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[#BeMoreLikeEurope] France Wants to Ban the Burkini

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Cohete Rojo, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. sirbaihu

    sirbaihu Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    OMG, women wearing too many clothes. "Sorry girls, you are required to show more skin." This is what freedom is all about!
  2. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Not directly related, but because we talked about Islam and women's rights:

    Here in Germany, a relative of mine is working for a company that decided to employ some Syrian refugees.

    Was okay for the first weeks, but now the Syrian men have complained and are demanding that the female employees dress more conservatively and show less skin, because it's offending.

    Great stuff, you'd think these guys were grateful for being saved from war, dress code should be the last thing they complain about.

    My sister in law also worked as a language teacher for refugees and says that at least 1/5th of her former class have stopped talking to Germans and only hang out with Muslims now.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  3. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Fire them.

  4. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Asked for an update on the situation I posted:

    Not sure if I'm using the correct English term, but the refugees are contract/temporary workers who are provided by a subcontractor/temporary employment firm. Sure you're familar with this, companies hire from subcontractors to cut costs and avoid strict employment regulations, especially for work that requires little skill. You pay extremely low wages and can basically cut these employees at any time.

    These refugees now went to the management of that subcontracting company and complained about their German female coworkers. What happened? Management/HR department told the female employees to dress more conservatively or they'll be fired.
    Background is that the company likely gets paid by the government for employing refugees, so the management is only doing this for money and has completely abandoned the values of our own heritage, country and culture.

    I'm just completely disgusted by this, didn't know it was that bad.

    Meanwhile, an actual employee of the real company was sexually harassed by a refugee today (touched her breasts), she'll speak with the CEO today. Will be really interesting to see how this plays out, let's hope he doesn't pull the same sh**.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  5. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    If I was in a new country where I didn't speak the language, I think I would gravitate towards hanging out with people who spoke the same language as me. I'm a little surprised the number isn't higher than 20%.
  6. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Burkini Faso?
  7. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    She was talking to their better integrated friends and they confirmed that these guys don't like Germans and Christians (because of our values, lifestyle etc), it has nothing to do with language issues.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  8. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    That's like... What every migrant class does when they first move to a new land?

    The Irish did it when they moved to the States. The Italians did it. The Polish did it. When brown people do it, it's different and we can't allow them the time to assimilate like we did with groups of poor European White people.
  9. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    It is confirmed.
  10. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    What? This has nothing to with race or culture. It's a language course for refugees and I simply stated that a lot of the former attendees have intentionally stopped talking to Germans and followers of other religions.
    I've posted more stories about her experiences here, many refugees refused to shake her hand or listen to her. Others openly told Germans to stop celebrating Christmas, to alter our lifestyle etc. or harassed female employees at that school.

    So please get the F out with your victim game or implied racism.

    Is this sarcasm? Why the F would they make this up and openly tell her about these issues? She's still friends with some of the well-integrated refugees and gets invited to celebrations etc.

    When these people open up about about some of their intolerant friends, you don't believe it and write a sarcastic comment, sitting in your chair on the other side of the world? Wonderful.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  11. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    What do you want us to do with your anecdotes? Hate refugees? What's your intent with these anecdotes that we have nothing to confirm by?

    Because at the end of the day they are nothing more than anecdotes. If I gave anecdotes about white people harrasing me for being Muslim looking, would you do anything with that information or throw it out as some outlier anecdote or a stranger on the interent making up stories?

    And yes, plenty of Irish and Italian people when they initially migrated to the States isolated themselves on purpose.
  12. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Why the F would I lie about this? I was simply trying to give insight as to what is happening in Europe, as it's interesting. Making random American CF members hate Muslims wouldn't do a darn thing. If that bs were my agenda, I'd surely do it on German social media or streets instead.

    I've also stated that many refugees she and I dealt with are wonderful people and that she's still friends with a lot of them. Stop acting like I am trying to paint all refugees as bad people here.

    It's surely more helpful than people like you going on the Internet and automatically reacting to real events by playing victim or accusing others of racism. We're dealing with issues here, not talking about it or blindly defending every refugee is the opposite of what we should be doing.

    This is exactly what's happening in Germany right now, police being forbidden to talk about cases and their struggles. And too many leftist/fake-tolerant people use the race card instead of actually addressing the cultural conflict.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  13. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Playing victim? WTF are you referring to?

