I understand the concerns about his shooting, but guys like Clyde Drexler and Kawhi Leonard entered the league without the ability to shoot too. Sometimes it works out beyond your hopes and dreams if they have the physical tools and the work ethic to get there. Amen seems to have both.
Eric Gordon has to be the most overrated Rockets shooter of all time. Dude hits a few from a step behind a line and people think he’s amazing. But statistically he has been completely average playing with elite playmakers like Harden and CP3.
So Eric Gordon is a bad shooter then. We are seeing their physical tools against high school aged kids when they are 20 years old. Do people know the age range of Overtime elite? It's high school age. Almost all the kids in the league are 18 and under. Again, Green grew out of that league at 18.
You say that but - This dude has spent his entire life playing basketball & had coaching that the normal person just doesn't have access to .... yet he can't shoot. Where's that work ethic been the last 20 years?
Gordon literally shot league average to slightly above average from 3 during his entire tenure with the Rockets while we were contending. Our playmakers were CP3 and prime James Harden.
Lol that would imply anyone who joins the NBA who isn't a good jump shooter doesn't have good work ethic.
Ya slightly above average... While taking the worst shot selection threes in NBA history. The Rockets were the team that started the trend of taking more threes than twos. That means EG was taking a lot of stupid threes. A lot of them. Slightly above average 3pt % on that Rocket team for a guy like Gordon's shot profile during the Harden era is a good thing.
League average this season from 3 was .361 on "all attempts". On "Wide open attempts" Gordon shot .359 or two thousandths of a point below league average. Call it average ..... or below considering all attempts Vs wide open looks.
For sure you must be more intelligent than this dude. Obviously my point here is there is more context beyond just posting raw data. Because EG is the same human between the Clippers and Rockets this year but for some reason his 3pt % drastically increased
I don’t want to get in to the mentality of trading a top 6 pick player just because we don’t get our way. If we don’t get Wemby or Scoot im down to draft the best player available and see what we have. Possibly trade him down the line if something good pops up.
Our players all took idiotic shots. Yet Gordon was always around 5th or worse when it comes to 3% percentage on our contending teams. It is what it is. You can’t call someone a good shooter if they had 1 of 5 season that’s slightly above league average. He was a good scorer for sure and a great player for us. But an overrated shooter.
The thing that gives me pause about Amen are honestly not about him: 1. Rox dont have time 2. Rox arent Celtics or Spurs 1. Rox need to see results next season. We dont have time to laze around. Amen is gonna be raw AF he been playing with a joke league he is gonna need a lot of time to bloom and adjust. He gonna look like a bust here who cant shoot. 2. Rox havent been great at developing talent. Like they arent the absolute worst, but I havent seen a dramatic rise in skill and ability guys are only marginally better than before unlike with teams like Celts or Spurs. Jabari even regressed, went from 3 pt sniper to cross eyed doofus in a span of 2 mos. I dont trust the Rox to develop Amen Thompson. He may end up beig the best player in the draft, but I think he will just be wasted if he ended here. Rox need to get a guy with solid skills already like Wemby, Scoot, Miller, Walker etc not somebody with a fatal flaw.
I view Thompson equal to Henderson. If Amens shot is broken then so is Scoots. I value shooting highly and if the ROX miss out on the prize then I might even be willing to entertain the idea of a player like Gradey Dick if our pick falls outside of the top 3.
Eh those two players play in entirely different tiers of competition. Scoot Henderson at 17 would have been like "this league is too weak for me" if he was in Overtime Elite.