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Carmichael Dave needs to come over with Artest

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by BleedsRocketRed, Jul 31, 2008.


carmichael to houston??

  1. yesssssssss

    188 vote(s)
  2. no

    33 vote(s)
  1. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    I'll admit, I am pretty envious of him. I don't know if he just works well with Ron, or he's just a hell of an interviewer - maybe you can shed some light on this? He seems to put Artest at ease, and then slip in some tough questions in between. I really enjoyed his show the other night.. how cool is it when your star player calls in to the radio for a few hours? Sacramento was lucky to have that :)

    I'm honestly really surprised at how excited you guys are about the trade -- I thought it was robbery. Everyone here agrees that we got him for peanuts.. yet King fans are jubilant at the thought of Bobby Jackson coming home.

    -Bobby Jackson is a shell of who he used to be. I was LMAO when Artest thought it was so great all his hard work paid off in the form of BJax and 2 1st round picks. My question to him would've been: Do you think Sacramento got enough? But he seems to think Bobby Jackson is AI.

    -It really isn't "two first round picks"... to me, a pick is something you have a choice in. Sacramento had no choice.. they're getting Greene. So to me, it's an expiring contract + Greene + 1st rounder.

    -That first rounder is going to be in the high 20s.. not exactly anything to build your team around. But I'm sure the Kings will find a suitable PF again :p
  2. BleedsRocketRed

    Mar 12, 2008
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    Dude, who pissed in your cheerios? How about you do something productive other then police peoples jokes and random ideas on message boards. KTHXBYE
  3. sacra king

    sacra king Member

    Jul 30, 2008
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    I guess you can say Dave does put Artest at ease. You want to know why we are excited to get rid of Ron give it a couple of months .(maybe less than that) Ron is unstable and as talented as he is we found it was not worth it keeping him around. Kings are in rebuilding mode right now and want to develope young talent and let them grow together all while creating cap space for 2009/2010.
  4. GuerillaBlack

    GuerillaBlack Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Ron may have been unstable with an inexperienced Kings team not making the playoffs. But with a Rocket squad full of veterans and a coach he WANTS to play for, I don't Ron Ron will be unstable at all.
  5. sacra king

    sacra king Member

    Jul 30, 2008
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    was indiana inexperienced?
  6. Rover16

    Rover16 Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Artest is older and wiser since indiana. Like he's been telling everyone, it's been 4 years since the brawl.

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    I still put all the blame for the Brawl on Ben Wallace and the fan who throw a beer on a 6'7 250 lbs. Man! I didn't condone the action but a man can only be push so far.

    It's like a Steven Seagal movie.
    Ron Artest is OUT FOR JUSTICE!

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/iKuR6unbOpU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/iKuR6unbOpU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  8. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    I understand the reasoning behind trading Artest: you're no where near championship caliber, so there's no sense in keeping a guy like Artest. Trade him and re-build for the future around Martin and draft picks. I just don't think you guys got near enough for him.

    I think everyone understands Ron's unstable --but you can't deny, as he put it, he's one of the top 3 two-way players in the game. I think what King fans don't understand is how good of a locker room we have. We have such a good group of guys that, as JVG I think said, we can absorb a wild card. Artest is exactly that.

    But I'll take talent over the "good guy" everyday of the week. I saw some of you guys calling Petrie a genius and how "he's back" -- I just don't see it. Donte might turn out to be a fine player, but don't forget he was also the 28th pick. It's not exactly like you got a young lottery pick stud. You'll be in the same predicament next year with the late first rounder. Bobby Jackson will be meaningless to your organization -- but if I'm the Kings, I'm trading him at the deadline for more picks.

    Now that I think about it, Petrie will look a lot better if he can swing another 1st rounder out of Bjax. Then you would essentially get a young guy with potential and have three first rounders next year -- which I would package to move up. I guess time will tell -- but don't expect us to wish ya'll any luck in the near future. Not as long as you're in the West ;)
  9. carmichael dave

    Jul 30, 2008
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    After a week, my account has been activated.

    I want to thank each and every one of you who listened in to my show, or podcasted the excerpts. It has been frustrating to read along, and not be able to comment. I wouldve made this its own thread, but:

    A: Apparently I cannot do that yet, because I am a rookie

    B: I have noticed people do not always like new threads here

    Ron Artest is a wonderful basketball player and an even better friend. Yes, you read that right.

