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Bill Simmons Lebron mailbag, some nice stuff

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by meh, Jul 10, 2010.

  1. saitou

    saitou J Only Fan

    Jul 20, 2003
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    I agree. But if he stayed on in Cleveland and did everything but win championships ppl would say Kobe > Lebron. The media have had a big role in this super team formation with the way they value rings over everything, yet they want to criticize him for being a nazgul.
  2. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    exactly. regardless of what people say, rings matter.

    when kobe won rings with shaq and was obviously a 2nd fiddle, they still compared him to jordan with ridiculous hype. it didn't matter kobe was 2nd fiddle. rings are rings.

    but we all know lebron is not going to be a 2nd fiddle on the heat b/c he's clearly the best player on the heat and is coming off 2 straight MVPs. the world knows who's the best player on the heat is.

    the more i think about it, the more it makes sense why lebron makes this decision.

    he must be very confident in his abilities. and i'm sure he thinks he can put up some historic numbers even if he had to share the ball with wade/bosh. a triple double might be in his mind now.

    and we all know out of all those 3, lebron has the best chance at the MVP.

    so if lebron continues to do what he does on the heat (lower points is the only dip i see in his stats), and keep winning MVPs, and START winning rings, it's stupid to think he'll be out of the GOAT conversation. plain stupid.

    like i said, the only way he'll fall out of discussion is if he falls off, which i don't think he will.

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