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AfD comes in Second in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Deji McGever, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Deji McGever

    Deji McGever יליד טקסני

    Oct 12, 1999
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    Only English source I could find was the Guardian.

    I'm no expert on German politics, much less the politics of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, but I had many questions from this, and hoping one of the German ClutchFans can help me understand this.

    1. These voters that switched parties seem to be mostly from the CDU. Is this isolated to MV, or is this likely to happen in upcoming state elections as well?

    2. Is this the beginning of the end of the CDU in power, or just Merkel being the head of the party?

    3. Why is it being so poorly covered outside of the German language press? Is it political bias, a lack of interest in German politics, or something else? This seems like a pretty major story to me.

    4. Why does the German Left call the AfD "Nazis" and "Fascists" and so on when there is an actual neo-Nazi party that opposes them (and did poorer since the last election and didn't make the 5% threshold). Sure, they are a populist, nativist, right-wing party, but don't seem to be as extreme as even UKIP or Trump supporters (who I still wouldn't call those things).

    5. If the results in a national election are similar, would AfP necessarily be in a ruling coalition, and if so, what would it look like? Would the CDU see them as partners in order to prevent a left wing government?
  2. Dei

    Dei Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    1. Probably not an isolated incident. Germany as a whole has had a massive increase in anti-immigrant sentiment, esp. following the terrorist attacks.

    2. That's developing.

    3. You finally figured out how biased the media is. Congrats.

    4. Because it's a leftist, worldwide, not just the US, tactic to discredit any right-leaning group as Nazis. UKIP is barely extreme and UKIP and Trump supporters have been called Nazis plenty of times.

    5. Honestly no idea on this.

    I follow a fair amount of European news.
  3. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    Barely extreme.

    That's going to go down as one of my favorites. Sort of like barely pregnant.
  4. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    she campaigned heavily the past few weeks in her home state, and her party still came in 3rd......she is toast and will certainly lose in re-election next year for the chancellery......but on the bright side goldman will probably offer her a job
  5. Raz

    Raz Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    1. Not exactly true, they gained voters from all the other parties, even the left wings, because the protest voters see more potential here. Also, most of the other parties haven't actually lost voters, AfD mobilized a lot non-voters. The turnout of voters rised at about 10%. Eventhough Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a very rural part of Germany with low education, expect the same thing to happen in the Bundestagswahl 2017.

    2. No, CDU still will hold the majority and if Angela Merkel decides to run again for chancellor, she will remain. It's just a matter of who she cooperates with.

    3. Can't tell that.

    4. Because they are indeed Nazis and Fascists. For example a high listed candidate in MV condemned for incitement of the people, while others keep close relationships to open anti-Semits and worse. All of the higher ranked representatives have been noticed with xenophobic statements.

    5. No, because all the democratic parties refuse to collaborate with them. CDU would completely lose their credibility if they spoke with AfD. Meanwhile CDU's sister-party CSU (bavarian) aren't that far away from them. CDU would rather partner with the social democrats or the green party.

    To the non-german readers, don't get too concerned about this scum. 75% of AfD voters just voted them to express their protest. AfD is basically a group of loud, incompetent losers with no idea how this world or this country in particular works. Since they are part of the state parliaments now, it's just a matter of time until their political impotence will show-up. The fraction in my home-state Baden-Württemberg is already on the verge of breaking apart.
  6. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Likely to happen everywhere. Not correct that they mostly switched from CDU, they came from all parties.

    I want Merkel gone, but I doubt she is gone anytime soon. She will partner with anyone to stay in power.

    Don't know.

    I disagree that they are Nazis and Fascists on the whole. Yes, there are some very distasteful Nazis and Fascists in that party (which is why I would never support them), and some people who are borderline racist/nationalist, but I think that they also represent some legitimate concerns of the general population which have been ignored by an arrogant and detached political elite, led by "FDJ-Trulla" Angela Merkel, who is purely opportunistic and, in my opinion, not guided by conservative principles.

    No, they would not be in a ruling coalition. Merkel's CDU will partner with any other party (including the Greens or the far left party "Die Linke") before partnering with them.

    The blame for AfD's rise lies squarely on Merkel, in my opinion. She is an opportunistic, left-of-center politician without the West German understanding of politics who grew up in (and supported) the Communist East German regime. It would be better if there was no party to the right of the CDU, but Merkel eliminated every conservative politician from key positions in the CDU, and instead surrounded herself with ignorant sycophants such as the insufferable Peter Altmaier.

    Deji, I think I remember you understanding German?

