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Astro moments, great and small

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by msn, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Reminiscing in the other thread, I wondered what moments stuck in other folks's minds. Post moments that stick in your memory, whether they were blips on the radar or historic (in the context of our young franchise, anyway).

    • Hearing Gene Elston say, "That's it!" I was on my bed, keeping score in a score book and listening to the radio. I had a score card for about 100 of the 162 games that year.
    • Seeing Mike Torres bean Dickie Thon in the first inning of a game in April 1984 at the 'Dome. I was way up high, behind the first base line. I remember him writhing like a garter snake that went through the mower; it was scary to see.
    • Brad Ausmus hit a three-run shot in September 1997, in like the sixth inning, when the 'Stros' magic number was 1. I remember thinking, "that's it. No-offense Ausmus just clinched the division!"
    • Jeff Kent throwing his helmet in 2004.
    • Roy Oswalt making Pujols look stupid in his first atbat after the Lidge bomb. Awesome.
    • Mike Hampton attacking the fan in Milwaukee who had tackled Billy Spiers. A thing of beauty.
    • I saw Nolan Ryan strike out Danny Heep for #3,000, on Channel 26, I believe.
    • Houston Chronicle headline: "Houston, We Have A Pennant"
  2. Landlord Landry

    Mar 3, 2008
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    how could you forget Biggio's 3,000th?

    I remember the day we got Randy Johnson, awesome.

    The multi pitcher no hitter. wierd....but awesome.

    I loved watching Bagwell get up to the plate in the WS. I was so happy for him, it was kinda hard to watch though, I think thats when it finally sunk in that one of my heros was a mere mortal.

    Pujols getting corkscrewed by Oswalt was classic.

    I was at B-dubs when they clinched, people were crowd surfing and spraying beer like champagne, girls were dancing and showing breasts, one of the best nights ever.

    I was at minute maid with my wife in 2006, I think it was the Pirates, the roof was open and it was a 6:05 first pitch, early may, 70ish degrees, no clouds, flawless. I think the score was 14-2 Astros. perfect day.
  3. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    I didn't forget; I was rambling and decided to stop. I could go for pages, but the point was to hear everybody else!
  4. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    The night they clinched the division they were playing the Cubs in the Dome.

    ER was doing a live episode that night...of course that show is set in Chicago. They showed the game in the background at one point...a live shot of a game televised live. I don't know why I remember that so well, because I was at the game with my father..not home watching ER.

    I remember the 'stros never winning at Jack Murphy when I was a kid. It was like a rule...they couldn't beat the Pads in SD.

    I remember getting to go on the field when I was in cub scouts for some sort of instructional event right before a game....i'm guessing that was about 1981.

    I'll never forget Bill Doran crying in the dugout after Game 6 in '86.

    I'll never forget taking my sons to their respective first games.

    I remember studying for a law school final exam in the pavillion in 1999 during a day game, just hours before the test.

    I remember interning at the Chronicle in summer 1994..and on my last day of work, skipping out early to watch the final innings of the very last game of baseball played that year due to the strike.

    I remember thinking it was intensely cool when I was 16 and could drive to the Dome for games on my own with friends. I remember getting my first ticket on my way home from a game when I was 16. :)

    I remember loving Pete Harnisch.

    I remember following them to Fenway in 2003.

    I remember walking into Enron Field for the first time and just being overwhelmed...I remember staying up late in the night in the computer lab of a library at Baylor watching the updated vote count on the Chron's website narrowly approving the new downtown ballpark.

    I remember Andy Van Slyke lobbing the bird at me after my friends and I were heckling him.

    I remember the look on my older son's face and the huge hug he gave me when Bruntlett and Everett turned that double play to win a league championship game vs. the Cards in 05.

    I remember watching games with my grandmother who was in her final days of battle with lung cancer...and keeping score in those games so that if she fell asleep from exhaustion I could recount what happened in the game to her. She and my grandfather were huge 'stros fans...she called Jim Deshaies her "boyfriend." I think of them often with regard to the 'stros...thought of them a whole lot when Jason Lane squeezed that final pennant-clinching out. My grandfather was in love with trains and worked with a railroad company for a long while...I so wish I could have walked through the doors of Union Station with him to go to a 'stros game. I think of him and my kids (who he never had the chance to meet) everytime I see that train in CF that most of you don't like.

    The Astros are by far my favorite sports franchise. I have too many memories to count with regard to them...I think they're probably endless. They have sorta intertwined themselves into my life in a way that makes them more than just a pro sports franchise to me.
  5. Lonestar28

    Lonestar28 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Great topic. I remember watching the Astros when we had Glen Davis. I used to think he would hit a home run every time up.

    Kent's homer in game 5. That is the loudest stadium I have ever been in. I remember arguing with my sister back when during the stadium vote that we needed to build them and keep the teams here.

