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Poll Results: San Antonio vs. Miami
Members who voted for 'Spurs in 7'
- Space Ghost
- No Worries
- buckaroo
- treeman
- Rockets2K
- Cold Hard
- across110thstreet
- solid
- Lar
- sydmill
- tie22fighter
- Tommyboy
- siamesedreamer
- Raven
- B-Bob
- ScriboErgoSum
- deadlybulb
- Mr. Clutch
- dandorotik
- OmegaSupreme
- Pimphand24
- Luckyazn
- WestendMassive
- plcmts17
- yakitori
- durvasa
- duluth111222
- brantonli24
- Kwame
- kaocsaephan
- sw847
- AstroMechPLZ
- Classic
- mcgrady33090
- DreaMac
- Lurch
- hoodooslab
- J.R.
- Dtx
- underrated015
- arabrocket
- bcast89
- trigun333
- ommy48
- Cokebabies
- CDrex
- jsonic6
- Ricksmith
- VanityHalfBlack
- jvu
- Someguy1229
- mpeters
- Richie_Rich
- scottie brooks
- mfastx
- jim1961
- TheresTheDagger
- Rox_Mayhem
- platypus
- dwade2350
- PrawnJ
- New Generation
- Fawkward
- Krizzle
- Linsanity
- dkamberi25
- LHSPanther62
- torocan
- NotChandlerParsons
- ada32
- Jake Tower
- myckan
- Yang_Wenli
- apcgamb24
- verysimplejason
- Nick_713
- psyman
- Neped
- Houstunna
- Clarinetmonster
- koko2328
- Beverine
- Shoe
- ginia1110
- vneuro
87 total votes.