Maybe he held a magnet next to the device, whatever it is, that has the recording. I always thought it looked like an mp3 player btw. Why couldn't they upload the file on multiple devices?
For that matter, why didn't Jack play the freaking tape for CTU over his cell phone while en route? The more people who listen to the recording, the better. Hell, upload the recording to Jack's damn PDA, the most impressive piece of technology ever conceived (and possibly stolen from aliens).
Leave it in the hands of one PERSON? Why not upload it and email to CNN ASAP? They apparently have too many hours left in 24. I felt this was a weak episode. A bit illogical and predictable.
He probably made the recording look fake without destroying the evidence so it wouldn't hold up when the Attorney General hears it.
Yeah I saw it. I rewinded the tivo and looked at it. Miles had a small device with blinking red lights in the palm of his hand. He held it right next to the tape recorder. He must have demagnetized it.
They said the recording had to be in it's original form to prove it was authentic and not manufactured....maintaining the chain of evidence. Apparently their is some kihd of digital signature on it that shows it is unaltered, well, unaltered until Miles blinked it with his MP3 player (loaded with the complete Barry Manilow box set)
Freaking Miles. Jack's biggest mistake in five seasons? How do you let that tape out of your sight for any amount of time?
Thats what I was thinking when I was watching. Ive learned that you cant think TOO hard when watching this show, or you will hate yourself.
Spoiler below: Some new classic lines from none other than Chloe: "Not a Phoenix, it's a poison pill firewall. Any attempt at circumventing it and the hard drive does a cold start which point you can forget about retrieving any data." How they kept a straight face during these lines...we may never know. That was hilarious as sh*t.
great episode...I can't believe its almost over...a 2 hr season finale...WOOHOO!!! **SPOILER** Logan, Henderson, Jack...Can't believe Black Jack got shot, but hey, he'll shake it off like Audrey...Chloe is freakin' funny...Bierko taking over the sub, classic... Jack's version of justice will be seen next week...Logan is going down...
The line that cracked me up the most, well, other than the one in the preview for the finale that I won't type out, was "If he tries anything, I will kill him!" The line in the finale preview was even worse.
Why would Jack bring Henderson with him to the sub? "You know the weapons system." Just lame. He only killed everyone close to Jack. That one cannister of nerve gas was melting rubber seals earlier in an open building, but it doesn't affect a sealed sub?
or gas masks? If it's corrosive enough to eat through seals, wouldn't it be corrosive enough to be dangerous to the skin?
The best part of this episode was the look that Logan gave Mike Novik when he told him that Bierko had escaped. My wife and I both laughed when we saw it. If Logan doesn't get an Emmy for this season then he has been cheated- just a classic character.