The kind that have sensors so no touch is needed. Do you approve? I don't mind the faucets (although the stream is usually too weak), but the toilets are horrible. You might catch an unpleasant surprise splash while you're handling your business. Thumbs up on the paper towel dispensers though.
My Parents have the faucet and its bad ass. Auto soap dispenser too. As someone who cooks I love it so much.
I think we should be more concerned about where the word automated comes from, and what was that guy working on.
Voted for toilets and paper towel dispensers. The only reason I hate automated faucets is because the sensors never work.
My issue with the toilets is that when the sensor stops working, and it will, it gets REALLY gross in a hurry. Almost no one hits the button to flush it after the sensor craps out and you get a disgusting bio-hazard.
Toilets are the only ones that are completely non functional and worthless They never work correctly. If you are taking a ****, they flush throughout the experience which is disgusting OR they don't work at all and then you have a toilet full of **** for who knows how long
I don't really use too many public toilets. I always save my #2s for home. I've never had trouble with an automated urinal because I don't care if it doesn't flush. But those stupid faucets never flow no matter how you position your hands.
Whoever thought of the dyson hand dryer where you stick your hand into it and the water and everything else inside the restroom sprays into your face should be shot on sight.
This is my ideal way to roll. Unfortunately, I'm out of town often and don't stay in motels/hotels. Should've added hand dryers and soap dispensers. One dumb thing about dryers is, regardless whether they're automatic, there are no paper towels... and I don't touch restroom doors with my bare hands. And that's really another issue... why the hell do restroom doors open inward? If it opens outward you can just kick it open and leave. Some inward doors have a foot-step at the bottom, which is good. Those should be mandatory by law if the door opens inward. I'm usually wearing a t-shirt and just dry my hands on clothes rather than wait for a dryer.
When they work properly they are far superior. My office has automatic everything and it makes so that I don't have to touch many surfaces. It definitely pleases my inner OCD germaphobe when I can take care of business while touching only myself (oh yeah). I am spoiled now though, if I go to another public restroom sometimes I forget to flush like the rest of the filthy peasants have to.
Toilets suck when you're trying to put a seat cover down. I've had a toilet eat like 3 of them before I was able to squat
Automatic toilets suck I'll be taking a nice dump (usually I sit there for 30-45 minutes during office hours) and every time I make a slight movement, that stupid thing will flush and splash water onto my a$$. When you're there for as long as me, you're not expected to stay in the same position. They also suck because now I am used to an automatic pit when I pee that sometimes I forget that there is a handle when I go to non automatic pits and I end up not flushing.
Always vote for all when the option allows for it. I like the auto faucets. They should also have auto doors in rest rooms. I hate having to go near the door handle after using the auto faucet.
I've had this thought, also. two examples: 1) I have a microwave that cost over $1,000. It's less than 2 years old. The damn door on it doesn't always shut properly so it doesn't always turn on when you press start. I have to hold the door shut and press start to get it working. 2) even better, a guy I work with drives a 1 year old Ferrari. He had to have it towed to the dealership last week because he was at the gas station getting gas and the electronically controlled gas cap door wouldn't open, so he couldn't fill up his tank.
I don't even bother with those dryers. The idea of guys half-ass washing/rinsing off their hands and then sticking them into a votex that violently blows germs and god know what around the air grosses me out.
Yea those are pretty ****in worthless and nasty. The openings are tiny as well. I will dry my hands on my pants or shirt before sticking my hands into that bio hazard.