I love that answer. If he does, I will give him my ringing endorsement, which I know is very important to Alpi. Otherwise, I'm trading him for someone that can shoot. You've got 29 reg season games and hopefully a few playoff games to make it happen. Don't forget ft's, although you won't be going to the line in the playoffs.
lol. Jokic 1487 points, 634 rebs, 511 assists, 33 blocks. I'm surprised they didn't use 34 blocks as the constraint, but that would seem too obvious, I guess. The Society for the Elimination of Questionable Stats (SEQS) disapproves!
Giannis is a ballhog as he only has 245 assists. Definitely not MVP material. Seriously, though, that stat line is pretty good at showing Sengun is good at a lot of things even if he isn't great at a lot of things yet, but the way the stats are presented is so dubious.