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Astrodome Memories

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by macho GRANDE, Jun 12, 2003.

  1. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    my favorite Astrodome moment was when i went to the 1997 division clinching game against the Chicago Cubs. It was the first time in some 11 or 12 years the stro's had made the playoffs. The crowd was into it the whole night and when it was all said and done, i got to go onto the field which was pretty cool.
  2. ron413

    ron413 Member

    May 29, 2002
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    "HOUSTON -- From the still-churning boiler room 25 feet below street level to the once-pricey sky box suites where thick dust on tables speaks of years of disuse, potential bidders on Harris County's fast-track plan to seek ideas on how to redevelop the Astrodome toured the world's first indoor stadium Monday. "

    I know for a fact that all the thick dust they are talking about actually came not from disuse, but lots of use in the year 2003. The rodeo had the Clydesdale Competition in February and had to pour tons of sand on the concrete floor. Then when contruction trucks had to take it all away, the dirt rose to the top levels and just made itself home for the last 4 months. Sure they could of hired staff to clean every single seat, floor, etc. but that would be a waste.
  3. Mummywrap

    Mummywrap Member

    Oct 2, 2002
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    I saw many Astros games, I was also at one of Ozzie's last games played at the dome, I saw Eric Anthony charge the mound, I think it was against the Pirates.

    I did have a sad moment at the dome when I was about 8 yrs old. I was at a thrill show and this guy climbed into a red barrel near the ceiling of the dome then was supposed to be dropped into a pool of water, well whoever was aiming the drop missed and he hit the edge of the pool and died.:(
  4. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    I have so many Astrodome moments it's hard to remember:

    1. i remember going down on the field as a kid...maybe my earliest astrodome memory...before an astro game for a clinic. listening to alan ashby talk...and getting a free astros cap that i don't think i ever took off after that!

    2. oiler games...freaking oiler games like crazy!! loud oiler games! house of pain oiler games! beating the redskins on a MNF game...beating the crap out of them the year after they won the super bowl...beating the crap out of buffalo a week before the HUGE collapse AT buffalo.

    3. extra innings against the dodgers

    4. seeing bill cosby as the featured performer at the rodeo with my parents...remembering him talking about how much he liked the rockets

    5. the freaking NBA all star game with my dad!!! great memory.

    I loved the Dome...but I'm glad we have what we have now. Baseball is so much more colorful and alive at Minute Maid...Reliant is a great football stadium. And I'm sure we'll have a ton of great memories in both.
  5. arkoe

    arkoe (ง'̀-'́)ง

    Dec 13, 2001
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    Watching Finley running around in Houston again tonight brings back memories for me. I, like many Houstonians, saw my first game in the Dome when I was eight or so. Finley hit a home run that night and made a spectacular catch out in center, quickly making himself my favorite 'Stro at the time.

    Also, watching the game reminds me how bad Bill Worrell is at announcing baseball games. "Well Brownie, we all know how easy it is to hit a ball into the Crawford Boxes."

    Wow! I didn't know that! They haven't been telling us that since they opened the stadium! Thanks for the insight!

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