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CelticsBlog--Simmons: Celtics Missed Badly On DeAndre Jordan

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Clips/Roxfan, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Clips/Roxfan

    Clips/Roxfan Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    by Anthony_Bruzzese on Feb 23, 2012

    Bill Simmons mocks Danny Ainge in Celebrating the Celtics' last good move with a party at the Hilltop Steakhouse celebrating the anniversary of the P.J. Brown signing in 2008. There's a lot going on in that column but this point stood out to me. Here's his mythical speech by DeAndre Jordan:

    Jordan: "I was supposed to be a lottery pick and fell 20 spots. If anyone was going to take a flier on me, it should have been Boston. I could have learned from KG and become another Perkins. When Danny passed me up for a selfish 24-year-old gunner who had just spent six years in college and wouldn't have a relevant NBA moment, it was something of a wake-up call. Four years later, I'm starting on a contender, I'm third in the league in blocks, and I'm making $10 million a year. Danny, thanks for passing on me even though it was the easiest sleeper pick in the world!"

    [Cut to Danny nodding grimly as the crowd applauds. Jordan exits the stage, but not before chest-bumping Giddens, who's waiting tables tonight.]

    In fairness to Danny, when I look back to the college basketball season before this draft in 2008, I remember DeAndre Jordan having a disappointing year where his draft status went from top 10 to a late 1st round pick by the time of the draft.

    With that said, DeAndre was the logical pick and would have fit this team perfectly. On the offensive side of the ball, he'd bring an explosive center that Kendrick Perkins has never been while providing similar overall defensive appeal with his incredible shot blocking ability. Although Jordan was raw, this is a pick Ainge missed on and missed badly.


    Where I believe Danny has made the majority of his mistakes with this team has a lot to do with this Jordan miss. He has made several decisions to go with shooters or skilled players over the more athletic raw player that is needed to balance out the aging big three.

    For instance, after losing in the 2010 finals, Danny decided that letting Tony Allen walk was not a big deal because he had Marquis Daniels already on his roster. Daniels fits in as a skill player while Allen fits the athlete that is needed for this team and the type of player Rondo loved to run with. Not to mention that Allen already was the best perimeter defender in the NBA and has made himself into a solid offensive player who knows his limitations. This wasn't even mentioned by Simmons (a known "Trick or Treat" Tony basher), but Tony's loss could rival the Perkins trade.

    If Danny had focused on talent rather than skill, we might be better off today. What do you guys think?

  2. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    We missed as well. It happens.
  3. JTQ

    JTQ Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Jordan was terrible with the Aggies...
  4. CDrex

    CDrex Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Yeah, I spent most of that year at A&M watching Jordan from the front of the student section...I don't really blame teams for passing on him in the first round. He was lazy and didn't really make any plays on either end that weren't based only on being bigger than everyone else on the court.

    He unlocked a lot of potential once NBA big man coaches got a hold of him, for sure, though.
  5. CaptainRox

    CaptainRox Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    The guys good but also a dumbass. I'd take Howard (of course), Chandler, pekovic, cousins, Bynum, hibbert, and even Horford over him. At the professional level his IQ is nowhere it should be his hands are soft and the guy moves awkwardly. He can block and of course you can't teach size so I'd love to have him on the rockets. I guess I'm tearing into the guy verbally since I can't stand arrogance.
  6. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    DeAndre is a good player, but not the kind of guy I would lose sleep over missing out on. He'll never be a superstar in this league. At best he'll wind up on one or two all-star teams.
  7. HombreDeHierro

    Jun 26, 2008
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  8. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Lol because he makes 10 mill a year it must be easy to be.
  9. GreatOne1978

    GreatOne1978 Member

    Jul 8, 2010
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    Hes a foul machine. Below average one on one defender.

    - Hes great at catching lobs
    - Running the court on either ends (to block shots) or to get alley oops.

    No post game, poor IQ (have you guys noticed Kenyon Martin has been with the team for like 2 weeks and hes there finishting games???)

    He'll get better but he wont be there for another 4-5 years
  10. hairyme

    hairyme Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Yeah, it seems that way, until you go back and read:

    It's okay, I missed it too on first glance. This isn't as bad as the masturbatory Les-Morey fan-fiction that polluted the GARM a couple weeks ago, but these fake quotes really need to be CLEARLY noted...
  11. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    When jordan was there late in the 1st, ithought spurs,celtics,rockets should've drafted him. When you get that late in the draft, just take the guy with the most upside. In fairness, I can't kill ainge for passing jordan.
  12. ParaSolid

    ParaSolid Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Guys, it's not actually Jordan speaking in the quoted article. It's a satirical piece by Bill Simmons.

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