Worst kept secret in MLB..Just look at Ortiz and his steep decline..Manny was and is a great hitter but, much like Bonds, it took him to a god like level.
David Ortiz condemned A-Rod for using them and has routinely been in the papers damning any player who used them.
http://www.yfsf.org/2009/02/ortiz-ban-steroid-users-for-a-year.html Let me retract. He wasn't the player I remember hearing coming down hard on A-Rod. He did say this though..
Yep and he has to face the firing squad for it...I never really took him seriously looking at his body of work and now he will probably be labeled just like R. Palmerio is now "LIAR and CHEAT"
Not really a surprise. Bill Simmons wrote an article about steroids, the Red Sox World Series titles, and explaining to his son about how great it was, but that they were probably cheating. He specifically mentioned David Ortiz. To me, at this point it isn't a big deal. Just don't go Roger Clemens about it. Edit: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/090507&sportCat=mlb He has written other stories on Ortiz and steroids too.
Seriously, are people still surprised by all these “so and so used steroids!!!” headlines anymore?? Not exactly a shocking revelation. And I could say that about ANY baseball player.
I agree. I don't care at all anymore to be honest. I used to be outraged, but the more and more tested the more I realized it was just part of the game the same way scuffing a ball, spitballs, greenies, etc. were before baseball came down on that crap too. Ortiz bugs me because he has been such an outspoken critic of steroid/ped use. He's the one who said that anyone who uses should be thrown out for a year.
was it curt schilling? i know schilling was pretty outspoken against steroids. oh, and at this point, just release the entire list. this whole list is just gonna leak for months and months if it isnt
I'm certain Curt Schilling comes down hard on everyone. If that guy used, I would care considering he has by far been the most outspoken one.
LOLOLOL...was going to include him but wanted to go the serious route but yea he would literally make me lose the little faith I have in MLB lol
sadly, i have grown complacent to these sort of proclamations. sucks for them, but nobody in this era of baseball will be able to completely exonerate themselves. the clean pro's would be wise to start outing all known users, and then hopefully they will be compelled to tell on themselves rather than wait for their reputation be wrecked by someone else (who likely doesn't know the true extent of the use). methinks a true witch hunt is about the only way to clean up after this mess.
Baseball is run by morons. That 2003 test is just ridiculous. It's supposed to be anonymous but now all these names are leaking out. They need to just review all the names and get it over with, having it come out 1 at a time is just bad for the game and bad for these players. And as for Ortiz and Manny, I don't care if these guys used PEDs or whatever. They played in a league where everyone used the stuff. They would have been idiots not to use. I was a big fan or Ortiz before this came out and I am still a big fan of Ortiz.
I have never cared about steroids but Ortiz should have kept his mouth shut or at least not been so outspoken about it when he talked about players testing positive for it.