We all know and love our chaotic Clutch the Bear, and I'm sure lots of us remember Turbo doing his acrobatic stunts in front of the Summit crowd during the championship years. But one thing that I just cannot find a picture of was the Houston Rockets' first mascot, a fellow by the name of Booster. Somebody here has to remember. What was he? What did he do? The only thing I could find was a story where he actually made John Conkak miss a free throw by showing him a girl in a bikini or something like that.
http://news.google.com/newspapers?n...wQuAAAAIBAJ&sjid=9TIDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6793,1199085 Apparently, Turbo and Booster were one in the same
They had a Turbo Booster hybrid, as well. Yeah, I tried searching for a picture (on Google) some time ago, but to no avail. An alien, but beyond that my memory's fuzzy.
Unfortunately, my memory is too fuzzy as well. Any glimpses in this video? <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/S2QY3yanfog" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Would anyone like to see Clutch on the Hulu Mascot show Behind the Mask? Would it ruin it to get to know or see the guy behind the mask?