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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Lil Pun, May 16, 2011.

  1. arkoe

    arkoe (ง'̀-'́)ง

    Dec 13, 2001
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    Campaign question:

    What happened to Frost? He was missing from the mine level that had Sandman and the rest of his team... did I miss something obvious?
  2. kaocsaephan

    kaocsaephan Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    1) AKA I can't sit in the corner and camp anymore. -- I am myself a run-and-gun player. But in MW2, not everyone did this. When all 12 players (TDM) are running around on a small map, it is a different game that is less enjoyable. Why can't you figure this out?

    2) What? lol A good example of how inaccurate this statement is would be the SCAR and G36C. Vastly different. -- I have used the Scar (not G36C), and this is not true. There was an obvious and strong recoil difference in MW2 between guns such as the M4A1 and M16. In MW3, that's not the case. You can, for the most part, spot enemies VERY far away with a perk and kill them just as easy.

    3) There was ALWAYS a UAV in the air in MW2 and Black Ops. No change here. -- No, there wasn't. In MW2, people most preferred 5-7-11 (P-missile, Harrier, Gunner/AC130). And even if there was, you could Counter-UAV with the same class. Pulling out a stinger was easier, too. And there was an incentive to do so.

    4) You not being able to get to 18 kills isn't the killstreaks problem -- This chopper gunner isn't half of what the ship was in MW2. I never said I couldn't get it. It just isn't worth 18 kills. Do you know how to read?

    5) Again, no camping/sniping spot I can sit in. -- Again, this guy does not know how to read. I was never a good sniper, and I hated campers. But after playing two consecutive CODs where everyone is running around nonstop, it makes me wonder whether or not I overreacted in MW2 due to the campers and tubers. Those maps made you think because you did not want campers/tubers to get his KS rewards. To not recognize this, you must be an inexperienced player.

    6) Sell it already. There are plenty of people who would love to purchase the game at a discount. -- I have friends. I don't like the game, and I wasn't even planning on buying it, but a game like this is very popular, and once in a while you have to play because friends are always on it. It does not mean that it's a great game. Criticizing it because it failed to live up to its predecessor does not mean I have to sell it.

    I don't play single player, so I can't make a judgement on that. But as far as multiplayer goes, it is NOT the same. This game is nowhere near MW2. All you have to do is take a look at the reviews by critics and players to realize that it fell short. To say that everyone is blindly hating because they are afraid of change would be ignorant.
  3. kaocsaephan

    kaocsaephan Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    If you are talking about me, you should know I only went for the nuke about 20 times in MW2 and got it 3 times. I don't aim for the nuke, but I recognize that it is an element that drastically changes the way the game is played out. With a nuke that guarantees victory, some players will take a 95% chance of losing in order to get it. And they obviously have to play very carefully, or even resort to cheap tactics (one-man-army and grenade launcher). I always made sure to pull out a stinger and shoot down AC130's and Chopper Gunners within 10 seconds. I even used a semtex on myself to get it done. This is one of the things that feel is missing, the "I gotta get rid of that" feeling.

    MW3 just isn't my game and I never took the time to research it, and I don't believe it's worth the time either. I have never heard of MOAB's until now (I have not experienced anyone using it). If all it does is kill everyone once, I'm not surprised. It isn't even worth it.

    I'm glad some people are enjoying this game, but it's hard for me to take them serious if they say it's "the same" as MW2. It isn't. Some enjoy the changes, but most of the hard-core players, I would imagine, would say otherwise.
  4. zlicciardo

    zlicciardo Member

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Dude chill out your being a little girl you don't have to write a novel on how you hate this game. Quit nerd raging we get it, its a game you don't like.
  5. Scionxa

    Scionxa Member

    Nov 16, 2010
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    Sorry, I'll do $45. It's brand new, not a single scratch. I'll even ship, I don't care lol.
  6. EssTooKayTD

    EssTooKayTD Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I think the nuke was also a byproduct of the "I'ma get mine" attitude in the MW games. Even on objective based games, there was no real communication or working together. The sheer fast pace of the game made communication almost pointless, and it's magnified in the small maps for MW3. "You check left, I'll ch....contact!" If you can even get that far in your statement. So the game becomes an everyone for themselves run and gun em game. That was fun for the first 2 MWs. I won't do it for a 3rd one.

