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Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Honey Bear, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    LOL. I'm not sure if Sweet lou and Bobby have ever agreed on anything, probably that water is good for you. I certainly don't agree with everything Bobby says in the D&D but at least I've never felt like he was just trolling.

    I think most people realize though that you just troll. You used to troll about how much you were a playboy and everyone else was a loser. You would grace us with your presence before returning to your threesome with two models or something. People had fun with it for a while and then lost interest and so now you have been here. Trying to push buttons more sensitive to people for attention.

    I'm honestly surprised you still post after the blatantly racist things you've said against Asian people.
  2. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    Ban religion all across the globe.

    Make the world a more peaceful place.

    Just sayin'.
  3. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Sorry to hear about your dad Ronny


    An Indiana man who pleaded guilty to setting fire to a mosque in Ohio told the judge that, prior to the arson, he had been "riled up" watching Fox News.

    On Sept. 30, Randolph Linn of St. Joseph, Ind., tried to burn down the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, The Plain Dealer previously reported. It was reported that he attempted to burn down the mosque in retaliation for attacks on U.S. embassies in the Middle East and for Muslims getting a "free pass" in the U.S. While being booked in jail, Linn reportedly said, "F**k those Muslims."

    In court on Wednesday, Linn plead guilty to the arson charge. He said that he had gotten "riled up" watching Fox News, according to the Sentinel-Tribune, and drank 45 beers in seven hours before heading to the mosque. Linn started a fire in the prayer room, northwestohio.com reported.

    “Every day you turn on the TV, you see Muslims trying to kill Americans,” he said, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. When asked whether he thinks all Muslims are terrorists, Linn reportedly responded, “I’d say most of them are.”

    Linn's viewpoints upset some in attendance at the court hearing on Wednesday.

    “And I was more sad when Judge [Jack] Zouhary asked him that, ‘Do you know any Muslims or do you know what Islam is?’” a member of the mosque told WNWO after the hearing. “And he said, ‘No, I only know what I hear on Fox News and what I hear on radio.’”

    Linn plead guilty to intentionally defacing, damaging and destroying religious real property because of the religious character of that property; using fire to commit a felony; and using and carrying a firearm to commit a crime of violence, the Albany Tribune reported. He likely faces 20 years in prison.
  4. Dubious

    Dubious Member

    Jun 18, 2001
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    Have you seen what life holds for the average Earthling? There would be six and half billion people that couldn't muster up enough will to get out of bed.
  5. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    Oh, fat people.

    Happy to sit around with their hands under their asses as Allahu Akbar #1, #2 and #3 shoot up a health facility in California. Yet another mass shooting by the confused.

    Gun control is a moot point. Bad guys get guns one way or the other. There's a black market beckoning if you ban guns.

    It is an ideological issue that some of you have the opportunity to DO SOMETHING ABOUT. But unfortunately, in a state of mental weakness, you just want to be liked. You just want that 1 muslim you know to like you. Boo hoo Shmoo Doo. Oh, I don't want to die without being loved.

    Well, if you let the hateful, intolerant rhetoric of Mohammed continue to zombiefy the people you claim to know and respect, that's much more likely to happen.

    Think big picture.

    Think big.

    The offer still stands.
  6. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Didn't your San Bernadino informants check in yet? May want to give them a call.
  7. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    I don't understand- why are you telling people to think big when you're the smallest-minded poster by far on ClutchFans? You should be telling people to think miniscule if you truly want them to be like you.
  8. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Very true. Majority of the world's peasants don't live any different that those of ancient times. Drink muddy water. Prostitute or sell off their daughters just eat to live. It's horrible I tell ya.
  9. Dubious

    Dubious Member

    Jun 18, 2001
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    Well you know, that 'certain death' thing hangs most people up. That and the "why are we here?". Also the outrageous misfortunes of pain and illness, death of loved ones and children; most people face some intolerable anguish in their lives.

    The remark was in response to the post "ban all religion", it serves a pretty big purpose when it's not abused.
    #49 Dubious, Dec 3, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  10. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    True story above , this was one of your actual dates .:rolleyes:

  11. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    Looks like this kitty has claws. It's a well known fact that Muslim women lose any sense of dignity and go sexually berserk with white men, especially white men of power. There came a time during my travels where it was formulaic, to the point I had to make excuses to get away. And mind you - unlike nook, I don't bang fatties. Very, very classy women wanting a taste of civilized ****. Ecstatic at knowing what freedom, happiness and autonomous thought was like.
  12. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    :( masturbating bear, I feel bad for those people you shake hand with, you can't control your self regardless of topic, and for Nook , he has no much of a choice to begin with ..


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