At a Memorial Day street fest, I walked past a "Boulder Atheists" booth. r e a l l y Can you be so adamantly against some one else's belief that you spend Memorial Day Weekend in a booth selling your story that is only about telling someone they are wrong?? Oh, you're so wrong I'm going to get a booth to tell others about it. so lame
Dunno. If it was a community Memorial Day event with some religious overtones to honor dead veterans - then yeah, it would be just in bad taste. Was it those guys from San Antonio that followed Charles Barkley into the hotel bar?
I don't want to know how may times God and heaven were mentioned during this weekend and all year, yet you don't criticize these people for trying to force religion into every topic.
There is a reason why even though I don't care about God at all, I utterly refuse to identify myself as an atheist.
If you're gonna have a booth, you should at least be selling cookies, IMO. Look how long the Girl Scouts have been around. My favorite are the Lemonades.
I'm guessing you didn't approach said Atheist booth, otherwise you probably wouldn't have made such a wildly ignorant post. If you saw a Christian booth, would you come here and post about how they have nothing better to do than tell Atheists/Buddhists/Muslims they are wrong? Same principle.
Doesn't believing in a religion, ANY religion, automatically mean that you believe others with different beliefs are wrong? It's one thing to tolerate people with different beliefs, like I tolerate people who believe in the Utah Jazz because I'm a tolerant person. But that doesn't mean I don't think those people are wrong in their beliefs.
I think it is stupid for anybody to stand in a booth trying to convince others of their religion/non religion. But you seem to think it is pathetic because they are saying christians are wrong, which I do not agree with. Aren't christians who preach also just saying others are wrong? I do not see a difference between a atheist doing this and a Christian / Muslim / Buddhist doing this. Trying to convert others shows just how little you respect you have for others. why would your way of life be better than my way of life. And why do you think I havent thought enough about these things to make my own decissions. I really dislike people coming to my house trying to convert me (Get lost Jehovah's Witnesses). So Like I said I agree that it is pathetic for anyody to stand in a booth trying convert others.
I'm fine with people talking about their faith in an attempt to try to convert you. I respect that they have strong enough faith to push them into trying to convince you to join them. Where it crosses the line for me is when they don't just talk about their faith, but talk about how you are going to hell and all that negativity... this is rare though. They are usually very nice folks.
Yeah, because they go five steps further and show up on your front door. Atheists set up a booth in public. Christians and other religions run around disrupting peoples lives by going door to door.