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Avenged Break-Up/Caught-in-Action Stories

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by TdashDUB, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. TdashDUB

    TdashDUB Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    I just wanted to share and hopefully read some great break-up stories yall might have had with females or males who had played you for the fool only to get caught and/or broken up with in ironic, weird, funny or creative ways. It always sucks to find out someone has been cheating on you, taking advantage of you or treating you like crap but some times we rise to the occasion and karma hand delivers you a golden ticket to getting out of the relationship with style.

    Just in general, I LOVE the art and element of surprise. Obviously more or so when it's not at the expense of someone cheating on you lol But even then, I've never been the type to just flat out say "Hey dummy, I know." I'd always have to throw a hitchcock twist-like wrench in their operation. Almost using a Chess rather Checkers approach once you realize you've been duped.

    For instance:

    Back in highschool, when Myspace FIRST came out in 03 I believe. My girlfriend at the time was at my house waiting for me to get off work as she was my ride for the day. On my CPU she logged into her account. And for whatever reason, not only did she forget to log out but she forgot to CLOSE the browser off of her messages page. Neither of us touched the CPU after she picked me up until she had left for the night, so when I maximized the window I see she had an ongoing message thread with some (way) older guy. Never one to snoop, but the msg title was "Hey there sexy" and you know how back then when you'd reply, the thread title would be seen as "Re: Re: Re: Hey there sexy" ...well this thing had like 22 Re:'s lol so curiousity piqued and sure enough she was exchanging naughty messages with some random dude from like South Carolina..

    Disappointed, I decided to play it cool and just throw her stupidity in her face by printing out the entire convo, keeping it pocketed next time I came over to her place. Chilled for a bit trying to avoid giving any reason to suspect something was wrong. And just before I left, I slid the 3 pages of messages folded with a heart drawn on the outside of the fold a left it tucked into her closed laptop knowing she'd be opening it shortly after I left.

    Didn't have a cell, so I was pleased to hear that a distraught Ex GF had called the house multiple times upon arriving home. We were only in it maybe 5 months, so with little attachment and time invested I decided I'd just cut my loses and keep it moving. I just wish I could have seen her face. Smiling at finding I assume she thought to be a lil love letter only to unfold and find her old man cyber exchange.

    But the whopper catch:
    Was when dating this girl who was constantly paranoid. Constantly. To the point I even agreed to swap myspace/email passwords with each other (didn't mind, I knew I didn't have anything to hide, and I stress I not ONCE took the time to go through her stuff *until later) Two months or so after, she started sweating me about this girl who'd message me from time to time. The exchanges were nothing. Then, of course, she started over analyzing everything and would create sub-plots and stories in her head of me and this girls "myspace affair" out of thin air. She'd claim she had me pinned for deleting messages, flirting back, so on and so forth, which wasn't the case at all. This on top of other self-inflicted drama from her pushed me to the limit one night. Pissed off, I was like "You know what??? FUG IT - she camps out in my damn inbox, I'm going to give her a piece of her own medicine." My plan was to find some innocent exchange and blow it out of proportion so she'd wear my shoes for a bit hoping she'd see how silly it is. I tried logging in and she CHANGED her password from when we first exchanged them. Im thinking "Okay.. too fishy.. if I were to change my pass, she'd shat a brick accusing me of hiding something" so I simply did the whole retrieve password to her email and logged in..

    Maaaaaaaaan if I didn't have the greatest timing ever.

    First message is one from her and some guy she went to HS with at cy-fair. In a nut shell, he was very forward and she started showing cracks and giving in to the flirting. Suddenly things were getting hot and heavy on the dudes end and she sort of kept welcoming it then bam. She shot herself in the foot. Dude was like "You'd be willing to hook up even tho you have a BF?" she's like "I think he's cheating on me already, so why not??" [​IMG] Get this. As I was reading? THEY WERE STILL CHATTING. Every 2 minutes the thread would update with a new response, so I grabbed some popcorn and watched the show. Eventually dude asked her what she would do if she were with him that very minute and she replied with "I'd take off each article of clothing slowly, take your shirt off, then I'd unzip your pants with my teeth, and leave the rest up to you" [​IMG] They then scheduled a DATE that she knew I was working on to hang out at his place... I felt like I had just Minority Reported this b****. It wasn't until then they stopped and she deleted the message in front of my very eyes thinking it would never be seen, but alas....

