The Supreme Court is taking up the issue again. A couple of students sued UT arguing that they were denied spots they deserved to less qualified minorities. Despite having multiple lower courts throw out the case, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear it. (and Justice Kagan has recused herself from the case) There's no Sandra Day O'Connor this time around to defend affirmative action. I think we'll see the end of its use in college admissions soon.
The right wing politicos on the Court have probably gotten together, as they are want to do with the Kochs and other monied right wingers, and decided that it would be a nice way to help the GOP to have affirmative action bandied about during the 2012 election. Oh, I forgot they are neutral jurists, not just following the "original intent" of The Framers.. If you buy, that I have a bridge in Brooklyn.
Knowing what I know now, I'm kind of shocked I got into UT as a white guy outside of the top 10%. However difficult it was then, it's probably twice as hard now. Even still, I think it's a ridiculous rule that does more harm than good, even moreso than unabashed AA does. It's kind of like trying to fix a problem at the end of its lifecycle. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Didn't know Bollinger (?) invalidated Hopwood and that Texas was considering race again. That combined with the 10% rule must have made admissions and enrollment at UT a bloody mess; glad my black ass applied there and U of H back when state schools just used (and openly published) a quartile rank and SAT chart (which meant I wouldn't have tried if I couldn't have gotten in.) I guess having my degree biases me against this, but just get rid of it; white kids will get lawyers faster than black kids will ever "bridge the gap" and undercut any claims of preference. Time to put down the basketball and/or start applying to trade schools. Someone owes Lino Graglia a box of Omaha Steaks.
Says the person who advised a member of the forums to look at which party was comprised of African Americans when deciding which party to vote for.
Affirmative action should only play a minor role in the application process. One of my best friends got in, even though she was Hispanic, because she had a 3.8 at a junior college where she received her associates, had worked since she was 15, and grew up in a single parent home. Did race play a part in that? Maybe, but she felt rewarded for her hard work and she would have felt disgusted if they accepted her over someone who might have gone through more hardships.
This isn't a pissing contest, the point is that admissions for a white male outside of the top 10% are more difficult than they should be, and have been getting exponentially harder as time goes on because of this rule. Whether you think it's difficult relative to other schools is of no consequence.
I'd like to know why these white students think these under students were less qualified. There's some quantitative considerations like SAT score and class rank, but there's also qualitative considerations like the interview, the application essay, extracurriculars, etc. Did they get a letter saying they were rejected for being too white? Also, I think it's interesting that one of the white people has a Polish name. It wasn't long ago that Poles were discriminated against for being a minority; now they're being discriminated against for being white.
Pretty much the only kind I think there should be in my is harder growing up poor and everyone benefits vs going off of just skin color...
The only reason to continue to pretend they went Harvard, Yale or Rice on clutchfans IS engagement in pissing contests.
I'm a fan of class-based affirmative action instead of race-based affirmative action. It helps those really in need regardless of race. For me, race based affirmative action only leads to more tension in our society, and often helps middle class minorities (who don't need the help) more than poor minorities who actually do need the help. a good read on the topic is Tony Browns "White Lies, Black Lies"...
Irony is, rather than their alma mater making them look good, they instead make their alma maters look bad with how unbelievably stupid they act on here. I imagine their alumni association considers their relationship something akin to a shameful secret, a la taking a desperate double-bagger home after last call at the bar. "Don't go telling everybody about this, ok?"
Such a Great Injustice against the White People of this country! Instead of getting their Law Degree at UT they will be forced to get it at some other more or equally Reputable Institution.
no logic behind your post Discriminating against a group of people based on the color of their skin is just wrong.
In HS my transcript was marked as white. I took my or my mom's (I forgot) birth certificate into the office about a week before applying to schools and had it changed to Hispanic. Coming from someone who has no regrets gaming the system -- its an unfair concept.