    When the Astros won the NL in 2005 she finally said I was right. I still hate the Phillies for '80 and the Mets for '86.
  6. Major Malcontent

    Dec 18, 2000
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    Bagwell getting the clutch pinch hit shredded shoulder and all vs the Marlins to help us get to the 05' playoffs.

    Jose Cruz running out from under his cap, and his unique batting stance/routine.

    Little known players like Jim Pankovits, Luis Pujols, Rafael Landestoy.

    Sitting in the Rainbow colored upper deck seats straight behind home plate at the Dome. Really good view of the game there.

    Pitchers hitting homeruns in the cavernous dome. For some reason when I attended (about 15 games a year) there were a lot of pitchers hitting homeruns. Ryan, Portugal...opposing pitchers.

    Seeing the potential of the almost 100 loss 91 team. Young Biggio, Bagwell, Cami, Gonzo and DK.
  7. kaleidosky

    kaleidosky Your Tweety Bird dance just cost us a run

    Mar 20, 2002
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    I was there.. and one of the first ones on the field as it ended. One of my favorite memories..

    Others to add..

    DK's no-hitter on my bday when I was young. To think, I *almost* went to the game for my bday..

    Kent's HR

    Bruntlett/Everett DP

    Lane squeezing the final out of the NLCS

    Beltran's catch against the Cards in the NLCS

    Andujar Cedeno's damn gold chain.. though for whatever reason, he was a favorite

    Biggio's helmet

    Casey Candaele playing a ton of positions

    Bagwell's walk-off single when he came off the DL

    Derek Bell walking out to "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" every damn time one season.. with those baggy pants covering most of his shoes

    John Hudek's ridiculous 1st half leading to an All Star appearance

    Eric Anthony's star in the RF upper deck at the Dome

    Also the potential of the young OF's a few years later.. Brian Hunter, Richard Hidalgo, Bobby Abreu. They all panned out, though 2 of them fizzled just as quickly as they came. Oh and Mouton just before that..
  8. rocketfan83

    rocketfan83 Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    1. Walking on the field. As a cubscout or something like that. I thought it'd be cool to jump against the fence. Than some dumb*** security guard yell at us.(91ish)

    2. Opening day 1993. I know they played the Phillies dont even have to to look it up. My dad suprised me and my sister that day with fieldbox tickets.

    3. 1994. Went with a buddy his parents got suite tickets from work. It was the crappy suites we only had popcorn and free cokes but thought we were living like kings with a TV and a couch.

    4. My first game with both my Dad and Grandpa. 97 divisonal series versus brave. We got swept and my grandpa laughed at some idiot that ran on the field and got tackled pretty good.

    5. Orbit the mascot

    6. Watching one of the 94 NBA Finals on the big screen in the dome after the astros game. I think they played the Braves, I know the rockets lost. I wanted to stay home and watch the rockets game but my dad refused to waste the tickets.

    7. Astrosfest in the early 90's. I looked at some these old pics a few weeks ago. Had two with sitting on Cammys and DK's lap gave me a weird feeling.

    8. 2000- vs cards (early season) first game at Enron. My grandpa left asking "what is this a rock concert" ...The speakers were stupidly loud at MMP early on.

    9. Albert's homer off lidge in 05. Was at Cujos sports bar in lubbock texas. I prematurely bought over 100 dollars in victory shots for our table. Placed emptied out in 5 minutes. Than the circus in the parking lot b/c some Allas fans wanted to talk crap.

    10. Nolan Ryans exhibition game (93?). I never saw Nolan ryan as an astro. So he was like a God to me from the stories I heard from grandparents etc.
    Thats probaly the #1 all time sporting event I attended.
  9. Jet Blast

    Jet Blast Member

    Mar 15, 2001
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    It was his 4,000th strikeout. I should know. I was at the game.
  10. Kerfeld

    Kerfeld Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Reading this thread makes so many memories come up. Like Max, I remember studying for law school finals while watching Astros game on my extra innings package. There are too many for me to name, but I will list a few:

    Kent's homerun in NLCS game 4, 2004
    Cruz hitting a game winning homerun on my birthday, 9/7/1986
    The night we got Randy Johnson
    My first playoff game- Gm 2, NLCS 1986.
    Clinching the NL Central in 2001 at Busch Stadium. I was there sitting in the bleachers. ( Important to me, because I went to law school in St. Louis and all my buddies are cardinal fans)
    Listening to milo and Dierker call games on the radio
    Going to Opening Day in the dome with my father every year
    Flying home for the home opener at Enron field so I could go the game with my dad. He picked me up from the airport and we went straight to the game.
    Taking my daughter to her first game this year- April 9, 2008.