    I text her "Call me when you can, I just had the worst nightmare of my life" Couple minutes later she rings me and I answer sounding sad and distraught. She's feeding me "awwww's" and showering me with "my poor babyyyy" as I'm just BS'ing some "nightmare" story and wrap it up with:
    me - "And you wanna know the worst part of my dream????"
    her - "What happened babycakes????"
    me - "The worst part was when you started taking off each article of clothing slowly, then you took off a guys shirts and unzipped his pants with your teeth, leaving the rest up to him"
    her - "..................................... *CLICK*"

    I called her back and the first thing she says is "How did you read that?" and I just laid into her and tore her a new ******* via telephone. She felt like an idiot and tried to patch everything up but it didn't last too long after that.

    Silly and childish, I know, but I'll never forget it

    I'm curious as to if you guyses had any stories similar???
    2 people like this.
  2. dmc89

    dmc89 Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Wow the second one made me angry! What an incredibly good liar.

    An old friend installed a keylogger on his fiancee's laptop after he suspected something was amiss, and he discovered how she had an entirely different email account with steamy email exchanges between her and a male coworker.

    It seems they both worked long hours, but unfortunately the fiancee spent too much time at work working with her team. Her male friend eventually became something more. I think it took about a year before friendship turned into an emotional affair.

    Be that as a warning for all of you men out there. Your woman might wander if she feels unappreciated, and if someone else makes her feel special and sexy.
  3. halfling131

    halfling131 Member

    Nov 5, 2007
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    didn't know you could log into CPUs
  4. LCII

    LCII Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    OP I'm guessing u white? Only white ho's be that slutty.
  5. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    I've had a girlfriend install a keylogger on my computer.
  6. SpaceCityKid

    SpaceCityKid Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    I had an ex who was giving me the run around on giving me some of my stuff back and would give me piece by piece. It went on for about 6 months, she would call me and be like oh I found this and this, when I asked about the other things she denied them being in her possession.

    Pissed off and a lil tipsy one day I drove to her house knocked on the door, no answer. I proceeded to the backyard, where I started manipulating a plan to get in. Checked the doors, locked. Windows were too, but, this was a two story house. I managed to get onto the roof, where I found a bathroom window unlocked.

    Once I got in I spent about 20 mins finding the rest my belongings (iPod,laptop, and some of my fav tshirts) pissed off and the alcohol hitting harder than when I arrived it ignited a lightbulb in my head.

    I smiled to myself, probably the biggest evil grin ever. Popped a squat and took a **** in her room.

    I havent talked to that chick in years.
    1 person likes this.
  7. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve Member

    Jun 2, 2012
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    Did you at least **** on her bed? give her an upper decker?
  8. Kyakko

    Kyakko Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    Never actually cheated on my ex(s), but I was the other guy... twice and another was on a "break" with her still now bf. The first one, I really thought she was going to leave him for me, but in the end when her bf found out, she was crying on the phone while I was right next to her. He took her back, but ironically a year later she left him. The story is actually much weirder, but maybe I'll save it for another day. Of course, these are full sex. Some girls don't think second base is "cheating".
    #8 Kyakko, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  9. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I just realized how boring my relationships are compared to some of these stories.

    Getting my popcorn out. Moar Pliss!

  10. TdashDUB

    TdashDUB Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Lol What does me being white have to do with these slutty ho's???
    The first girl was white and the second was hispanic.

    LOL!!!! Hooooolyyyyyy shiiiiiiitttttttttt. [/pun intended]
  11. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    i guess "white ho's be slutty" but they are having less babies then every other race. and the more educated a person is the less children they have on average.

    correlations/I] :rolleyes:
  12. Kyakko

    Kyakko Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    Birth control. nearly every white girl I slept with used it "to control their periods". Asian and Hispanics... not so much. Not saying whites are are slutty or vice-versa.
  13. astros99

    astros99 Member

    Nov 9, 2007
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    So i was dating this chick for 4 years (starting in high school, now were in college), then we broke up. We don't really talk for a month, then one night she hits me up and says shes in screwed (got herself into some legal ****) and wants to talk..At this point I still miss her and I'm like yeah sure, and we start talking again. She pretty much starts sleeping over every night, etc etc. I was cool with it for a while and was open to getting back with her, especially cause she was treating me way better than before.

