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Agree or disagree: this is by far the most disappointing season in Rockets history

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by SuperMarioBro, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. tcadriel

    tcadriel Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Where's the poll.....lol

    But yes I agree. This is the most disappointing season is ever season as a Rockets fan.
  2. jlowe362

    jlowe362 Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    who is

    Who is the rockets gonna trade for? You know that they are going to
  3. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Im not sure I have suddenlink
  4. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Rocket River
  5. whag00

    whag00 Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    95-96 when the championship era ended. I hated that they went out with a whimper to the Sonics.

    96-97 beat the Sonics but lose to Stockton/ Jazz.
  6. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    I'd put this season as a very distant second to the '86-'87 Rockets. Despite last year's gaudy record and WCF appearance, we really weren't certain we could even get back that far again this season, much less get to the finals. It was all just wishful thinking and hopeful optimism.

    That earlier Rockets team, though. Damn...

    EVERYONE in Houston was certain those Rockets would win it all that year. The team was coming off a decent showing against the mighty Bird/McHale Celtics in the 1986 finals (after thumping the Magic/Worthy/Kareem Lakers in the WCF), we came back the next year ready to begin our Twin Towers dynasty. We were young and playoff-tested, absurdly skilled with two recent #1 picks and a #3 pick as our starting front court, with starter-caliber Jim Peterson and Cornbread Maxwell as their backups! At guards we had Allen Leavell, Mitchell Wiggins and Lou Lloyd. We were chosen by many as favorites to win it all, even with the Lakers and Celtics still at or near their peaks.

    After starting 15-17, Wiggins and Lloyd were suspended for the rest of the year for cocaine use. Sampson ended up playing about half the games that year, as his injuries started limiting his healthy availability. We finished 42-40, somehow managed to beat Portland in round one, then got bounced by the Sonics in the second round. By the next year, Sampson was toast and the team was already being dismantled.

    If you young'uns haven't read up on your Rockets history, I suggest you look over this excellent Grantland article about The Greatest Team That Never Was. It's tinman-approved!
    #46 topfive, Feb 11, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
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  7. blahblehblah

    blahblehblah Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    This is probably the least interested ive been in the Rockets since I've started following the team. The disinterest stems not just from failing to reach expectations by many to be a top 4, top 3 or even top team in the league.

    Its not even because of their 27-28 record, poor defense or coaching.

    The major reason for my disinterest, disappointment and disregard is due to the Rockets lack of effort & heart. These Rockets simply don't compete. Whether its Harden giving zero **** or effort on defense, Dwight losing his temper as well as a step or two or the rest of the team not rotating or defending in transition, these Rockets simply dont play with heart or effort.

    Thank Jebus for the Warriors, Spurs, Thunder and Raptors. The Rockets pitiful effort only makes watching the rest of the NBA much more pleasant. Whether its Currys greatness, the machine that is the Spurs, Westbrook and Durants athletic/skillfull dominance or Lowrys competitive nature/bulldrog approach... the NBA has been incredible (personally) so far.
  8. meadowlark

    meadowlark Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    I thought about that a lot, topfive, when I answered this year's team. No question that 87 team was disappointing.....but Lloyd and Wiggins largely brought it on the team themselves. Those two let us down. This year has been a total failure, in my view.

    First, the owner was responsible for the knee jerk firing of McHale and the replacement with a totally inexperienced head coach, who for-crying-out-loud was largely responsible for the team defense. I mean really, how dumb can you be? That probably will go down in history as one of the greatest management mistakes ever....certainly will in my book.

    Second, the GM missed out on Josh when we needed him and totally misjudged the value (negative) of Lawson. Granted, those were mistakes that that a lot of others may have made in the same shoes, but DM the GM was supposed to be better. He also failed colossally to manage expectations for this team.

    Third, the Harden fiasco which seems to continue to this day. He came in out of shape, he played without any enthusiasm, in short he looked like he wanted to be somewhere else.

    Fourth, D12 wasn't able to fill the void. He just is not the same D12 that he was earlier in his career...he is still an imposing center, but not a dominate player except in spurts.

    Fifth, the entire remainder of the team has under performed.

    It is 100% disappointment from the Owner to the last man on the bench.

    Wiggins and Lloyd were just two guys who let the City down...now it is 100% of the entire bunch has let everyone down.

    That was my thinking.
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  9. Victorious

    Victorious Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Totally agree. I can't remember the last time I was disgusted with a Rockets team. Nothing worst than having all the talent and underachieving. Embarrassing. Espeically how we were just in the WCF.

    T-Mac is roasted here forever for quitting in Toronto. Well these Rockets quit every other game lol
  10. JeffB

    JeffB Member

    Aug 29, 1999
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    Glad I didn't even bother with league pass this year.
  11. HorryForThree

    HorryForThree Member

    Jan 5, 2001
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    It's been a long time since we've had one this disappointing. My biggest disappointment was '97 when Stockton hit that last second 3 in game 6. I really felt if we got it to game 7 the series would have been ours and it would have been us vs. the bulls for the championship, a matchup that I really thought played to our benefit given the dream/barkley/drexler combo. Although the disappointment there had more to do with botched defense and a great shot than just the total collapse we're seeing here.
  12. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    Disagree with this.

