A spinoff from the ASTRODOME thread, if I may: Now that we know the proposal didn't go through and the beloved ASTRODOME will not be renovated, what was your fondest memory (whether you attended or didn't) of the old Eighth Wonder Of The World? For me, it was the 1994 Houston Rockets Championship celebration. I remember seeing Dream and Rudy T. on the big screens. I also remember the limos had to go diagonally to leave the ramps out to the parking lot. THANK YOU, Astrodome! (yes, I know it doesn't read ClutchFans... but I tend to personify )
I got to see JR Richards make people look silly and strike out like 10 or 12 when I was a wee lad. That was a great day, even though we sat in the old Pavilion section. Also, I think that day marked my first ever snow cone.
^ Good stuff. Closest I sat to the players was in 1989, when I sat in the first row behind the dug-out. Billy Doran got struck out and was pissed because we had runners in scoring position. He threw his bat HARD into the rack, and we heard a loud bang. He even said: "F@(#*&!!!" and threw his helmet, too :grin: . We ended up winning on a GRAND SLAM by Kevin Bass. HA! I found it! http://houston.astros.mlb.com/news/...16&content_id=36807016&vkey=news_hou&c_id=hou
Dude, I was at that game - only 9 years old at the time. Remember the Astros two grand slams in the same day. The game winner was a line drive that barely cleared the wall.
When Sosa hit his 66th in 1998. My dad and I went up there and waited in line for tickets (I took off school that day). Probably my favorite sports memory with my dad. He doesn't go to too many games nowadays. I was too young to really appreciate the dome then, but I appreciate what it stood for and its importance to the city. Demolished, or not, they cannot take our memories!!! aaaaaaaaah
The Rockets championship celebration (Thanks, forgot about that one!) I was only 6, but being on stage when the crowd filled the dome to support the Oilers after losing to the Steelers in '79. My uncle worked for the team. Darryl Kile no hitter. The place was half freaking empty. Sitting directly behind home plate watching Nolan Ryan pitch. Good lord, it was insane. Monday night football vs. the Eagles, I forgot why but it was epic. Being able to go on the field as a kid as an "Astro Buddy" and getting schooling from the players. I GOT TO MEET BILLY DORAN! lulz, dude was my favorite player though. I still have the signed hat. Watching the seats move around when transforming it from football to baseball. Playing pool in Judge Roy Hofheinz Penthouse in the Dome when it was basically empty. Running around the different levels, up and down the ramps and always trying to sneak into the Sky Suites as a kid. Pink Floyd in 87 and Metallica with Guns N' Roses in '92. Being at the 1989 NBA All Star game. **** Karl Malone. The 16+ inning game where SS Craig Reynolds had to pitch. Astroman living on top of the dome sometime in the 80's?
The last year, me and some buddies got an Astros season ticket package that included the division clinching game that was shown live on ER (when they taped the live episode). After the game, we ran on the field and ran the bases in a drunken stupor. Good times. We had an agreement with the beer woman by our section. We'd pay full price for the 1st beer of the night (in a plastic cup) then for the rest of the night, we'd tip her a couple of dollars and she'd fill them up under the table for free. I was also at the game when Buddy Ryan punched Kevin Gilbride, but didn't know anything about it until getting home after the game. I caught a Biggio line-drive HR from the outfield seats one time. Still have the ball somewhere. And of course, being an Astro Buddy when I was a kid.
lol, don't be so sensitive. was just trolling, only been once to the astrodome but I can't remember since I was too young
Went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and saw Charlie Pride in the late 70's or early 80's. Place was mind-bogglingly enormous. 1997- Was at the 'stros game when they clinched the division title. Stormed the field with 1000s of other fans. It was a blast.
I remember the only Oilers game I went to, probably the season before they left, and getting a stuffed football in the team shop. I also remember running to the Astros dugout before the game to ask for autographs and always being denied until Tony Eusebio signed a baseball for me. It was the only autograph I ever got and it instantly made Tony one of my father's favorite players. I was there for the first Randy Johnson home game when the Astros were going all-in. I also marched on the field with my high school marching band, long after the Dome had been vacated by its teams, and thought it was the coolest thing ever. There was this weird elevation to the field, it never felt particularly flat.
Oilers over Seahawks in a wild card game...the only playoff football game I ever saw in person... I think Zendajas (sp) clinched the win with a late field goal.
Being on the field for try outs. I think this around 1997. I remember throwing it short to second base from center field.