Papa3Kolau has been a great addition. One of my favorites players to watch this year without a doubt.
I hope Pap get the reins to create this game. He should do a number on Philly if allowed to fully express himself.
...well I got this response from ESPN's David Thorpe on today's chat. Not as in depth as I would like, but I suppose the fact he agrees is a good sign.
Is Kostas Papa-Nick the Greek Vassilis Spanoulis? AKA the black Tracy McGrady ???! AKA the pitcher for the Sugarland SKeeters!!?
Glad you could join us! KP is quickly becoming one of my favorite players on the Rockets, so any insight or background on the guy from someone who's followed him in Europe is very welcome. -
Had that same question. Was thinking since it was bspn... They'd only list players drafted this year. I could be wrong, and they actually put someone knowledgable to do it.
Food for thought... Papa has shown that he is a good fit for both Howard and DMo. Wonder if it would be the same with TJ.
Very good post from my OLY brother DELIS.. on board with everything he said specialy the part about PAP having the right attitude beeing humble hungry and team everything and foremost.. i remember reading in one of PAP earliest posts as a rocket, training less then a week with the team saying that its a very different experience from what he was used back in Europe where coaching staff permanently had to convince players that it's important to train and eat right ,always on the lookout for guys who loved to cut corners and then that u got the Rockets where they take care of everything for you and the only think u have to worry about is to take advantage of the state of the art facilities and the coaching team that will help u train for as long as u want basically saying it's all up to the individual otherwise there is always the next guy who maybe wants it more.. i remember PAP beeing fascinated that they gave him a key card to some indoors training facility he could use 24/7 to get in to so he could be able to train even outside of training sessions..I have no doubt PAP will succeed he just wants it to bad and is willing to work for too.. shame spanoulis wasn't cut from the same cloth.....
I read it on a greek site called but its in greek obviously..looked it up for you thow and if you put into google Kostas Papanikolaou Blog:Entry 1you get to see the entry he made translated in english..look it up ,he also talks about a canon!! that passes the bballs to him so he can keep on shooting alone all day and all night long, he sounds like a kid in a candyshop full of excitment but then it is a shock to the system playing in arenas like the Toyota Center or any Center around the league traveling in a ROCKETS owned jumbo staying in the best hotels with their own room each,wich is a far cry from Europe where players bunk in pairs, travel buisness class with commercial airlines sometimes even busses when distance allowing and the gyms they sometimes playing in are just that,highschool level Gyms,not adding the Euroleague into the mix.. How is it possible to NOT feel like rockstars complete with entourage.....
Cool bruh, will rep when I'm on the pc. I enjoy reading about culture shocks of players new to the NBA.
He may feel like a kid right now, but in 2-3 months, he's going to be dead tired with the ridiculous 82 game schedule and realize there's a reason for the private jet and luxury hotels. I hope when he hits the rookie wall, he'll push past it and get his 2nd wind.
Kostas' 1st blog entry This has been posted in the earlier pages of this thread. He also has a 2nd blog post in Greek, but not available on We just used google translate.
The link to Papa's 2nd blog entry is in this post