So things people need like healthcare and college loans = gifts, but things certain people want like tax cuts, tax breaks, removal of environmental restrictions, eliminating minimum wage, naval contracts for his friend, etc ≠ gifts.
He's tight with Morey. And people, please ignore the obvious troll attempt to bring race back into this.
I see he is a Texas Agricultural & Mechanical University Fighting Texas Aggie - this establishes his conservative bona fides for me. Thank you for posting.
Right? Romney gets a bailout, makes cash off the auto-industry rescue, and reaps the insane benefits from a super low tax rate for the freakishly rich. And yet, it's those uninsured folks making minimum wage that got all the gifts... Maddening that dummies fall for this crap.
too bad it's true When the electorate votes for somebody in exchange for government assistance (healthcare till you're 26, amnesty for illegally entering the country, cell phones, etc), eventually the country will go bankrupt. Just look at our friends in Europe
Health care til you're 26: where is the government assistance here? You should learn the issues before you discuss them. Amnesty: Reagan is the only President to have provided amnesty. Cell phones: Program started by Reagan, expanded to include cell phones by Bush. I take this all to mean you're opposed to GOP leadership.
Mr Obama's approval soars after election! In U.S., Views of Obama, Democrats Improve After Election Mr Obama at 58% approval.
I'd imagine that - fully trusting Fox News and the "poll-unskewers" - bigtexxx did not follow his own advice, was left quite vulnerable, and therefore did not adequately prepare his own anus. Butthurt? Affirmative!
Judging by that pic, does not look like he is taking the loss too well. Spotted at a screening of "Twilight- Breaking Down 2".