This is pretty much the story right here. If Comcast didn't have so many 30 min to 2 hour outages, I never would have left them despite their unbelievably sorry customer service. U-Verse hiccups once or twice a year for 2-3 minutes at a time. I watch a large amount of video online and the speed is more than enough.
Sorry, I only help with the roll out and structuring the jobs to lay the fiber, ACSR, etc. After the main infrastructure is in place I start over with the next city, so I have no idea who they roll this out to or when. Nope, you cannot. I spoke to the Rep last night and unfortunately you cannot use Comcast internet with Uverse. Sucks.
Check out his thread from DSL Reports. They're saying that you can. I live in NW Harris County, but when I checked it says it wasn't available to me.
My current U-Verse internet service is pretty terrible... so I'm holding my breath that this will actually be worth a damn.
AT&T isn't available in my area, but hopefully this causes Comcast to readjust thier Internet prices. Not holding my breath though.
If you "redlined" it nonstop, it would take over 2 hours to reach a terabyte, since 8 million megabits = 1 terabyte. Maybe my math is wrong, but having a cap of 1 terabyte would be way more than enough for me.
On the 45 mgb here in The Woodlands. It's fine but if this will be only a couple more dollars for 300, I'll make the switch.
This is all fiber to the home and not fiber to the curb. It's going take a while for this to roll out. Newer communities will obviously get this first. I'm waiting on Comcasts new 2gb service they're rolling out in thei major markets. Atlanta was first
Hilarious that we're getting massive speed increases only after Google steps in. Competition is great.
I'd love it if they could actually have wireless that worked all ot the time or boxes that lasted over a month. I swear I have to have a tech come out once a month to fix their crap.
UVerse is not available where I live. I am on Comcast right now, and have a pretty sweet set up for what I'm paying so no complaints.
$30 extra per month to get rid of ads is dumb. Should not have to do that. I am perfectly happy with my 50 mbs right now. Hopefully this means that the current packages will soon be dirt cheap.
I'm currently getting 100 MBs with Comcast. Is there any practical reason to get faster speeds for home use? Don't get me wrong, I occasionally run a speed test when I'm home and feeling down and in need of a quick pick me up :grin:. But even now I consider my speed to be over kill. It's no doubt cool to have, but what's the practical incentive? I'm just hoping it pushes the price of the lower tiers downward. Edit: Also, with Comcast switching to a Fiber to Home setup... Does this mean that their HD quality will rise and rival Verizon Fios' quality?
We got in on the $29 a month Comcast (xfinity) internet for new subscribers (for a year). 50mb down, but the double the speed upgrade got us to ~115/20. Can't complain. When it runs out in the next month or so I'll either contact the retention department or switch it to my name from my girls.
I've been having almost daily internet interruptions with U-Verse the last week or so. Also, this message has appeared 6-7 times just in the last week: "System will automatically restart in 3 hours. A network setting has changed. Please restart the receiver". Anyone else having problems? Seems like every evening around 8:30pm, things go south.