    This is some former SPD politician from a working class background who joined AfD after 25 years in the SPD.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XjVnw2FpgTw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    As agitated as people in this country are about the George Soros funded, radical left's "political correctness" agenda, which Soros refers to as the "Open society" movement, that pales in comparison to the rage of the citizens of Europe. Of course Donald Trump and Ted Cruz fueled their campaigns on the broad-based rejection of this elitist/globalist agenda, which has been championed here in the US by our spectacularly lawless troll of a president, Barack Hussein Obama.

    This rejection of the Republican establishment came as a surprise to those people in the establishment and also to many others who rely on the establishment media and politically correct blogs as their dominant source of news. They were similarly surprised on June 23rd of this year when the citizens of the UK hoisted the middle finger to the establishment of the EU and their own national government when they voted to leave the EU.

    At this point, one might think that surely the message has to have gotten through and the devotees of the "politically correct" establishment left (and George Soros socialist/globalist Open Society movement) surely have to be aware of what is happening by now. But no. As we have seen time and again, fact and the truth are like kryptonite to these people. It is expected by them that the world and everyone in it will conform to their talking points, and under no circumstances will they modify their talking points to conform to the reality that they encounter out in the real world.

    So the establishment political elite in Europe has gone all-in with the "Political Correctness"/Open Society PC/OS) movement. These establishment politicians - heavily lobbied and funded by George Soros - have effectively thrown open their doors to all comers and are literally being overrun by unvetted immigrants, many of which have demonstrated themselves to be lawless thugs of the worst kind. Of course a number of them have also proven to be straight up terrorists.

    Nevertheless, the priorities of the PC/OS movement have been given priority across much of the EU, even over national security, law and order, economic (fiscal costs of welfare benefits, which all of these people qualify for immediately, and also jobs and wages) and other critically important domestic issues. It is not regarded as politically correct to speak candidly about certain aspects of this crisis, especially by much of the mainland European press, who are at risk of losing their jobs, having their careers destroyed and their lives ruined if they cover this story too honestly or too candidly.

    It may not be politically correct to offer this observation, but the people are pushing back in large numbers. Once again, much to the surprise of many, the UK decided to walk away from the EU. Now we are seeing the rapid decline of Angela Merkel's CDU party in Germany. The leftists are calling these people fascists, racists, etc., because that is what leftists do these days in response to anyone who dares to express ideas that deviate from those of the left's hyper-intolerant PC/OS agenda. It is who they are, it is what they do.

    The AFD is not likely to win power in Germany, but there are other countries in Europe where their sister parties could either win power, or possibly win a referendum like Brexit in the UK. If that happens in even one more EU country, the EU project is really going to start looking very shaky indeed.
  8. Deji McGever

    Deji McGever יליד טקסני

    Oct 12, 1999
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    Das stimmt.

    "Ich bin und bleibe Sozi in der AfD."

    Er spinnt. Aber jetzt habe ich mehr Fragen...

    Is this a normal thing now? To go to AfD from SPD solely because of the immigration crisis? And what's with the "comical Nazi" thing? Is that a figure of speech I'm missing?
  9. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    I think what he is trying to say is that one isn't a Nazi just because one joins a party that represents the people who feel disenfranchised.

    I know a super rich guy who supports AfD - he feels disenfranchised because he thinks all the parties currently in power have no true opposition and just take take take and persecute the rich. AfD started out as a weird mix of an economically liberal party and very patriotic/nationalist undertones. Because so many people feel like Merkel is living in a dream world, bringing in all this immigration of people from an ideological and cultural background which already causes tons of problems, but of course not in Merkel's personal world, whom can they vote for? The social democrats are actually in a coalition with Merkel. The Greens applaud her all the time. The CSU is only present in Bavaria. That doesn't leave many options for conservatives and for people who are legitimately concerned about massively increasing the number of people who are deeply anti-semitic, homophobic, have unacceptable views on women's rights, have not contributed anything to the welfare state but instead DEMAND immediate handouts, and who basically follow a crazy death cult ideology. Whom can you vote for? Merkel and her sycophants ignore legitimate concerns. The Left (SPD, Green Party) actually have this weird ideological overlap with Islamists. That only leaves either the horrible Nazi party NPD or the somewhat less distasteful AfD. The party I would support ideologically, FDP, has become largely irrelevant as they have moved themselves into a position of only being seen as a rich people's lobby, and didn't manage to fulfill ANY of their promises while in a government with Merkel.
  10. Raz

    Raz Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    Oh dear... I mean I admire his passion and believe him that he want's to help the working class, but damn... he's trivializing, generalizing, contradicting himself and using the well known disgusting propaganda to pick on foreigners. No doubt this guy is now where he belongs, with his fascist friends.

    Funny thing is, you could say almost the exact thing about AfD representatives and voters.

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