    I could go on and on. The Astros have been a very special part of life. They have gotten me through some very tough times in my life. 2001 was a very bad time in my life personally. The Astros were the only thing that got me through those times. I was really invested in that team as it was my only outlet.

    Great thread.
  11. Grandpappy

    Grandpappy Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    1. Listening to Milo on the radio calling Lidge strike out Beltran in 2005.
    2. Mike Jackson blowing the game after a fantastic pitching performance by Wade Miller against the Braves in 01 playoffs.
    3. Oswalt's pitching in the 05 NLCS.
    4. Chad Qualls giving up the slam in the WS to Konerko.
    5. Derek Bells HR in game 2 of the 98 playoffs.
    6. Berkman Grand Slam in game 4 against the Braves in 05.
    Good or bad this just made me realize how much I love the Astros. Thanks Astros for all the memories. One Day we will all put WS win as number one. Go Astros!!! :D
  12. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Great moment:

    Mike Scott's no-no to clinch the pennant against the Giants. I had taken off work that day to go to the game, excited at the chance at seeing my team celebrate. Scott was beyond unhittable that day -- I think he could've thrown a no-hitter against an all-star team. I remember a steady stream of Giant hitters looking sheepish and confused as they walked back to the dugout.

    Small moment:

    Watching reliever Fred "Flintstone" Gladding -- by FAR the worst-hitting pitcher I've ever seen in the majors -- foul off about 10 straight pitches before striking out. By the time it got to 5 or 6 pitches, the crowd was going nuts. Freddy got a standing ovation for striking out.
    #12 topfive, Oct 1, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2008
  13. Behad

    Behad Member

    Feb 20, 1999
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  14. ac in austin

    ac in austin Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    1. Nollie and Carlton going back and forth for the all time strikeout lead in 83 and 84. I ended up with a commemorative baseball from some game at the Dome from that time but can't remember exactly what game.

    2. Attended the Scott no-hitter after the parents let me skip school and celebrated well after the game was over in the Dome with the Coneheads.

    3. Was at the game that Major Malcontent referenced where Mark Portugal hit a dinger; remember cause my Dad was sleeping when he hit it and didn't wake up when the crowd went crazy.

    4. 86 game 6. Knepper pitching nearly perfect for 8 innings and then imploding in the 9th knowing Scott was going to win game 7. Scott was unhittable (18 innings 1 run and only 8 hits). Hatcher foul pole. Man that series was epic and that game was a roller coaster. Damn I hate the Mets.

    5. Kevin Brown vs. Randy Johnson

    6. Walt Wiess

    We have had some heartbreaks
  15. weslinder

    weslinder Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    We've got the same birthday. I turned 12. I met DK at an event my dad brought me to that winter, and he sat and listened while I explained how much it to me that he pitched a no-hitter on his birthday. He's still the coolest athlete I've ever met, God rest his soul.
  16. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Chris Burke's GW HR in the 18th Inning, sending the Astros to the NLCS.

    Albert Pujols' shot off Brad Lidge, where things then, in my opinion, went downhill for him and ultimately led to where we are today.

    Biggio's 3000th hit.
  17. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    You're right, and I'm jealous.

    Another one for me: the last game of 1983. I put a tape recorder next to the radio and got Gene Elston and Dewayne Staats (or was it Dierk by then?) for the entire game. Listened that game over and over through the Void until April 1984. Jeff Heathcock threw 8 strong innings, and Frank DiPino got the save.

    Which brings up another one: closers with wild 80s hair. Joe Sambito and Frank DiPino.
  18. Austin70

    Austin70 Member

    Jul 6, 2002
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    September 13th, 1997. The day UCLA beat Texas 66-3, and that morning I went to Jim Rome's tour stop at SRO.

    Small moment but cool. After the game me, my 3 year old daughter and my father-in-law went to get autographs outside where the players were leaving. We tried and tried to get anyones, my daughter was on my shoulders trying to get the players attention, but not one would sign. Then Darryl Kile came out and my daughter started yelling "Good game Mr. Kile" (he struck out 13 that day) and he came over and signed the program. That was cool.
  19. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    That time he chased JUDY through the mall. That was a great moment. Also, when he licks GEORGE on the face every time George walks into the house. Hilarious. :D

    I'm disappointed; I thought you'd have 5 moments. ;)

    * Kevin Bass walk-off homer to beat the Cubs in ~1991 (?), my first DUGOUT SEATS game. Kevin Doran said "F*k!" when he struck out after many foul tips on one at bat... and threw his bat onto the dugout. I'll never forget it.
    * Nolan Ryan's homer in the dome. I forgot the team and whom we were against, but I was there.
    * Chris Burke's homer (I wasn't there but I saw it on TV)

  20. ac in austin

    ac in austin Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    22 inning marathon against the Dodgers in 89 that I talked my Mom into staying to the very last out. John Shelby went 0-10 for the Dodgers.

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