200. You baked Calivin Murphy cookies but you got so drunk at the game you ate 'em yourself. ------------------
rocketbooster rox! I dedicate my 5000th post to him and Vengeance! 201. In an attempt to get invited to one of those Cuttino Mobley's pre-game meals at his mother's house, you took the milk route in her neighborhood to win her over, but you kept drinking her milk after eating all Calvin Murphy's brownie's the night before... and it just never worked out.
202. you're going to go to you're local community criminal justice college and become a police officer so you'll be able to pull over Bill Kennedy, when he's a referee for a game in Houston, and b**** slap him with your night stick. ------------------ [This message has been edited by ROCKETBOOSTER (edited March 31, 2001).]
203. You come to work after another 20 rebound game by Moses Malone throwing elbows in the elevators to keep people off the floor board, to protect your floor.
204. On the Mav's board you make fun of Steve Nash's and his mop because he had the nerve to affront Francis and Norris while in a game superintended by refs, crowds, n' coaches. ------------------
A couple of quick remarks: 79- The rockets memory mix is the only song on my MP3 player it just keeps playing again and again 80- My color scheme is the rockets retro colors, my background is always one of the ones from the clutch wallpaper gallery, the my computer icon is the old rockets logo, the my documents logo is the new rockets logo, and the network neighborhood logo is the rocket ship. I am going to change the screen that says windows is loading to a rockets logo or something as soon as I remember how to. 139- I still cry over that everyday Ok now here are a couple of mine: 205. You go to a rockets game on the road and taunt the mascot because they are loosing to the rockets and when he sprays silly string at you, you pick it up and through it right back at him (take that you damn hornet) 206. Your liscence plate as something to do with the rockets 207. You care more about your post count then your grades 208. Everyone at school knows it's your computer with out even checking because your screensaver is a rockets logo (well what else could i make it? ) ------------------ ~John~ If you make it idiot proof, they will make a better idiot.
209. You room is painted in the old rockets colors ------------------ ~John~ If you make it idiot proof, they will make a better idiot.
210. You have a birdhouse with a rockets logo painted on it. ------------------ ~John~ If you make it idiot proof, they will make a better idiot.
211. You still have the tiny photos you took when the Rockets arrived at IAH from the 1986 finals...of the 24 photos, the best one is of the top of Jim Petersen's head from 150 feet away. 212. You still have the t-shirt that was a replica of the Chronicle's "Clutch City" headline...and refuse to wear it or tear the tags off, because the t-shirt is just that special. 213. Despite a new job which you would lose for going away during busy season, a mortgage and new car to pay for, plus a new marriage, you consider risking it all to fly to Houston to take in the last game with the rest of the Clutch City groupies. [This message has been edited by Redglare (edited March 31, 2001).]
214. You change your signature from "If you make it idiot proof, they will make a better idiot." to "If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot." 215. Your 2 trash cans are rockets ones, one with the new logo, the other with the old logo. 216. You skip your high school prom to watch a rockets playoff game (havent done it, but I would definatly thing about it) ------------------ ~John~ If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot. [This message has been edited by Johny Rocket (edited March 31, 2001).]
216. You watch the game versus the Wizards. ------------------ Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon is the greatest player in the history of basketball. If you disagree, you are not a Rocket fan.
218. You visited your grandparents in NYC during the summer of '94 and only wore rockets shirts and had a huge grin on your face when ever you walked by a guy wearing a knicks jersey ------------------ ~John~ If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot. [This message has been edited by Johny Rocket (edited March 31, 2001).]
218. (almost forgot!) You consider not going to get your diploma from the Masters program because the Rockets are in the middle of coming back against the Suns in the 95 playoffs. [This message has been edited by Redglare (edited March 31, 2001).]
220. You buy ticket stubs of great rockets games on ebay just so you can say you were there ------------------ ~John~ If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot.
221. Somebody offers you a mj autographed card for an Hakeem Olajuwon card and you just laugh at him ------------------ ~John~ If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot.
222. You go around the web looking for other teams sites so that you can say how much better the rockets are then their team. ------------------ ~John~ If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot.
223. You limit your college search to colleges with in driving distance of houston so you can get season tickets ------------------ ~John~ If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot.
224. The clerk at the rockets shop looks at you like you are an idiot because you run up a $350 bill. (what it was my first time back to Houston in 3 years and I had out grown most of my rockets shirts) ------------------ ~John~ If you make it Karl Malone proof, they will make a better idiot. [This message has been edited by Johny Rocket (edited March 31, 2001).]
224. You've ever mooned the opposing team's bus with "Go Rockets" scrawled across your pasty ass. ------------------ Founder and President of the Houston Homers Club(HHC) - Are you a homer? Join now! The Rockets will be NBA champions. Believe.