    I love working in a squad of 4 friends in BF. We each play a diff class as dictated by the situation, we watch each other's backs, check corners, slice the pie, have someone watching the back, etc. Heck even when only 1 other friend is online, it's fun to take an objective point with just the two of you.
  7. wallyj12

    wallyj12 Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    The akimbo FMG9's are at it again. After my first beast game (it was actually 52-19 not 51 lol) I had a 49-18 dom game last night again just using them and the specialist package. On small maps like Carbon and Dome these guns are too good and the specialist package turns you into a monster especially after you acquire all the perks. I've seen more and more people using these.

    If you like playing an aggressive style I suggest you try these out. Unless you feel comfortable and are good at hip firing from 30 ft away and further I would stay away from using these as primaries on the maps with longer lines of sight
  8. seclusion

    seclusion rip chadwick

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I think one is to assume Frost lived while Sandman, Grinch, and Train all died. Which is also B.S., just saying.
  9. Harrisment

    Harrisment Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    I still prefer playing FPS's on the PC, so I'm downloading it now. Kinda hesitant after the bad reviews I've been reading, but it's been just as mixed for BF3. I'll probably end up getting Battlefield once I upgrade my GPU.
  10. RoxSqaud

    RoxSqaud Member

    Feb 21, 2008
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    My best game is 53-6
  11. TheGreat

    TheGreat Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Exactly, I'm looking for a desktop upgrade for gaming so I can get these games, any suggestions?
  12. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I was able to really spend some quality time with this game over the holiday and although I now hate it a little less and had some some fun with it, I still find it a little disappointing in regards to what my expectations were pre release.

    A few Reasons
    1. The game is too easy. The weapons have zero recoil so everybody has pinpoint accuracy. The weapons have very little learning curve. I enjoy the challenge of learning how to master different weapons.
    2. The maps are unimaginative and seem to be pieces of old maps sewn together. There is not one epic map in the bunch.
    3. The formula hasn't changed at all. Same old COD. Time to innovate. This is Modern Warfare 2 with a few less explosions.
    4. Black Ops: Theater mode is worse than it was on Black Ops, being able to customize my weapon was oddly entertaining, weekly, monthly, and all time leaderboards were handy, and your combat record mangaged to keep more in depth stats than Call of Duty elite which you now have to login to access.
    5. I think the support streak is a terrible idea. It leads to even more spam of UAV, recon drones, and advanced UAV....bad idea.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of COD and I enjoy their games, but I want to see the game taking steps forward, not serving me the same exact experience every other year on different maps. I'll continue to play MW3 because I do like COD, but the reality is, they really need to start bringing some new and fresh ideas to the table before its too late. Other franchises are gunning for them. Fortunately for Activision, these other franchises have still fallen a little short in their own formulas in their attempts to overthrow the king.

    This game has its fun moments to be sure if you like COD games. No FPS out there can boast of better controls and player responsiveness and people clearly like being rewarded in game for doing well by reaching their streaks. Unfortunately they are turning into John Madden football right before our very eyes. As long as the sales continue to roll in, I worry they may be less motivated to offer any significant changes for fear of ruining their cash cow. As the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Fortunuately for us, they won't be able to do what Madden did to 2k when they were developing into a serious competitor.
  13. EssTooKayTD

    EssTooKayTD Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Yeah, just look at EAs other sports franchise of NBA Live, it has to bow out of the race.

    If you haven't already tried it, give BF3 a run. It's different, so there's a learning curve, but you said you like that. Try your darndest to play with friends though. If it's a server full of solo players, it might as well be a Call of Duty game. No knock on them, I'm a Modern Warfare fan myself, but was supremely disappointed in MW3. I played a total of maybe 15 minutes.
  14. Lil Pun

    Lil Pun Member

    Oct 6, 1999
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  15. Scionxa

    Scionxa Member

    Nov 16, 2010
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