    So I know she was talking to some new guy during the one month apart, but she said she was gonna break it off..So I quit questioning it for a while, dumb on my part. Anyways...so one day shes over, and I have one of my boys over as well. Me and her start fighting and she says this other guy just texted her and asked her if she wants to grab dinner..and im like lol you serious? And shes pissed and shes like yeah drop me off..And I was like does he even know your sleeping here every night? Who do you think you are, you think you can sleep here every night and then go out to dinner with some other dude? So one of my friends is acquainted with him and has his # from a few years ago..So I call him up and im like hey are you seeing Mary (giving her a fake name for obvious reasons) and hes like Uh yeah why? And I'm like hey just letting you know your girls sleeping over at my place every night..and he hung up.

    But this was my mistake #1. For one, I should have just pocket dialed him while she was b****ing, cause she was saying **** like "no dont tell him, dont **** it up for me" etc etc. I'm sure he would have loved to hear that. Second, the whole time I called him, she didnt say a word (which leads me to think she probably told him she has no idea what I'm talking about and wasn't there). Mistake #2 is I drove her back to her apt after that..I should have just texted the dude my address and been like hey, pick your girl up.

    So that's the end of that..A week later we start talking again (again, mistake on my part)..She claims shes going to break it off with him asap...So one day after lab I run into one of my friends, who is friends with one of her friends..And hes like dude wtf? Whyd you call that guy up? He says that her friend said that Mary (ex gf) said she hasn't seen me in a month and I was making **** up..That just pissed me off..so I text her and I'm like wtf?? and she swears she never said that, that her friend is lying, etc etc...She starts asking me which friend it was and starts naming a few..And when she names the right one I don't say yes/no and shes like oh we talked on facebook..and weeks later I asked her to show me the fb convo. She started too and then realized she did say **** so quickly x'd out of it. I couldn't see much but I definitely say "he said ive been seeing him too..which definitely isn't true..hes crazy.." And this is pretty much the end of it til the end of the semester. There was a week where she was at my place monday-friday, and his place over the weekend..That was the last straw and we quit talking.

    Then over winter break she hits me up and says she misses me etc, once again claiming shes gonna lose him..Then two days later apparently she said sorry she can't do it and says she's gonna stop talking to me. So whatever..So spring semester, I'm in a diff city but I still have a lease at the college which ends in a few months. One night at the end of January she asks me to come over to her place, spend the night, and drink a little..I figured I had to move my stuff out at my old apt anyways and its only about 1.5 hrs away, so sure why not. She swears that shes ending it with this guy the following weekend, etc etc. This time she actually seems like a different person, I believe it. We had a pretty good night, and she wants me to come back for valentines day week and hang out with her...At this point one of her close friends finds out cause she came over the next day..and when I talked to her later I was just like..Now you know the truth..She can make it seem however she want, but this ****s been going on since we broke up..and she was just like Omg, I'm so sorry, I had no idea..bla bl abla..So when the ex asks me to come back for valentines day I'm just like look, you get rid of him then I'm willing to talk. Following weekend we hang out again, mess around and what not..and my boy texts me saying she just tweeted "Bob (other guys name, fake for obvious reasons) is my favorite <3"..so at this point I'm not even gonna b**** about it, I learn my lesson and I finally start ignoring her.

