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2022 Midterms

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Xerobull, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    This Conservative Party my ass.
    Q crazies, pedophiles, traitors, racists, liars, rapists, white collar criminals, accused felons, and stupid and sleazy women. That's what it has become.
    RayRay10, Commodore and DaDakota like this.
  2. dachuda86

    dachuda86 Member

    May 3, 2008
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    You do know that stereotypes are inaccurate? Should I assume all Dems are malatov tossing morons who support all far left visions no matter how insane? Instead of bashing a side, let's agree in this... most people mean well for the country and have different visions. Each side has extremist lunatics. And before you go saying but that side... just remember that perspective can be gained if we back up and examine the situation free of a side. Examine it as an individual free of either side.

    We, meaning everyone, needs to dial back the stereotyping a bit and focus on creating a true society of Americans. Not a divided country of political puppets.

    That said, the ad looks tacky and divisive. I doubt someone lacking self respect really needs to be in that position unless the incumbent is absolutely worse. Knowing how that position operates, and how corrupt it has been in the past, likely the dude is scum too.
    #202 dachuda86, Feb 21, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2022
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  3. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Dude, I am talking about specific politicians in the GOP. I can provide names for every category I listed. Most are already in office. I wasn't talking about the people who vote for them. I would hope decent people realize that party isn't what it once was before Trump and his bootlickers ruined it.

    Oh, by the way, Molotov throwing thugs could be anyone, just like the thugs toting guns and killing others. Exception would be those following orders and carrying out violence for the Party they wave flags for, like Trump's Patriots at the Capitol. They were no doubt Republicans.
    #203 deb4rockets, Feb 22, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2022
    Andre0087, RayRay10 and Deckard like this.
  4. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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  5. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
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    Sep 18, 2008
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    Mitch McConnel said there won't be any new GOP legislative agenda ahead of 2022.

    Rick Scott disagree.


    Senate Republican leaders have no plans to release an alternative agenda as they try to win back the majority this fall. So Rick Scott is pursuing his own plan.

    The Florida Republican senator is devising a conservative blueprint for Republicans to enact should they win Senate and House majorities this fall. Among Scott’s priorities: completing the border wall and naming it after former President Donald Trump, declaring “there are two genders,” ending any reference to ethnicity on government forms and limiting most federal government workers — including members of Congress — to 12 years of service.

    It’s a bold move for the first-term senator and National Republican Senatorial Committee chair. But Scott said the 31-page GOP agenda he’s crafted is separate from his work chairing the party’s campaign arm, adding that it’s “important to tell people what we’re gonna do.” It’s a clear break from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has declined to release a GOP agenda heading into the midterms.

    “Hopefully, by doing this, we’ll have more of a conversation about what Republicans are going to get done. Because when we get the majority, I want to get something done,” Scott said in an interview. “There’s things that people would rather not talk about. I’m willing to say exactly what I’m going to do. I think it’s fair to the voter.”

    The 11-point plan is a mix of longtime Republican positions, such as enacting a national voter ID law and shrinking the federal government, combined with culture war politics that define many GOP voters in the pro-Trump wing of the party. Scott said no one should be surprised that he’s devising his own plans, given his past record.

    And the plans carry some risk. It’s not at all clear that the GOP would unify around Scott’s proposals, which include many ideas that would struggle to attract Democratic support, could alienate some independent voters and could even split the GOP. Scott acknowledged as much in introducing his priorities, arguing they may “strike fear in the heart of some Republicans.”

    Perhaps even more notable than the plans themselves is that Scott is taking a big gamble just as he enters the most high-profile stretch of his political career. It’s not every day the NRSC chair introduces a policy platform.

    Though he comes across as soft-spoken and low-key in person, Scott has thrown himself with zeal into GOP controversy. Most notably, Scott objected last year to certification of President Joe Biden’s win in Pennsylvania. And last week he stymied quick consideration of an overwhelmingly bipartisan postal reform bill.