    The dude is just a cool cat. He is also the epitome of "what if". The way you guys feel now, we as Kings fans felt in the days after the Peja-Artest trade. Excited to finally get a hard-nosed warrior to come through in the clutch. We listened as Ron claimed that the team (while 8 games under .500 at the time) would make the playoffs, we listened as Ron talked (and walked) the idea of defense and hard play at both ends of the floor.

    Then there was the dog incident. Then there was the domestic incident. These things fly out of nowhere, and seem to land on Ron. He'll be the first person to tell you he isnt perfect, but his past has certainly been prologue to a great many new adventures.

    For everyone who has ever worked or been around Ron, we will all tell you the same thing: He's an absolutely phenomenal guy. He puts everything out there, on and off the court. Then he does something that makes us cringe a bit.

    The media is definitely a little biased toward the negative, and Ron did a bit of that himself. He cannot get thru an interview without talking brawl, dogs, domestic, quitting the season to promote his rap album, etc.

    However, few and far between are the revealing stories about all the other stuff he does.

    About playing an NBA season with a 4 year old daughter suffering from cancer.

    About going to Africa and paying for everything himself, going above and beyond an "NBA Cares" photo-op.

    About putting countless children through school in NY with his mentoring programs.

    About his tireless search to do any and all things charitable (seriously, he's like a charity detective)

    About the fact that all his "abused" dogs are from animal shelters, which he has picked up in several cities across the country, shunned the ritzy Sacto neighborhoods, so he could live on a farm to have room for his pups (who arent so welcome in the tonier districts.

    About the fact that he, instead of partying and spraying cristal all over everyone all summer, drove 20 miles to a radio station in a tanktop and flip flops......all to hang out with a late-night talk show host who couldnt pay him (not that he ever asked).

    Ron is an enigma, but he's a fun enigma to have. He's a heck of a ballplayer, and like most of us, has matured immensely with age. My guess is he will be everything you guys want, and more.....and you will be spot-on contenders to the throne next season.

    I just hope that he realizes his potential as a ballplayer, and as a person, with you guys. It is with a heavy heart that we see him leave, and obviously, I'm very biased.

    Good luck, and I hope to stay in contact with you guys through more of my Ron/Bill/Warier/Celine Dionfan adventures...
  10. csux

    csux Rookie

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Have you typed out your resume yet? hehe
  11. rezdawg

    rezdawg Member

    Feb 15, 2000
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    Welcome aboard, great to have you here.
  12. carmichael dave

    Jul 30, 2008
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    I had it all typed out, and am flying out there Friday....but then I realized over 20 people here said NO.....although I expect most yes votes were from my listeners :)
  13. BMoney

    BMoney Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Thanks, Charmichael Dave! I really enjoyed your show with Ron. It seems like you guys are really close. I felt a lot better about the trade after I listened to that interview. Ron may have issues, but he seems like he has a good heart.
  14. TapeFreak

    TapeFreak Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    I hope you are serious!

    I have to say, that show I listened to really had me wishing we had you locally here. Even if not, will definitely tune anywhere you may be! You're a true host man!

    Sorry, but our radio locally hasn't been too hot in the past few years...
  15. Rover16

    Rover16 Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Yeah he would rock here cause he cares about basketball. The hosts here care more about the astros and texans then the rockets. :eek:
  16. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Great post, carmichael dave, and I hope it's the first of many. Most of us can't wait for Ron to start the season with the Rocks. I see him starting... how about you?

    (and I hope you get the job in Houston!)
  17. FFz

    FFz Member

    Sep 15, 2006
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    Stay away from 610 and go for 1560!
  18. wlpdjy

    wlpdjy Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    I 同意来的
  19. clos4life

    clos4life Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Don't listen to the naysayers. At least 10-20% of our board members are either contradictorians or chinese, those are the ones that probably voted no. :D

    Anyone who has heard your show knows Houston could use a real radio voice like yours around here. :p
  20. dockerland

    dockerland Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    Great to have you on board Carmichael and it's also good to get the opinion of someone who is so close to Ron. The thing that I have been impressed most with over the last week with Ron is his honesty and how "normal" he seems.

    I honestly think this move is going to be one of the best in this franchises history. We look forward to hearing your thoughts in the future and will be listening in to your show.

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