Have you guys been reading about this? About a 3rd of seniors at 3 different Spring ISD high schools may not graduate because of the total ineptness of the former Superintendent (Ralph Draper) and all of his corrupt cronies.
How do you have such incompetent record keeping of transcripts and fake credits for 600+ students and not expect anybody to notice? I'm amazed at how stupid they are. If intentional, they are stupid for thinking they can get away with it. If not intentional, they are just terribly stupid and incompetent. Sounds like a good idea to clean house. Sucks for those students that will have bad college applications because of their high school's screw up.
When did Spring become such a dysfunctional CDP? It seems the area is always on the news for numerous home invasions, robberies, police chases, murders, etc.
Meh, most of the problems from Spring I.S.D are in the "southern" region of the district. Where students don't have Spring, Tx addresses but Houston,Tx ones.
About the time they took in a boat load of Katrina exports. ~2005. I was a substitute for a short while for the district back then while looking for a job post college graduation.
I haven't been up that way in a long time. The only time I remember was going to the Old Town Spring festival thing in the early 2000's. Has the entire area become bad?
Crawfish festival? No the area is actually still quite safe despite all the news reports. Spring I.S.D goes into Houston territory all the way by Veterans Memorials and Rankin Road. The parts of Spring closest to Klein I.S.D are generally the safest in that region. However, anything along the stretch of Rankin Rd, Airtex, Richey, FM1960, and Paramatta is trash
I was in Old Town Spring 2-3 years ago. Surprised I didn't get shanked at that crawfish festival. Luckily I managed to avoid stepping on glass or eating a fried oreo. I'm certain the whole region will be wiped out eventually by diabetes. I've never seen a Texas Roadhouse or Cheddar's parking lot full of so many cars in my lifetime.
lmao. I know exactly what you mean by Cheddars. The one of Louetta is super packed every day I pass by. The entire area that's near 45 is pretty bad, i will agree with that. Further down 2920 halfway in between to Tomball and it's not that bad.
To expand on the tangent briefly, I keep wondering.... I've never been to cheddar's, but that seems the M.O. there. The parking lots at every one I've ever seen are constantly packed. What exactly are they serving there that is so irresistible to the masses?
Your typical cookie cutter suburbia menu. Basically take something with a lot of carbs, then deep fry it and serve it in large portions with a side of ranch. Like moths to a flame. They also slap adjectives on everything like - ultimate, loaded, Texas style or gut gruncher. It's you and your wife's anniversary dinner, go ahead and go all out, the kids are at home, order the Texas-sized half rack of ribs and wash it down with a Miller High Life.
All through High School, I knew what classes I had taken and what my grades were. I knew what my transcript looked like. Had there been a class on there I had not taken, I would have notified someone immediately. Same thing had there been a missing class. As a student or a parent, it is not that difficult to know what core classes you have taken and what you over all schedule is and what your grades are. While the district may have screwed up royally, how any given student or parent could not notice such a huge problem with their particular situation is beyond me. At most, a problem should have only lingered for one semester.
Make sure you have Mozzerella dippers and Calamari on the menu. Because there is always a fat person or some girl who LOVES calamari. And add Salmon to your menu because you can say you have health options for people who don't mind spending 25 dollars a plate. Also make sure that the restaurant has a miserable college student waiting the table.
I've been reading about it. Absolutely a horrible thing they've done to these kids. I can't believe how SISD has been falling apart. I've heard that Klein ISD isn't far behind and that people are trying to get out of Champions because of it. Houses out there are crazy cheap right now when they should be going up in value. It's a real shame. I've only been to Cheddars once and it was just disgusting.
If you read the articles, there's a great example of what was happening. One student failed a US History class in his junior year. The counselor told him that he could still get credit if he signed a contract that he would do better, try harder, etc. He did what he was told to do and was going to graduate this semester. When this came about, the same counselor suddenly couldn't find the "contract" and he was told that a deal should've never been made. He wasn't told this until the end of January. He's been able to take an on-line course to make up for it but it shouldn't have gotten to this point. He shouldn't have been told that by the counselor. This is what is happening. It's not the students and parents necessarily not paying attention. They're getting s***ty advice from admins.
You know it's funny because 7 years or so ago (when I was in college) I used to think Cheddar's and Chili's and Olive Garden were pretty damn good, but now I just can't even go there. I've been to Cheddar's once in the last few years and it was terrible; Chili's three times and all three times it was terrible; and Olive Garden I just gave up on a long while ago. Terrible service, dirty floors and tables, and food that ranges anywhere from disgusting to OK. It's not even worth those $20 dinner for 2 specials they run; I'd rather spend $15 on two meals from Whataburger. Anyway back to Spring: My wife lived near 1960 and Cypress Station for a few years in one of those terrible, run-down apartment complexes and yeah, the place sucked. (Hilariously, they had a security guard who worked the front gate, but drug deals and everything else still carried on without hesitation at the apartment complex.) It's a wonder she made it out OK. When I think of Spring, I think of that run-down crappy area.
Just to be clear, I am not excusing the administrators in any way. Had I been told, as a junior, that same thing, I would have expected to actually see the credit on my transcript by the end of my junior year or prior to starting my senior year. Had I not seen it, I would have started asking questions. As a parent, I would not have even allowed my child to sign such a "contract". They would have retaken the failed class or an equivalent class.
That's right by the Kroger. That is not Spring, Tx. Yeah that area is terrible though. A lot of people think this area is Spring because it is served by Spring I.S.D (it's this area that gives Spring ISD most of their problems)