    Scott will be one of the most visible Republicans as he leads the push to take back the majority, and he’s offering a marked contrast from McConnell. When asked in January what the party’s agenda was, McConnell responded: “I’ll let you know when we take it back.”

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy also plans to release his own agenda in the coming weeks. And while Scott did not criticize McConnell and said he maintains “a very good working relationship” with the GOP leader, he clearly believes there is a void to fill in the battle for the upper chamber.

    “As a general rule, you know, probably this year’s election is going to be a lot about the Biden agenda. But I do believe we’re going to win,” Scott said. “We ought to have a plan and what we’re trying to get done when we get the majority.”

    It’s the type of move that ambitious politicians might make as they mull a presidential run. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), for example, pitched a number of policy prescriptions as he prepared to seek the presidency in 2016.

    Scott was emphatic that he is not setting up a presidential run with his agenda: “I’m not. So, I’m doing it because I’m a business guy and I believe in plans.” Scott’s term is up in 2024.

    McConnell believes the best way to gain one Senate seat or more, thereby flipping control of the chamber, is to make the election a referendum on Biden. Democrats say the GOP is handing them an easy electoral lane by not putting forward an alternative vision, and Scott is moving to fill that vacuum.

    “We’re running right now against the Republican Party. And I think Mitch McConnell is quoted saying they aren’t running on any agenda whatsoever,” said Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Gary Peters (D-Mich.) in a recent interview. “So, if you’re not running on an agenda, you’re not offering anything for the future, for the people in the country.”

    Scott envisions the GOP rallying around making sure the government “never” asks citizens their race or ethnicity, shrinking the federal government and requiring that all legislation expire after five years. He wants to hammer critical race theory, lean into traditional gender politics and ensure kids stand for the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools.

    “They’ve made all of our Founding Fathers out to be evil racists. They weren’t,” Scott said of Democrats. “It’s wrong that men are playing in women’s sports. It’s what I believe.”

    Scott, like others in his party, is criticizing organizations such as the NCAA, which allow transgender women to compete in women’s categories for the Olympics and college-level sports.

    Though Scott acknowledges that his plan is sure to generate controversy, he also preemptively argues that none of his points should be a big deal.

    “This is what people think, by the way,” he said. “If you talk to a normal, non-woke family, this is what they think.”
    RayRay10 and FranchiseBlade like this.
  6. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!

    Jun 18, 2003
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    I just voted.
  7. dachuda86

    dachuda86 Member

    May 3, 2008
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    Eh no hate to you brother. Just sayin we can agree on some things. Def. that ad is tacky as hell and I don't want to vote for her no matter what letter she holds.

    You don't like the ppl on Jan 6 I know, but I didn't see near the level of distruction or violence displayed in the year prior by far left groups, and not the whole groups, obv the extremist elements, which are known to use fire/moltovs. It's no secret. But I don't make statements lumping them all together, or at least I try not to. I got you wrong I guess bc it sounded kinda stereotypical but it's not a big deal man. I get what you mean.

    Anyways I bet if we could actually sit down and talk face to face, we'd agree on a lot of things. Like the extremist elements, should be ostracized. Specifically violent ones. No matter party or creed. Jan 6 I don't agree was what ppl say it was, but I don't approve of people marching on the capitol and doing what they are accused of doing. I contend that many were not there to overthrow things. Should they be, and such a thing proven in a fair court, I would of course say punish them within the law.
    #207 dachuda86, Feb 23, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
  8. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    You can't call violent thugs stealing tvs and shoes and breaking windows and burning cars leftists or Biden supporters either. They weren't carrying Biden flags and wearing Biden hats. These were people were typical criminals and thugs. They weren't the ones protesting police violence, injustice, and people being killed with no justice. They knew the police were so focused on the protests they took advantage of the situation. Even if some came out of that crowd there will always be people like that in a crowd.

