84. Your college thesis was about Rudy's isos. 85. You've dated Lisa Malosky so you could get close to the Rockets. ------------------ Ceo of the Walt Williams fan club. Web site coming soon atheistalliance.org
86. You think Bill and Calvin should be on NBC every weekend doing the national games. 87. Every time you hear Greg Gumbles voice, it sounds like he's saying "and John Stockton has sent the Utah Jazz to the NBA finals"...and then you can't stand it anymore so you change the channel. 88. You actually tell people that you have Clutch's, the mascot, autograph. ------------------ "Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." - Vince Lombardi
89. When you met Whoopi Goldberg you asked her "What was it like to work with Walt Williams and Pig Miller in the movie Eddie". ------------------ Ceo of the Walt Williams fan club. Web site coming soon atheistalliance.org [This message has been edited by DEANBCURTIS (edited January 14, 2001).]
90. You remember the classic film "Heaven is a Playground" for Hakeem Olajuwon's amazing acting ability. ------------------
91. You bought 200 pairs of the Hakeem Olajuwon shoes so that you wear them forever. 92. You think Rodrick Rhodes was a future star who never got his chance. 93. You bid to name the new arena after yourself. 94. You always play as the Rockets in NBA Live ------------------ "Any answer that can't be questioned is no answer at all. It's gibberish. It's the jabbering of startled monkeys flinging dung at the moon" -- Scott Christensen -- www.ewav.com
ETONICS,had a pair myself,too bad all I have to remember them by is the shoe box ------------------ Now chew through my ball sack
95)You still get pissed whenyou think about the trades that sent away Sam Cassell, Rodrick Rhoades, and Tracy Murray!! 96) You would rather talk to the players than go out with the power dancers! 97)You are saving money to put out a contract on Karl-whineybaby Malone ------------------ no sig here
98. You honestly believe that Scottie Pippen is the spawn of the male and female personifications of satan, Stockton & Malone (you decide which is which). ------------------
99. You actually remember Sedale Threatt and the half season or so he spent with the Rockets. 100. You think Charles Jones was the greatest shotblocker coming off the bench...and that he retired too early. YIPEEEE! #100! ------------------ "Steve is good. Steve is real good." -- Cleveland's rookie point guard Andre Miller on Rocket rookie point Steve Francis
But Rodrick is a future star who never got his chance. Damn you Sam Mack for signing with the Warriors at least we would have SOMETHING to show for that trade. ------------------ President of the Charles Barkley fan club...Oh he retired? When?
101. You still have an unopened bottle of the Hakeem Olajuwon water (anyone remember this?) 102. You've read "Living the Dream" 10 times and it always gets you when he talks about the championships 103. You maintain that Rudy Tomjonavich is a better coach than that overhyped Phil Jackson. 104. Your fantasy basketball team includes ONLY Rockets players. ------------------ "Any answer that can't be questioned is no answer at all. It's gibberish. It's the jabbering of startled monkeys flinging dung at the moon" -- Scott Christensen -- www.ewav.com
I know this is off topic but how did we lose Rhodes? I forgot, someone enlighten me please. ------------------ "I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where's Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less." -Marion Barry, Mayor of Washington, DC
Vengeance: Rudy T may actually be a better coach than Phil. First of all, Phil has always had the best player in the league on his team (MJ or Shaq). The offense which he is given credit for was designed and implemented by one of his assistants. And he obviously isn't that good at keeping egos in check if he can't handle the situation occuring now. ------------------
SFR -- oh, I do think that Rudy T is a better coach . . . but try arguing that to anyone but rocket fans and you'll get nowhere. ------------------ "Any answer that can't be questioned is no answer at all. It's gibberish. It's the jabbering of startled monkeys flinging dung at the moon" -- Scott Christensen -- www.ewav.com
105. If you were once the president of the Pete Chillcut(Chilly Pete) fan club. ------------------ [This message has been edited by ROCKETBOOSTER (edited January 17, 2001).]
106) You enlighten Geek Mobster with Rocket wisdom by reminding him that Rodrick Rhodes was traded to Vancouver for Sam Mack. ------------------ [This message has been edited by ROCKETBOOSTER (edited January 17, 2001).]
107. You brag to everyone that you knew what was going down with Dream before it happened (thx Clutch). ------------------ "Any answer that can't be questioned is no answer at all. It's gibberish. It's the jabbering of startled monkeys flinging dung at the moon" -- Scott Christensen -- www.ewav.com
108. You take your car to Dream & Bros. Car Wash on San Felipe just in case Dream is working that day! 109. You know what fockass means. 110. Even though you have nosebleed seats when you go to a game, you still act like you have the best seat in the house! ------------------ The Psychedelic Groove House of Rockets Basketball Love! Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten. -Cree Indian Prophecy *** THIS SPACE FOR LEASE ***
111. you trade a ticket to Whistler, British Columbia(the best skiing in the world) in for its worth in Rockets tickets ------------------ President of the Charles Barkley fan club...Oh he retired? When?
112. You still have the painted back window (a bit faded) on your car/truck from the two times we won the championships!! 113. You don't wear the t-shirts you bought from the two championships, so that they'll keep their collectors value. ------------------ [This message has been edited by rockHEAD (edited July 15, 2001).]