wow 12mil per season for an average big? wtf, he's not even a legit starter. he's more like a spot starter. the nba had a lockout for this shish? idiots. why dont the ballboys demand more money lol
You guys are forgetting that if jordan hill can make 9m per than anything is possible!!! Bigs will always be overpaid in the nba. Hard to find big guys that are athletic and can run who aren't absolutely terrible on defense. Add to that the fact he is a beast on offensive rebounds. Granted it should've been around 10m per but being lebrons friend and having same agent bumps up that salary I guess.
Oh and wait till asik gets his next contract. We would've always had to trade him at the salary he is gonna command.
NBA gms are probably some of the dumbest people on the planet for how high of a salary they receive. How many bad contacts have there been over the years? Arenas, Allan Houston, Kobe's current deal... If all the gms suddenly became smart with their money collectively, this would be a much different league with less lazy, complacent players wasting their talent.