    She texts me later that week saying shes excited about valentines day, bla bla bla, can't wait to see me, etc etc..I just ignore her...Then on vday my boy hits me up on skype and links me to a few pics and paste her status..and its like "omg cooking valentines dinner with bob, best valentine ever" and i'm like LOL wtf..this b**** was just begging me to come up there and now its back to him? So once again pissed, I text her and I'm like what the ****? At this point I'm ready to retaliate. Maybe leak some nudes (and i have some pretty good ****..c*m shots, etc..and no I won't hook it up for my CF bros), but I'm just like **** it..Once again shes going to say I'm lying and I don't want to go out of my way..So from then on, I pretty much dropped it. I thought about opening a thread on here as it was going down and asking for everyone's opinion. I'm pretty sure most guys would have made sure she got caught red handed, and I wish I did..but I figured she was just gonna deny everything. Now she claims to have been dating him for a while, but I'm sure he has no idea that she was cheating on him the first couple months with me..But I figure if she wants to base the relationship off a lie, hopefully karma will **** her in the end. Another thing- when I called the dude and told him his girls at my place..My friend decided it would be a good idea to spoof text them the next day from each others #..which I'm sure she blamed it on me, so I'm sure he thinks I'm making up **** too.

    I know most of you are probably why the f*** did you trust her so many times..I dated her for 4 years and had no clue she could turn into that kind of person. Crazy how someone can change so fast. I wish I could expose the sleezy b****, but I'm moving past it. But interested to know how you guys would have handled it.

    TL;DR- dated girl for 4 years. we break up but we start talking again. she starts seeing another dude on the side. i hit him up myself and tell him his girls at my place every day. she denies. i let her get away with it and do it repeatedly. yes i know, I should have showed her whos boss
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  14. bobrek

    bobrek Politics belong in the D & D

    Sep 16, 1999
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    No you didn't.
  15. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
    Supporting Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Like Kyakko above, I've never cheated but I've been "the other guy."

    The chick was engaged and I was actually trying to get with her friend. I didn't have any intention of getting with her because I never wanted to be "the other guy." But she kept coming over to my place late at night and one night she just went for it. At this point in time, I had gone over 9 months without any action, so I had no choice.

    She broke it off with her fiance. We went to see George Lopez in Houston and on the way back home I told her we should see other people. She hates me with a passion to this day. Don't ever break up with someone while driving.
  16. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    Wow. You get cheated on THAT much? :grin: I wonder what you're doing wrong (other than dating psychos and unstable girls), sir.

    I guess this is what I meant to say:
    ^ This is true.

    Also, thanks for putting those HEADS PNGs in a public image hosting place! Sweet.
    #16 SwoLy-D, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  17. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    I tried to rep this post but it keeps saying i gotta spread rep before i can rep you
  18. rezdawg

    rezdawg Member

    Feb 15, 2000
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    I dont really have stories...other than I had a girl accuse me of cheating because I didnt have "In a Relationship with..." as my Facebook status. Her and her friend thought it was a sign that I was hiding someone else. :rolleyes:

    4 years later, I still get a text from her every 6 months or so asking if I can give her another chance. She suffers enough, thats good enough revenge on its own.
  19. Big MAK

    Big MAK Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Back in HS, I started dating this ginger b!tch. She was the first girl I every really liked. After about 5 months of dating, I knew she was hanging out with this guy from church a lot. I told her she needed to stop hanging out with him outside of church. She more or less said OK (I don't really remember the details). I was 16, she was 15, so she asked if I could drive her over to his house and we could all hang out so I could see he was no threat.

    Long story short, they went inside while I was doing something in this dudes backyard, I peeked in the window, and I see her on top of him making out. I go in, call her a w**** b!tch. I don't know why I drove her home, but I did.

    The worst part was, when we get home, her dad comes outside and yells at me for like 10 minutes about how I'm a bad influence on her and yada yada yada.... At this point in my life, that was the worst 30 minutes I've ever had. I really wanted to tell him his daughter is a slut and I just caught her making out with some dude in the other room, but I didn't have the balls to say anything.

    So what do I do? I go over to her best friends house (she's one of my best friends too at the time), whom my now ex is very jealous of (the girl had a beautiful body, lovely rack, and pretty face... all around better than my gf). We then start to fool around. I felt much better after that and wasted no time letting my w**** ex know what happened.

    Best part is, 2 years later my ex gets knocked up by some poor trash and drops out of high school while I go to college, get a great job, buy a nice car and a nice house... I bet her dad wishes she stayed with me now.
  20. dachuda86

    dachuda86 Member

    May 3, 2008
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    Women are scandelous.

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