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Alex Rodriguez - prima donna

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by CometsWin, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Does anyone have a more fragile ego than this guy? It's embarrassing.

    Manager spared Alex Rodriguez

    New York Yankees manager Joe Girardi had the team's public address announcer leave out Alex Rodriguez's name when the struggling slugger was pinch-hit for during the playoffs, according to a report on CBSSports.com.

    Announcements usually include both the pinch hitter and the player he is replacing in the lineup. But in this case, Rodriguez's name was not heard in the stadium.

    CBSSports.com said the call came when Eric Chavez pinch hit for A-Rod in Game 1 of the AL Championship Series against the Detroit Tigers, but the New York Post later reported it occurred when Raul Ibanez pinch hit for Rodriguez in Game 3 of the AL Division Series.

    Yankees general manager Brian Cashman confirmed Girardi made the call to shield Rodriguez from further embarrassment, CBSSports.com reported.

    Despite being pinch-hit for, and even benched throughout the playoffs, Rodriguez spoke positively of his manager, saying Girardi had "built up a lot of equity with him."

    Rodriguez was a mere 3-for-25 in the postseason, which ended with the Tigers sweeping the Yankees in the ALCS. He especially struggled against right-handers, going hitless in 18 at-bats with 12 strikeouts.
  2. PhiSlammaJamma

    Aug 29, 1999
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    Pre-Madonna, Post-Madonna, and the mysterious middle ground.

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