    The team was coming off of the NBA championship series and beating the Lakers 4 games to 1 in the WCF. No one outside the organization really new Sampson's injuries from the Boston fall the previous season was lingering. Sampson did not get further injured during the finals so everyone expected Houston to be the next Dynasty along with LAL and Boston.

    Absolutely no-one expected the Rockets 86-87 to go the way it did. No one was tempering expectations because of anyones injuries. Everyone expected Houston and LAL to duke it out in the WCF again and a lot of people thought 86-87 would be Houston's year to win it all.

    86-87 is the most disappointing year for me, probably by a lot.

    At best, people around the league were considering this years Houston team the 3rd best team in the West. Most people had them 5th behind OKC and LAL as well as GSW and SA. So while I would say this season has been monumentally disappointing, I have been more disappointed.
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  13. Stardog75

    Stardog75 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    Hakeem was all but run out of town on a rail. It was amazing that Steve Patterson and Dream worked it out.
    Most disappointing season for me would be between this year and the Pippen year. The Rockets sure have had a bad run of super stars since picking up Clyde on Valentine's Day in 1995.
  14. SuperMarioBro

    SuperMarioBro Member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    But that team imploded because of Ralph Sampson's injuries and the uncertainty it brought, didn't it? It's not like everyone was healthy, but just decided they didn't care about winning anymore. I don't think that's nearly as bad, but I guess it depends what you find more frustrating.

    That makes zero sense to me... That was your plateau for them??? You realize we won 56 games *last* season, right? And that was with Dwight, Jones, and Beverley (60% of our starting lineup) out half the year. When people were healthy, we started out the season looking dominant. AND this offseason, again, we added Ty Lawson, who was in theory supposed to fix what were our two most obvious weaknesses from last year: PG and playmaking outside of Harden.
  15. Rox11

    Rox11 Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    Threads like these are so annoying! Who the heck cares at this point? move on and try to make trades...
  16. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    To me, the most disappointing season in recent history was when Yao went down after a brilliant season. I thought he was going to dominate for a long time and he and TMac would bring us a championship.

    In the more distant history, the cocaine bomb that destroyed a potential dynasty was more disappointing. Together with Sampson's demise, it stopped me from watching NBA for a while.

    This season is disappointing, no doubt. But somehow I never really like this group of players. Even when we were going deep in the playoffs last year, I was not as excited as in 2009 when we took the Lakers to 7 games.

    So this team is disappointing to an extent but kind of like seeing a teenager doing some juvenile things and shaking my head not really surprised.
  17. SuperMarioBro

    SuperMarioBro Member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    I get that to an extent. I was always proud of the Rockets for several years leading up to around the Howard era, even when they fell short for one reason or another, but it was hard for me to be proud of this latest team for quite a while...

    Then last year started to change all that. They showed heart in the playoffs, and Harden especially was starting to grow on me. He seemed genuinely interested in fixing the problems in his game, and he seemed to be growing up before our eyes... Then this season happened.
  18. SuperMarioBro

    SuperMarioBro Member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    Even if last year was a "fluke" in terms of us making the WCF (and I don't believe it was -- especially considering the injuries we dealt with), it wasn't a fluke in terms of our general regular season output. We won over 50 games the year before, too. And nearly got 50 the year before that (before we had Dwight). This is a team of PROVEN talent that just can't seem to remember how to stay motivated and play together consistently. The problem is mental, and it's definitely new to this season.
  19. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    Isn't it sad that we have stiff competition for most disappointing season in Rockets' history?

    I totally get 1987, but I wasn't there.
    I cried by the end of 1996, after losing to the Sonics in OT in game 4 of the first round.
    The Pippen year wasn't bad to me since I knew it was over after the Stockton shot, with Clyde retiring.
    And then 2009, a real gut punch when T-Mac went diagnosis hunting and declared himself out for the year. He lost me for life that year.

    By no means is Harden endearing himself to us this year, but at least the talent and health are still there where you know he's our best chance to make a run for it for the next 3-5 years. Can't give up hope on the franchise's future just because of one ridiculously disappointing, blue-balls-to-end-all-blue-balls, should-have-been-60-wins incarnation of this snakebitten franchise.

    But hey, at least we don't have the history of Phoenix! Now THAT franchise has had a disappointing last 25 years.
  20. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    I now know the reason why I turned from a Morey admirer defending him against the anti-analytics crowd to someone arguing against the Morey worshipers. It was not because I thought Morey has not done a good job. It was the fact that he got rid of all the players I liked in a few short years. He has built a team that I can't really care very much.

    I know it's not rational. But hey, who says being a sports fan is a rational thing?

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