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For Sale Brand new intel i7-4930K processor

Discussion in 'Hot Deals and Classifieds' started by pnutz409, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. pnutz409

    pnutz409 New Member

    Nov 22, 2003
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    Hey yall, I'm selling a brand new i7-4930k that's top of the line on the market for gaming rigs. I got this new via a Intel program that I am registered with and have a receipt for it as well. It retails for about $580, so I'm looking for $450 OBO. Msg me if interested or need pictures.
  2. LCAhmed

    LCAhmed Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Great deal! I'd buy it if I had a need for a 2nd rig or if I wanted to upgrade my current one. However I rarely use my rig so I cant justify. Anyone who is on the fence on this should just go for. $80 cheaper than what Microcenter is selling it for.

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