    So as Americans what do you want us to do with this information? Do you think this translated to our immigration process?

    You've seen me have no qualms with criticizing Islam but your anecdotes based evidence based on someone you know is asinine to make any form of judgement.

    And I think I'm more of a subject matter expert than you as an ex-Muslim and someone who's actually literally fought Islamic extremism in a foreign country. So why don't you go **** off with your false high horse. I've actually done more to combat extremism than you so move along.
  14. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Ehm, maybe with bullsh** like "When brown people do it, it's different and we can't allow them the time to assimilate like we did with groups of poor European White people." or "Hate refugees?"?
    Textbook race card and trying to act like everyone simply has an agenda vs Muslims.

    I've seen it in every discussion about Islam here, you immediately pull this crap instead of simply accepting the black sheeps and overlying cultural issues.
    You haven't even responded to the contents of my anecdotes, which have been seen on the large scale in major events here in Europe (Cologne etc). Instead of accepting this, you talk sh** about teh poor "brown people" and Muslims being treated unfairly.

    It surely doesn't translate to your apologist and accusatory posts. You'd think someone "combating extremism" and being an ex-Muslim wouldn't immediately talk sh** about "brown people" being treated unfairly or accusing everyone with insight to the European refugee crisis as a racist with an agenda.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  15. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Anyone who wants to form policy and opinions about millions of people based on anecdotes is an idiot and probably has tendencies to be bigoted.

    You have anything better than anecdotes from source that isn't even directly you?

    It's very simple. You b****ed about 1/5th of refugees stick to their own while 5/5ths of new Irish immigrants and Italian immigrants stuck to themselves when they immigrated here hence why we have so many concentrated Irish and Italian communities around the country. But you probably thought that was cool.
  16. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I've already said this has been replicated with large scale events like Cologne, again you don't mention it.
    Maybe look at the f****in 2016 crime statistics here in Germany, the rise of crimes committed by refugees is horrible and in absolutely no relation to the rest of the population.

    Or maybe inform yourself about inoffical police reports and interviews, where they talk about immigrants from some countries systematically bullying and attacking police. Ghettos where police doesn't even have the balls to go into anymore as they'll be immediately swarmed by refugees cursing and attacking them. Those are FACTS, not anecdotes.

    Again, it's absolutely amazing how you talk about your great anti-extremism stance, you being ex-muslim and having insight, but every single one of your posts is apologist bullsh**, playing the race card and attacking the messenger.
  17. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Your first paragraph has many subjective statements. For example there are reports that you probably will ignore and brush off that state that the event at Cologne were SEVERELY exaggerated.

    What are you trying to accomplish with your anecdotes? What is your intent? Show me a pragmatic intent to your statements because it seems your only motivation is to be on a high horse.

    If your intent was safety and pragmatism you would attempt to find a solution instead of just telling us how bad refugees are through your **** anecdotes.

    Do you think this should effect American policy? What should we do with the refugees that swarm in from the Mediterranean coast? Should we allow the Syrian ones to be bottlenecked between Assad l, Russia and ISIS and push many of them to have no choice but to join groups like ISIS? Is that what you want? You want more recruitment fodder for groups like ISIS?
    #117 fchowd0311, Jun 23, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  18. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Ah yes, feel free to debunk the official investigations and crime statistics of my country. And feel free to correct the actual police insight of local policemen in all parts of Germany.

    Awesome to see you denying all of this while not even being on the same continent and always just cherry picking the one sentence you don't like while glossing over everything else I say.
  19. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Makes me think: I'm actually living in Germany and have first-hand experiences with refugees, a ton of relatives who worked with them (even relatives/friends working in courts and for police) and all German media sources possible on this.

    Yet, according to you, I'm the idiot for forming my opinion on this, while you live on a different continent, haven't met one of the refugees in my country and have ZERO local German sources.

    Yet, you're denying every statement I make and immediately defend the refugees while implying that I'm a racist.

    Ask yourself again, who's the bigoted and biased idiot with an agenda?
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  20. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    Where is it that the women are complaining that they are being forced to wear the burkini.

    Let's look into what this is really about. These women who can't wear their burkinis aren't going to all of a sudden don bikinis. No they simply won't go into the water.

    That's what is really happening, they are banning these women from going into the ocean and making other people feel uncomfortable. This is gross discrimination under the false guise of protecting women rights.

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