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Battier and Scole: The Charge-taking Dynamic Duo...

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by tigermission1, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. LewLLOYD

    LewLLOYD Member

    Oct 20, 2007
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    Hayes and BAttier are nails. tough as nails... metal nails, they are the nails of the team. Add Scola to that group and those three guys. tough rusty nails that hold together our dfence.

    James, Francis and Bonzi bring some fire that we were missing.
    And TMac and Yao are water. Smooth, effortless, calm and dominant.

    We've got a nice balance now. :cool:

    Hayes, Battier, Scola = good at taking charges
    Yao= general big 7'6'' 300+lb defensive presence, albeit not super agile
    TMac = can just shut you down, esp at end of the game
    James, Francis, Bonzi = can bring the mean nasty intensity :mad: which we were somewhat lacking last year (if we see flopping against us :rolleyes: , I predict we will see it mostly against these players, because of their intensity)
  2. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    chuck hayes is getting a raw deal because bullard and worrell never talk about him taking charges, it's always scola and battier. I know we all love scola but chuck is by far the better defensive player at the moment, let's give him some love.

    scola may end up taking a good portion of chuck's minutes so it's possible he leads him in charges taken.
  3. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    What are you talking about? :confused: You obviously don't know basketball. You can't get a charging call if you are late on a defensive assignment. Charging is a basketball rule.

  4. mos-def

    mos-def Member

    Feb 2, 2003
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  5. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Hmm, tell me how you can jump in front of a player when you can't stay in front of him? :confused: Jumping in front of a player is a way to stay in front of him.

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