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AI President

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Rocket River, Jan 9, 2025.


The Only 2 options are: Artificial Intelligence or the Opposition - Who do you vote for President?

  1. The A.I. for President

    1 vote(s)
  2. I'd Suck it up and vote for the Opposition Party

    2 vote(s)
  1. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    "The Supreme Intelligence is an organic, computer construct,
    created by the Kree to act as their supreme leader. "

    Reminds me of something like this
    (minus the Organic part but who knows)

    We have Quantum Computers that will have incredible
    processing power.

    Rocket River
    GOATuve likes this.
  2. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    AI is a bit of a "mechanical turk" in that what you see on the outside appears very natual and human but what is going on behind the facade is very different.

    I dont see AI having an ego or personal volition that would make it want to rule the world, unless someone accidentally tells it to. The thing I would be concerned about would best be described as the HAL9000 problem, where some seemingly innocent constraints make the most logical solution to satisfy all of its programing is mass murder, or some equally horrific outcome.

    The humanness of AI is an illusion designed to make you more comfortable using it, but it isn't a person that can ignore some bad instructions or feel guily.for acting in a way that would be immoral for a human.

    Happy for a person to follow its instructions for running the country. Not intersted in giving it final say.

    Maybe in 1000 years or something. Not in my lifetime.
    Rocket River and Invisible Fan like this.
  3. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    If companies are firing workers for AI, might as well fire politicians too!

    Wait wut?

    41% of companies worldwide plan to reduce workforces by 2030 due to AI
    Artificial intelligence is coming for your job: 41% of employers intend to downsize their workforce as AI automates certain tasks, a World Economic Forum survey showed Wednesday.

    Out of hundreds of large companies surveyed around the world, 77% also said they were planning to reskill and upskill their existing workers between 2025-2030 to better work alongside AI, according to findings published in the WEF’s Future of Jobs Report. But, unlike the previous, 2023 edition, this year’s report did not say that most technologies, including AI, were expected to be “a net positive” for job numbers.

    “Advances in AI and renewable energy are reshaping the (labor) market — driving an increase in demand for many technology or specialist roles while driving a decline for others, such as graphic designers,” the WEF said in a press release ahead of its annual meeting in Davos later this month.

    Writing in the wide-ranging report, Saadia Zahidi, the forum’s managing director, highlighted the role of generative AI in reshaping industries and tasks across all sectors. The technology can create original text, images and other content in response to prompts from users.

    Postal service clerks, executive secretaries and payroll clerks are among jobs that employers expect to experience the fastest decline in numbers in coming years, whether due to the spread of AI or other trends.

    “The presence of both graphic designers and legal secretaries just outside the top 10 fastest-declining job roles, a first-time prediction not seen in previous editions of the Future of Jobs Report, may illustrate GenAI’s increasing capacity to perform knowledge work,” the report said.

    Conversely, AI skills are increasingly in demand. Close to 70% of companies are planning to hire new workers with skills to design AI tools and enhancements, and 62% intend to recruit more people with skills to better work alongside AI, according to the latest survey, conducted last year.

    Striking an optimistic note, the report said the primary impact of technologies such as generative AI on jobs might lie in their potential for “augmenting” human skills through “human-machine collaboration,” rather than in outright replacement, “particularly given the continued importance of human-centered skills.”

    However, many workers have already been replaced by AI. In recent years, some tech firms, including file storage service Dropbox and language-learning app Duolingo, have cited AI as a reason for making layoffs.

    The irony is that if they spend billions in AI only for it to go down like the dotcom bust, 40% of them would still do massive rounds of layoffs.
  4. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Let's be really serious . . . . How many years before every CEO is like this Guy:

    He is the CEO in the Original TRON who was taking his marching orders from the AI


    Let's be honest - Who is to say its not happening now

    Rocket River
  5. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Say what you want about Westworld, but a lot of the ai concepts they introduced was based off research that was starting to become possible like modeling and simulation. If the Metaverse becomes a lifelike simulation, would people want to jump in and never come back out?

    Our poor monkey brains are starting to show stress at overwhelming complexity. Something like using chatgpt to read laws or dissect news streams are more a bandaid. Might need neurallink chips in the head or some ghost in the shell brain internet to cope with progress.

    Have you watched the anime psychopass? Seems like it fits with the topic.
    #25 Invisible Fan, Jan 9, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  6. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Not yet but looking into it

    Rocket River
  7. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Overall, our ideal version of AI would be to break the world's Gordian Knots with the charisma and excellence of a thousand Alexanders when the reality is more like a Rainman who is great at counting jellybeans but is forced to count cards and wipe our asses in the form of a sexbot.

    First season is good. The rest...
    Ottomaton likes this.

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