match with the judge off Clay Road. Told him to show me some ******* respect. He laughed it off and backed down as he was in the wrong. They're pretty much all ***** on power trips.
lol what a b****. So she basically got mad because the courtroom started laughing. After looking at the video he didn't even do it in a playful manner.