Well... he's Amercian actually and plays nothing like Jeremy Lin. He does play in Europe (Italy/Euroleague), as well as for the Macedonian national team. A Ty Lawson clone, if I've ever seen one. He is one of the best, if not the best point guard in Europe. His game very much translates to the NBA. He led Macedonia of all teams to the semi finals of the EuroBasket. Italian League MVP. He been putting up numbers against the best teams in Europe year in and year out. He absolutely destroyed Rubio a season or two ago (there was a youtube video of it that sadly was taken down). Everybody over here knows this kid would do well in the NBA. Givony is high on him. Fran Fraschilla is. Why do I bring this up? Well, his contract expires next year. If Sergio Llull doesn't want to come over, it would be crazy not to check whether or not he'd want to come over. Regardless of whether or not he'll actually end up here, I firmly believe he'll be in the NBA sooner or later. So when your buddy will say "Have you seen this Bo McCalleb guy? He's crazy good. I can't believe nobody signed him earlier", you can tell him this cool guy on Clutchfans told you about him more than a year ago. A couple of writeups: Spoiler Spoiler Directly matched up with Llull: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZXw2o_rkcnY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9B5BbPLdPAg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/g7Q302osky0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I don't think the PG is a position of weakness for the Rockets...so it's tough to see the Rockets even considering him.
He's pretty much said himself that the NBA isn't an option because of the money he can get in Europe.
It is right now. Lots of things can change between now and next off-season. I, for one, believe that one of Lowry and Dragic (Lowry) won't be on this team season. Got a link for me? I know he told HoopsHype he's going to play in Europe next season (which I read as I'm under contract for next season, which he is). He's currently making less than $1.5M after taxes.
Good find. We can definitely use a guy like him. His translated PER is all star level, and his 3 point shooting may just improved like lowry did. Also he seems to have good defense. Wow.
Yeah. He's not what you would call a knock down shooter, but he's certainly capable. He doesn't attempt a whole lot of 3's (2.2 a game), but when he takes them, more often than not, he makes them (52.6% last season). I don't know how to calculate PER (I know where to find the formula, but I'd rather not go through all those numbers), but those are his (translated) stats from this season: MIN, PTS, REB, AST, FG% 27.7 16.2, 2.2, 2.2, 61.3 NBA36, 17.2, 4.6, 3.5, 53.9
Here the story on Bo Mac and how he became a Macedonian. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/16/s...-surprise-at-european-championships.html?_r=1 Stats profile including PER http://www.draftexpress.com/profile/Bo-McCalebb-525/stats/ His Macedonian passport helps him make a more in Europe. Not sure how much it would take to lure him to the NBA. Maybe almost full midlevel?
Can Dragic dunk like McCalebb? Spoiler <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-2iSAaRpex0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Thanks. So his 'translated' NBA PER for this season would be 19.7 FWIW. As for how much money it would take, tough to say. It might take close to the mid level. It might not. I think it would take at least $3M/year, though. I'm guessing he'll get offered somewhere between Diamantidis and Navarro money which would be between €2M-2.8M ($2.6-3.6M) after taxes. (http://www.talkbasket.net/salaries.html)
Looks like his college efficiency is already top of the chart. I guess the GM's don't like his school, length and age then. It's similar to Jeremy Lin, and Orlando Johnson in this year's second round may turn out to be yet another example.
Great player, loved the way he played for us in the Eurobasket last year. Love to see him play for the Rockets, but won't happen... Anyway after the 4th place in Eurobasket he became kinda hero for our nation and this is graffiti in Macedonian town Kavadarci. Oh and offtopic, our Center Pero Antikj just won Euroleague final with Olympiacos.
Haha. Not at all. I'm just a fan of his game and have always wondered how it can be that hasn't found a home in the NBA yet, when a number of scrubs somehow find a way to stay in the league and even worse get signed to some of these horrendous contracts. You're right though. I probably over-did it with the youtube highlights and all. Haha. I got a thing for Antic, too. Don't get me started. :grin: He's like the European Ivan Johnson (not really, but I can't think of a better comparison right now).
[rQUOTEr]As per source, NBA teams showed interest in Bo McCalebb. He has no buyout in his contract and Siena wants to monetize at most his departure Rumor is that Siena is asking around 2M of euro to sell Bo McCalebb. So his departure for the NBA is very unlikely this summer[/rQUOTEr] http://twitter.com/SportandoBasket The cost of a second rounder. McCalebb is a first round talent. Do it Morey!
"Hey guys, need a PG? Yeah, I'm that guy who outplayed Dragic at the EuroBasket last summer. And oh yeah, I'd be willing to come over for half of what Dragic will make. Gimme a call."