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Backup SG solution

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by snowconeman22, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    I believe that our backup SG is already on the roster. His name is Aaron brooks . Right now McHale has primarily been using the Beverly/ Lin combo to take up the guard spots when Harden is resting . This combination is great for us , so I understand the desire not to take away minutes from the combo by designating another backup SG . But , as it is right now Harden plays way too many minutes. Even worse , Parsons plays WAY too many minutes ; especially when considering how active he is moving off ball. In order to take away several minutes away from Harden and Parsons, brooks should play around 10 min a game at backup SG. And to insure that there isn't a drop off , harden can cover some of Parsons minutes at the 3.

    A sample minutes distribution could look like this.

    Bev/ Lin (20/28)
    Harden/ bev/ brooks. (25/10/13)
    Parsons/ harden/ casspi. (33/10/5)
    Jones/ d-mo. ( 24/24. ? )
    Howard/ asik ( 34/14)

    Harden seems to play better defense when his opponent is bigger and slower as James is strong enough to not be pushed around and he uses his speed advantage well in these situations. Having omer back ?? Allows us to play small and not be overwhelmed on the glass and in the paint . This of course assumes he can return to form.

    In my opinion our biggest weakness all year has been lack of quality backup wings. Our bigs are young and developing; they seem to improve almost every game. By having James play a bit of backup 3 , we turn a weakness into a strength. Brooks at 2 guard could always guard the point if he is getting destroyed, but generally if a opposing reserve two guard is your biggest problem I would say you are in a pretty good position. Brooks can at least hold his own offensively , and fits perfectly into the style that we want to play. I sincerely hope that McHale gives brooks a shot at the backup 2 , and I hops even more that he finds a way to reduce harden and parsons minutes. By sliding harden to backup 3 there is no drop off in quality and we are able to really push the pace .
  2. team5

    team5 Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    He is too small. Defense is a problem.
  3. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    The reason why he lost his starting job years ago in the first place. Dude is tiny beyond tiny... While guys like Lin or even Bev can cover 2,3,4s sometimes...
  4. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    He wouldn't have to cover 2's . If he is on the floor with beverly, bev can do the job. Same goes for Lin. Just to remind you they would be guarding a backup 2. Even if brooks ends up having to guard them, he will likely outscore them. The main reason why he lost his starting job was because he became ineffective offensively.
  5. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    So when Brooks comes in to sub Harden, you want Bev or Lin to cover the opposing 2 at all times and let Brooks cover the opposing 1? Problem is Brooks is yet again too small to cover most 1s in this league anyways :grin:
  6. Doppleganger

    Doppleganger Rookie

    Jan 31, 2013
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    The backup SG is Casspi (when Harden needs a break) or Lin (when Harden isn't playing at all). Brooks had playing time, but it was mostly because of injuries.
  7. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    Yeah i mean one of them already does it when they play together right now. The main thing brooks does is allow Harden to play more backup 3. I'm not saying i'm against a trade for a better backup 2, but i don't know if you can get as good a 3 point shooter as brooks for only Garcia/Brooks/ Picks etc ... I am completely against trading anyone in our rotation right now. Unless we absolutely destroy our partner in terms of value. I think Brooks deserves a shot at backup SG and i don't think the defensive drop off will be deadly. Especially is Brooks lights it up from 3 like he can.
  8. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    The Rockets defense with Brooks playing any position is quite bad. The only backup for Harden on the team is Lin. And the only way to limit Harden's minutes is if the Rockets are either blowing teams out, or being blown out.
  9. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Harden has picked up the defense but honestly...the way we play defense normally and how we chuck up 3s AB is a pretty good fit for limited minutes at the 2.
  10. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Yeah because Bev/Lin help to cover Harden's man on a nightly basis as well as their own. I hate to say this but when you really look at it maybe Harden really isn't worth his contract.. How can an Allstar be so lackadaisical on the defensive end? Harden has had really good games and done good but he's such a hype player that actual substance. If the Rockets never had gotten Harden or Howard and had a line up like:

    C. Lee
    Bev/Lin <<< I think that team would give this current squad a run for its

  11. awc713

    awc713 Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    Interesting idea...if we do this we have to have a big lineup every else.

    Would rather trade for a backup 2-3 that can defend. Wouldn't loved Lee if not for his contract
  12. Panda23

    Panda23 Member

    Jul 2, 2012
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    How small do you want the lineup to be? A Brooks/Lin backcourt doesnt inspire any defensive confidence, Beverley/Lin is alot more balanced and thats why you see McHale use that lineup.

    Well, Lowry just positioned himself as a better player
  13. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    I think Harden played better last year and people are kinda down on him right now. He is one of the best open court players in the league and i think he feels pressured to handle the ball more because of his status. If we let him play more openly like last season w/pick and rolls i think he can be aggressive more often. Hardens value is that he can be lethal despite having a low usage rate. I think having another ball handler like brooks in the lineup allows James to play off ball more, take more set shots, and conserve energy. At times last year , I though James looked like a top 3 player i would want to build around. I think adding someone who demands as many shots as Dwight, messed with our balance a bit. Instead of taking away some shots from everyone, including James, he has mostly left James usage rate untouched. I feel like James is playing PG more this year and thats not his best role. Yes, he can handle and create well, but he is at his best as an efficient SG who attacks the rim and gets open 3's.
  14. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    James was actually worst with the eye test to me last season. He was an awful defender that had come off of doing nothing in the Finals against Miami. The man is good player but his inconsistent effort on D and not trusting his teammates makes him not worth his contract in my opinion. He made a couple good steals tonight and got to the line but at times he seems to not be interested or try way too often. Let's just hope this is a good post season and Lin doesn't get injured again so he can make an impact.
  15. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    I think that he was much more aggressive offensively last year and don't blame him as much for defensive effort since it was his first year getting starter minutes, and being a focal point. I think it is less excusable this year, when he has other players who are proven scorers. He forces it too much for me and its frustrating because i see flashes of a true superstar player. I think given his age and potential he is 100% worth the contract, but other than that i agree with you.
  16. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    When he was coming off the bench for OKC, he was decent defender and played much more like Courtney Lee in that aspect but with much better scoring. I remember when Rox got him at the beginning of last season, they thought liability defense at the 2 was long gone with Martin traded. Maybe Harden is still injured in one way or another. He barely sat out that long and was in a rush to get back.
  17. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    Yeah i think he has been nicked up alot, thats one of the main reasons why i think we need to reduce his minutes. He has already missed a few games this year.
  18. 2016Champions

    2016Champions Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lin has been playing back-up SG and he has been better there than he has been at PG. I don't think we need to change our current back-court rotation at all.
  19. 2016Champions

    2016Champions Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    And when I say Lin has been better at SG I mean on both ends of the floor. Yes, Lin is a better defender at the 2.

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