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Ariza Brewer And Terry Need To Go In The Off Season

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DJboutit, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Ariza doesn't need to go, but I think at his age he's better suited for a backup role. He's still a great fit next to Harden, has been a professional and would make our bench much better. He would be a excellent 2 position backup at the 3/2.

    So hopefully we can sign a wing this summer like Batum to move Ariza to the backup role.

    Brewer needs to go, Terry doesn't matter he's solid for what he is but I'm sure he wants out, we just shouldn't have to rely on him.

    We also need a starting PG, Bev has been solid but like Ariza IMO he's better slated for the backup role, especially since he is so injury prone.

    We need a starting PG/SF, should keep Bev/Ariza as backups. Also need a starting PF, but I'm not scared about a Dmo/Beasley/Harrell rotation as long as we can upgrade the other positions.

    As for center we either have to bring Howard back or replace him, hopefully Whiteside. But I wouldn't mind signing someone like Biyombo/Mahinni or some other solid C and giving Capela a bigger role either.
  2. ibm

    ibm Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    this blueprint of our offseason is complete if we add jvg.

    easier said than done, tho.
  3. OTMax

    OTMax Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Yeah Ariza as a back-up would be awesome. However a non creating SF is just killing us.
  4. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Imo Ariza can still be good, he's not shoting and defending well/that well, but that's the second year with something like 40 minutes per game...we should not forget this, he played way too much minutes, and a lot of times he's forced to make plays out of his capacity...

    I think he'll be great as a sixth man and as SF in a small lineup like Iggy for the Warriors if we can sign Durant, but even if we'll miss on KD, i think he can still be a good/very good 3&D, we just need to have at least another player next to Harden able to handle the ball and able to make decisions for himself and others, Trevor simply cannot do that.
  5. DJboutit

    DJboutit Member

    Mar 18, 2008
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    After firing the whole coaching staff these are the first 3 guys that need to be let go they have no trade value
  6. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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