    That's completely different than hundreds of people wearing MAGA hats and waving Trump flags taking his marching orders and storming the Capitol. That was political. That was to overturn the election and put Trump back in office like the power hungry Dictator Putin wannabe he is. Trump is an evil man. Make no mistake about it. He eats his own to get what he wants.
    #208 deb4rockets, Feb 24, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
    RayRay10 likes this.
  9. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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  10. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Shows how little you know about economics and supply and demand. Hell, everyone was dying, out of work and in lockdown when Trump was in office.
    Xerobull, justtxyank and RayRay10 like this.
  11. Rileydog

    Rileydog Contributing Member

    May 24, 2002
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    when one’s views are boiled down to idiotic cartoons, substantive topics like supply and demand need not apply
  12. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    She is a horrible candidate for public office.

    She's not even better than the other horrible candidate for Railroad Commission she's running against. So...

    I would love for you, @Commodore, to tell me the ins and outs of what the RRC actually does, and the pros and cons of both candidates, since this issue obviously affects you so personally.
    RayRay10 and Commodore like this.
  13. Commodore

    Commodore Contributing Member

    Dec 15, 2007
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    No clue what RRC does other than they have domain over oil and gas production, but she wants to drill baby drill, and she's hot, so she has my vote (unless she opposes bitcoin mining).
  14. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    The war in the Ukraine will shape the 2022 election cycle.....if only for taking the Russian money away from the GOP.

    Blatz likes this.
  15. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Drill baby drill just caused the worst oil bust since the 80s. Hundreds of thousands of oil and gas workers lost their jobs from 2018-2020.

    But sure.
    Andre0087, RayRay10 and Commodore like this.
  16. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!

    Jun 18, 2003
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    Invisible Fan, RayRay10 and Commodore like this.
  17. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I'm reading this article where they interview candidates for RRC: TX Republican railroad commissioner candidates in primary | Fort Worth Star-Telegram

    These are my impressions. But note I go into this election having had to watch hours of Wayne Christian conduct himself at RRC open meetings by Zoom, and my first mission is to see him gone.

    Wayne Christian: Actually has experience as a commissioner. But if you look up regulatory capture in the dictionary, it has his portrait. Spends most of his comments on opposing renewables.

    Dawayne Tipton: I actually really like this guy. He seems to suffer a little from being an engineer and not knowing so much about economics or public policy. But he also has humility and is unafraid in the interview to say when he thinks he'd need to learn more. He has the unguardedness of a non-politician and I appreciate his sincerity. He'd probably get eaten alive in politics.

    Sarah Stogner: She's not so bad either. Even more than Tipton, I think she sees things about the industry she wants to change to protect people, which I appreciate. But also more than Tipton, she seems to have opinions on things she doesn't really know about (like challenges to the electric grid). Of course, if elected she'd get a crash course.

    Tom Slocum: Dude is an idiot. Characterizing the securitization bill as a tax from which he would protect Texans when he's in charge, totally not understanding that (1) securitization was just making the best of a bad situation and (2) the RRC had no power to protect Texans from the massive wealth transfer to oil and gas companies perpetrated during Uri. He's also a blowhard, dropping tons of yeehaw libertarian idealism instead of thoughtful policy. He talks about fighting the liberals 3 times in a short interview. He's a mini-Wayne Christian.

    Marvin Summers: Not interviewed because he died recently. He'll be on the ballot, and maybe it'd be easier for the Democrat to win in the general if his Republican opponent is actually dead. Who am I kidding-- Democrats can't win statewide elections!

    Given the options and my somewhat limited research, I think I actually like Sarah Stogner best.
    Xerobull, jiggyfly and Kim like this.
  18. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    And then you remember... its Georgia...

  19. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I'm actually surprised it's that close this far out, don't think Walker will do anything to build on those numbers, but he can definitely do some stupid stuff to decrease those numbers.
    Andre0087 likes this.
  20. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Contributing Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    GA is still a red state. It just shows you how much of an epic fail Trump was that he dragged down the Republican ticket there.

    That said I agree that Walker can still hurt himself.
    jiggyfly likes this.

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