I don't work at a Honda dealer but Russell and Smith usually gives good deals. Start going through a few rounds of quotes from dealers and they'll provably beat it.
Sorry to hear things didn't work out for you and her. Have you considered taking lessons at any lolcal flight schools?
actually i did a comparison of the 2 and pilot came out slightly ahead, more bang for the $, more seating, and more fuel efficient.
My uncle is the sales manager at Sterling McCall Honda. I've never done business with him since I bought my Pilot from a friend.
What's the benefit of getting a Honda Pilot over getting a Honda Odyssey? Isn't the Odyssey like the best minivan in America, whereas a Pilot is a mediocre SUV... I'm just assuming you want a Honda. Because really is there even much difference between an SUV that looks pretty much like a minivan and a minivan itself? Even the price is around the same IIRC. If Honda isn't your primary concern, I'm pretty sure there are much better SUV's out there for the same price range. I believe for example, the Toyota Highlander and the Nissan Murano are in a similar category of SUV's and better regarded. Hell I think I even recall reading that the Kia Sorrento is pretty good. Whereas I've heard a lot of negative things from people I've known who own Pilots. Maybe just something to think about again (I'm sure you've already considered it). But anyway, as far as the thread topic goes. I have nothing to contribute so I guess i'll stop derailing.
Yeah, the internet department at dealers aren't made up of salesmen and they'll usually quote you the best price they can give, lower that what you'd get if you just walked in. At least that's what I've been told from a friend who sells Infiniti's.
No... Just No.... I don't care what numbers you are looking at... The Pilot will not hold the value of a 4runner nor will it be more reliable.... Do the right thing... Yes the 4runner will cost more but in the long run it will be worth it over a Pilot... Dude its a Pilot.... Its like telling people you drive a kia soul.... Get the 4 runner and be done with it...
Its not that it = Kia Soul.... Pilot is a much better vehicle overall in ever aspect but its just not to par with a 4 runner..... It just sounds weak saying you drive a pilot.... Unless you don't care about that... Are you a girl? If you are then yeah I'm sure you love your Pilot...
What, lol? My Pilot seats 8 adults and has good storage space. I use those features for my business and supplies. I travel to the mid atlantic during winter season a lot, and rear-wheel drive is a b**** in the snow (4runner issues). The gas mileage is good. I got a good deal...whatever, there are many reasons I chose a Pilot. It's not like this crap car that sucks at everything compared to the 4runner.
This seems a little ridiculous. But then again my first car was a PT Cruiser, so compared to that a Honda Pilot is like a Hummer.
Sounds like you care a little too much about what other people think of you. That's no way to go through life, man.